I'm out Veeky Forums. Just cashed out my December gains for a 12% loss overall

I'm out Veeky Forums. Just cashed out my December gains for a 12% loss overall.

You may be fine with losing all your money in the bear market, but I'm not. Good luck. I thought we could get rich this quarter but it ain't happening. Normies fucking hate crypto and all the believers are just hodling like yourselves.

typical virgin twitch trader

HOLD like us chads and you'll be fine

Are you serious or just new to crypto?
We've witnessed far worse crashes before.

fucking pussy, kill yourself

OP are you actually retarded?


buy high, sell low: the Veeky Forums way

Good riddance

you are suppose to buy when there is blood in the streets

This is literally losing almost 50% of its value in a month
When have we seen worse crashes?

its ok not everybody is built to be a winner. enjoy your wagie life fag

Last July and many other times, newfag. Just give up you aren't going to make it

12% loss is better than 99% loss like most of Veeky Forums will end up taking

delusional holder faggots, riddle me this, if you really think this dip is going to rebound, why don't you sell and then re-buy in at the bottom of the dip? or even more, short the dip and also buy the bottom? because you don't like, in your view of the world, free money?
oh, because you're just going on blind faith that things will somehow work out in a few months?

> Last july

Good riddance

BTC has had 4 major corrections so far, holy shit you are a brainlet.



can you not open your eyes moron? Look at the dip in July

I bet you already regreat It because that was the very bottom

>delusional holder faggots, riddle me this, if you really think this dip is going to rebound, why don't you sell and then re-buy in at the bottom of the dip? or even more, short the dip and also buy the bottom? because you don't like, in your view of the world, free money?
>oh, because you're just going on blind faith that things will somehow work out in a few months?
Why would anyone sell if they know this is just a bump in the road?

>Oh you believe in crupto?
>Then you should sell it
Fucking retard

That insignificant thing is equal to the big ass fucking dip we have going on in 2018?
That was like 400 dollars dip I think. From 2.3k to 1.9
That's nowhere near the current 40 or so percent drop and it keeps dropping

big if huge

How about the time btc went from 5k to 3k in a day?

Fucking newfag of the highest order.


If this.. is a bump... in the road...

let me tell u a little story. if you have 10 btc worth 10k now, you sell at 10k, you then have 100k usd. when btc goes down to 5k, with the 'bump in the road' dip, you buy btc with that 100k usd worth of btc. you then have 20 btc. when btc goes back up to 10k, you now have 200k usd worth of bitcoin and double your original bitcoin amount and are still long. COMPRENDE?

Now THAT was a fantastic day. I never thought thoughts of suicide could so liberating.

You dont deserve crypto gains. You wont be missed.

You have such great insight into the future movements of the market
I bet you're as rich as Bezos

delightfully ironic since you're LITERALLY the one predicting that this is a 'bump in the road' and that it will inevitably rebound, right? YA DUMB WANKAH!

Long term trend is up
that is all that matters
Unless you have AIDS and are dying before the end of the year, you cock smoking faggot

Are you fucking retarded?
Q2 is around the corner and you just lost by selling out.
This is literally selling low and buying high.

>But I couldn't afford to take a loss like that
So don't fuck with money you can't afford to lose.
>I don't like seeing red numbers
Eat a tide pod
Go into a near death coma
Be brought back in a few months
By the time you can walk again you will be positive or you fell for a pajeetcoin

BTC dropped over 90% in its early days it Spiked up from $1.00 to $30.00 then immedietly nose dived to $2.00 This was in the very early days of crypto too when this shit was still just a steam punk anarchist libertarian fuck show on the deep web. We didn't have any media attention like 95% of the people in the community were doubt full it was going to ever crack $10. Wallets were close to none existent. Exchanges were EXTREMELY risky. It was a fuck show then a fucking 90+ percent crash came in.

Do you know how fucking scary that crash was. It was the nuclear holocaust of crypto.
This "Crash" we're having right now is fucking nothing.

Where do you think the term "HODL" came from. do you think it came from holding through moon missions making 90% gains all day while skipping through corn feilds singing songs while holding hands? No you fucking newfag it came from brutal horrific nightmare scenario crashes that would cause mass hysteria if it happened in the traditional stock market. If shit like this scares you then maybe you should just fuck around with traditional stocks.

because I never know for sure where the bottom is and i'm more likely to miss it and have to buy back higher, and because I'm still wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up on my original investment which I've already cashed out several times over


>eat a tide pod

When you an hero, be sure to stream it so we can all laugh at you