
>No Ethereum thread
Ethereum thread.
Prediction for the price at the end of the year: 8700$

1.0 ratio


how do you guys not see how big ethereum is going to be.. i poured my life savings into in september/october.

who are you even writing to

I think its going to stagnate at 900 maybe 1300.
I do think its going to follow btc patern now cause people gonna play it safe now.

end of year 300$

Anywhere between 2k and 8k

eth is the new king, just hearing that little autistic cunt vitalik speak makes me believe

it needs 2k to flip and when that happens itll go to 3k

2k in summer->flip->5k 2019



What are the chances of us dropping below $1k again today? I was gunning for $900 and it didn't happen.

Definitely going to 25k by end of year. Used all of my student loans on this

The worst is over. Americans went to bed. Its European peak hours now

It’s basically made a full recovery already so chances are not good imo

It’s 2:30 in the afternoon

Learn your timezones dumb amerifat

3-5k conservative by mid year

the flippenening is happening this year and it will result in a massive normie fomo into ethereum the likes of which we have just seen with bitcoin

>Americans are sleeping
>4:30pm EST

Thanks for the ANALysis Sanjay!


Are you retarded?

>Americans went to bed.
at 4:40pm on the east coast and 1:40pm on the west coast?

this damage control

its 9PM in Britain. Most of us are about to go to bed but not before we all buy the dip. Americans already did their panic sell and now they're going to work since its 9 AM as US is on the other side of the world so its the opposite time zone. Just go look at your clocks idiot.

Long Live the Queen!

I honestly want to say $10,000, $5000 absolute minimum

eternal Anglo strikes again

It is better than this. The flippening provides normies with a rationalisation of why bitcoin fell that is understandable and rational. This makes crypto seem reasonable.

Everyone forgets Ak and Hi.

I want to buy a coin but the volatility is too intense. I feel like it can drop to 800-900 anytime.


i'm betting on a 5 tril overall marketcap with ETH at 30% dominance. screencap this

I like this guy.

>doesn't understand a joke

We will not be manipulating ETH prices further. I suggest you rebuy into Bitcoin and sell at 9k tomorrow.

We have planned it all,

>We will not be manipulating ETH prices further.

I pray to Skelly God that once ETH claims its rightful throne, OMG will be right next by its side as its loyal financial minister.

12000 or gtfo

You think I'm 10 months eth will do a 8x? Must be fucking kidding

Agree this

I know, Im sorry, beggars are not allowed here, but i would really appreciate it.

Could someone send me 0.01 ETH? I have 0.017 and ED needs 0.025 to be able to withdraw from the smart contract to my wallet. Im dry on funds right now.

my address

as a thank you, heres a beautiful picture for you gentlemen.



how can you predict ETH, pajeETH ?

above 5k
it should be ~1700 usd soon
so 5k eoy sounds resonable

By being a god.

Fuck this coin.



Can we talk about the actual tech for a minute?

What are some actually interesting dApps in development?

bought 150 of them and i have no idea what a dApp is or a smart contract for that matter

I can almost guarantee it will be 300+ dollars


cmon boys, i miscalculated a bit and fucked up. will send back 0.05

still the same address

>the price at the end of the year: 8700$
based on what?

$15-20k people believe it's the next bitcoin, it's gonna repeat bitcoin's run

into the TRILLION DOLLAR CLUB babne!

When's Casper?

the effort this pajeet is putting in to scam 0.01 holy fuck how poor are u

Would now be a good time to swap my BTC stash for ETH? Or do I wait for BTC to rebound?

Altcoins need not respond.

I mean obviously as someone all in ETH I'd suggest you do it now. I sure as hell wouldn't sell all my ETH and buy BTC with it right now because I believe in the flippening. Might end up good short term though, who knows.

If/when BTC rebounds, ETH will too. You won't make any gains by waiting.

Eth is the only coin i never sell. Its the only coin i dont consider a shitcoin.


15,000 eoy but it will be No.2 still this year Bitcoin will be no.1 140k eoy

>posting screenshots from your anime chatroom

Eth will be 42 USD at the end of the year
Bitcoin will be 870 USD

Eat shit you fucking slackjaw