If you are white please do not commit suicide

I know most of you are joking/attention seeking. But please understand your brothers are here for you no matter what. You are a part of a greater family and money is not your measure of value in it but your honor and character.
Please consider getting help if it is too difficult to see. You are living under occupation, but soon when you throw the chains off your life will be filled with meaning an purpose as we fight for our ethnostates. No more white suicide. Money is not everything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sieg Heil brother, you are right. God bless you.

>muh special brand of socialism
>money is not everything
Fuck off you leftist cancer.

The white race is dead and all but a meme now

you blew it

That being said, tell yourselves what you need to in order to preserve your mental stability. We superiors possess the compassion and humanity that was absent during your rule, and will treat you with due respect.

Thanks brother, sieg heil.


Your genes won't survive either way, so might as well go quick and easy

>The people that ended the slave trade are the ones who lack compassion
>The ones who still practice slavery in Africa and ME are the ones who have compassion.
>White westerners literally paying for other races who can't survive on their own to thrive and come to their countries is lacking compassion

Compassion is not something whites lack, that's their weakness you fucking troglodyte. Subhuman scum like you on average lacks empathy because you are literally too stupid to process it. Also you cost the western world on average millions of dollars per capita while whites pay into the system per capita. If US didn't have scum we wouldn't even have a national debt.

The white race is truly the most beautiful existence on this planet

There was never a time in human history where a power vacuum was not filled do some research brainlet.
And what might you be?
You have no compassion you sit on a board day in day out dominated by the thinking of whites so you can parasite off us like you always have you are nothing but a leech and off everything you touch turns to shit.

fuck off pajeet, no one wants your $LIFE

The thinking of whites lmao...this is an anime board filled with people trying to cheat each other out of money by shilling their worthless bags. Sounds about right

>but if you're not white just go ahead and do it

10/10 thread OP.

>welfare is only 12% of national spending and 1/3 is healthcare related
Sorry this isn't a cancerous echo chamber like /pol. Non-fiction only pls.

Sure thing shmuel. Just give back our homes first.

Truth. Hail victory!

Not sure if srs. How about you zoom out and look in terms of the big picture you mouth breather. The history of civilization didnt just start post WWII

wtf does that have to do with what he posted are you a wind me up doll?

Honestly, it's hard for me to imagine being so pathetic that my skin color is the only thing I have to be proud of. You guys really should kill yourselves.


Hello Ladies.
Are you looking for a fine White gentleman such as myself to have beautiful White children with?

>not understanding where a lot of the health cost goes into

How about you read more into the actual budgets. The data is all there. Don't even try to talk like you know shit you fucking nog

You probably think colonization was evil or something. You may want to kill yourself.

t. 56%

What cereal is that?

He literally said the US wouldn't be in debt if we didn't have anyone on welfare you fucking ass jockey.

>White colonialism results in hundreds of millions of people dying, starving, and entire countries resources pillaged. This consolidates power to the west.
>"They deserved it for being inferior."

>Karma comes biting back white society as immigrants look for better opportunities.

Whiteys are so delusional.

I'm an ancap, you're no better than a commie. You're all getting a helicopter ride.

To be honest, if that's what the kid looks like and that's what he believes in, good for him. He looks funny but I'd support that chubby kid.
>le epic style
Didn't see that. That's fucking weird but ok

>be me
>highly educated
>high salary
>good family
>physically fit
I can't wait to find the perfect Aryan princess. I'll wife her up and impregnate her with my big mandigo dick. We'll have mixed children that fit in better than your cumskin ginger offspring.

>You are a part of a greater family and money is not your measure of value in it but your honor and character.
What kind of commie feel good bullshit is this? Nice larp.

how about a mustache ride

welfare is 59% of the budget you retarded commie. There's going to be a lot of helicopter rides, particulraly for the fucking boomers. Gibs me muh medicare. Fuck off and die you geriatric faggots.

Compare non-colonized places in africa to even run down previously colonized places. I can't believe you are this fucking stupid. They still use the colonizers infrastructure where they haven't torn it down! Even the older people who live there know it was better! South Africa had the worlds largest hospital for a while, Rhodesia had an effective government but it was too "mean" to not have low iq blacks forced into government roles even when the actual smart ones took part. Everything has to be equal in socialist's eyes, no matter what, and they make you think it too. You're a flaming faggot for not seeing it by now. Only arguments you have are emotional.

Hes right though most us debt is due to third worlder welfare medicaid medicare food stamps etc. Just loot at the pie chart. Jut look at the pie chart. You hypo-fag.
Literally echos the jewish academic line. Look Juan ur people are incapable of making decent societies. You literally bathe in dirt.


Nice strawman. Sorry but no backpedalling now, The only thing the US is struggling with in terms of social welfare is social security which is irrelevant in this context

Amen. True wealth is blood and soil.

Who said it is the only thing to be proud of? Your outlook is unhealthy, at best.

Practice what you preach shitskin. If whitey is so evil then stop using his goods and services, living in his countries or countries whose infrastructure is largely the product of whites, fuck it even stop thinking and acting in a white manner like you currently are. And if you actually did that your life would suck beyond comprehension so you might as well heed OP's advice and KILL YOUR SELF.

What asswater country you live in? A quick google search backs my original statement about the US

Who said I'm even talking about Africa? China and India for example, especially India I guess, were absolutely fucking raped economically by colonialism despite being good, economically prosperous countries. Worse yet, you infested your western thinking like materialism, communism, etc which ruined their societies.
>Claims whities are the most compassionate people on earth
>Then goes on to say that its ok for millions of south americans to get killed by whites.

Delusional. Once again, karma is biting back white society. It's no plain coincidence that western white society has like a 60% divorce rate, massive amounts of mental illness, eating disorders, lack of social cohesion, female degeneracy, etc. This is completely and utterly your own doing, LONG before immigration even supposedly became a problem according to /pol/tards.

nah fuck that, were taking all of it

So you're just gonna keep repeating the same nonsense when a simple google search proves you wrong?
>the absolute state of /pol/

This x1000

>Genocide native americans in the americas
>Exploit colonized countries for labor and resources, enriching your nations at the expense of theirs

Then suddenly, they start doing it to YOU

>FOURTEEN WORDS!!!!! >:(((((
>MUH WHYTE RACE!!! >:((((


Die you fucking vermin! You fucking /pol/tard cockroaches make me glad you're dying out.

You deserve every death. Suffer.

We are taking our country back. It was never going to be easy.

>muh commie sources
Wrong you stupid faggot.
>36% social security and unemployment
>28% medicare
>2% education and training social services

>not even understanding what a strawman is

Not worth any more of my time you stinking sack of shit

>be you
>LARP on Veeky Forums
>Braindead and insecure (as usual for a nigger)
>Brags about things he can't prove, yet can't be disproven.
>Is so dumb that he doesn't realize how rare coal burners really are.
>Such a loser he actually writes this crap for attention and a sense of human interaction.

BTW mulatto kids are statically more likely to have birth defects, health problems, other genetic weaknesses, etc.

You shitskins have been genociding yourself since ancient times. We brought you civilisation. You're welcome

There's only one white person there though?

>inB4 muh statically.
Fucking autocorrect

Ah yes india was great and so was china at the time. Amazing. Infrastructure is materialistic now? Interesting.

Have fun living in your little delusional world and wanting to kill yourself deep down. Good luck with that.

Gieb feets pls

>>Genocide native americans in the americas
they sold the land for beads, you crying indian giving faggot.

>What is Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, Mayan, Egyptian, etc.

Whites created civilization, yeah you wish buddy.

Are slavs white, or should I sudoku?

>>White colonialism results in hundreds of millions of people dying, starving, and entire countries resources pillaged. This consolidates power to the west.
fucking lol. it resulted in higher living standards and population explosions.

What a deluded retard you are.

Good luck with that. Unless your East Asian you're just always gonna be a slave to a superior race.

These were Viking immigrants, user.

>>Big white family
>>All my siblings are racemixing
Feels good

He knows you are an ancap, that's why he brought up the power vacuum bit.


There's actually autists this deluded. The funny thing is, I don't even need to argue with you retards, your society is self-imploding on its own.

You're a retard.

You're so intellectually dishonest it hurts. Keep lying to yourself, it's the retard way.

>greater family
Stop with this collectivist nonsense. I don't know who any of you faggots and roasties are.

>these are the people claiming to be superior

> 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann

>Giovanni de Verrazzano, an Italian sailor, describes first seeing the East Coast of North America in 1523. “He observed that the coastline everywhere was ‘densely populated,’ smoky with Indian bonfires; he could sometimes smell the burning hundreds of miles away.

>Genetically engineer crops such as corn

>Superior maritime technology (reinforced canoes) to shitty European barges

>Industrious societies with paid street cleaners in Aztec and Incan societies while Europeans were shitting into buckets and dumping them into the streets

>Population of >100 million Natives in a time when the grand total population of Europe was 70 million


Keep coping you pathetic faggot. Too bad posting frog memes from mommy's basement won't stop your "aryan princesses" from getting fucked by those "shitskins".

What are you gonna do about it, bitchboy?

You almost sound worthy of bleaching your genetics. Now, when you say "highly educated" we just need to make sure you are not a diversity monkey. What is your actual IQ?

Still can't get an answer as to why the person who made this cutout Moon's girlfriend in the bottom right. Also most of those people aren't white(Moon's jewish for instance) so that bit is confusing as well.

what's with the anti-white hate in this thread? all the coloreds have their hugboxes irl and even fucking youtube is alerting me to black history month. I just want this last refuge. We need to replace the captcha with a topological puzzle so the darkies can't figure it out.

> Population of >100 million Natives
pure faggotry delusion. There was less than 10 million in north America and south America combined and the only thing they were known for was eating each other.

If it's so obvious why did you take the time to post?

>be you
>LARP as a "white nationalist" on Veeky Forums
>Braindead and insecure (as usual for a basement dwelling neckbeard "white nationalist")
>Brags about things he can't prove (MUH IQ)
>Is so dumb that he doesn't realize nobody but his neckbeard friends and Veeky Forums virgins care about skin color in 2018
>Such a loser that he actually writes this crap for attention and a sense of human interaction, where "human" actually means racist cockroaches on Veeky Forums

>he could sometimes smell the burning hundreds of miles away.
probably human hearts that they were roasting after carrying out a rape and human sacrifice

You'll never have an ethnostate, fucker. Me and other asian men will keep out-competing you and buying up all the property in the United States. Enjoy paying us rent or get kicked out.

The only reason non-whites are able to come back at us now is because of the white man's compassion in not wiping out those they conquered. You should be grateful our ancestors didn't end you when they had the perfect opportunity.

No, that's you. That's why I'm saying you guys are deluded. You all spend 90% of your time on /pol/ reading stormfag points and soaking it into your mentally ill brains, without a clue as to how misled you are.

Like I said,

>western white society has a 60% divorce rate, massive amounts of mental illness, eating disorders, lack of social cohesion, female degeneracy, etc.

Barely functioning society, but yeah SO superior.

Wow, this is the reading comprehension of a white incel. He thinks that materialism means building infrastructure... LOL. Fucking brainlets, the lot of you.

pls respond

Isn't it fun watching the snowniggers and regular niggers arguing with one another over who's less shit when they're both shit?

Greeks and Romans used to sacrifice children.. your point?

didn't those dudes implode on themselves long before european contact? weren't they offering human sacrifices to savage gods? and playing death rock soccer?

i'm pretty sure latinos are grateful to have white genetics pretty sure


snownigger or regular nigger? Getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the two of you.

>I'm a white supremacist

there is no "white race" only permavirgins who are completely disconnected from their european ancestors think this.
you think greeks and italians see each other as brothers under the same race? literally kill yourself you stupid fuck

White or not suicide culls the weak.

Not being edgy. Survival instinct is pretty basic for strong genes.

>implying implications
I'm not white and I'm an individualist, I just know Moon.

Based on your own logic whites can kill and manipulate shitskins in mass pretty well when they want to, while you can only resort to just being parasitic or unruly. You might wanna remember that. White guilt, Marxism, and multiculturalism like all ideologies won't last forever.

the problem is asians are bug people - very pragmatic but the swarm intelligence is too focused on gucci sneakers and mclarens. once the PRC buys the entire output of these luxury brands we are going to face an economic crisis that could result in the collapse of fiat currency. luckily I think we can time the singularity AI to take over our automated defenses to last until the rampage is over.

This. Remember if you are White you have a soul and intrinsic value. Don't let the mud NPCs get you down.

the white man will rise again

lmao I can easily prove at least 3 of the things that I listed. How much eth would you be willing to bet?
I got plenty of human interaction at my big boy job today. I'm more than happy to kick back after work to rustle armchair neonazi jimmies. Thanks for responding.
I've got a STEM and doctorate degree. What IQ do you think that corresponds to?

You're literally just a carbon copy of every /pol/ user. Your thoughts aren't even your own. You ALL automatically say the "bug people" or "insect" script about asian people like you're some sort of AI.

because it's readily observable, bugboy.

Good post. I just want to add that non-whites should also not kill themselves. Jesus loves you.

Barely functioning yet miles greater than anyone else, also if you weren't Reddit spacing or saying complete horseshit like a 60% divorce rate I might actually take you seriously. But if your serious, do yourself a favor and google what a straw man argument is and more than that stop assuming everyone is indoctrinated by some inherently evil ideology that is antithetical to yours. It only proves how indoctrinated you actually are because you always feel the need to tell others where to get or not get their information or rather propaganda from.

>nationalism isn't an ideology

asians will never be able to compete with whites. your people lack creativity, you have so few inventions under your belt that its sad. all you can do is take things that we invented and improve upon them. the only way asians could ever beat white people is if they had ai that could invent shit for them and even then that ai will likely be invented by a white man.

maybe if white people perfect eugenics you could use our research to create a generation of asians that are more like white peole until then enjoy the taste of my penis everytime you kiss your asian gf gooklet

No, it's because you hypocritically act like a hive-mind yourselves. You're brainwashed.

>You'll never be able to compete
>You can only improve on our designs
Doesn't matter if you built the prototype if our product is superior. Besides, you'll all be gone in a century or two anyways as you're a suicidal race.