Passive income

So with prices this low can we have a discussion about products that are poised to provide reasonably significant passive income.

OMG and VEN are most often shilled here.

I’d like to hear what omisego holders are thinking at this point.

spare me from COSS. I’m not a believer currently as I believe their volume and my capital will never work together.

Please tell us WHY 1k omg means Skmeine is gonna make it. Don’t just state that.

Is buying NEO now a total coup or was it overvalued. Please try and have your own opinion. We don’t need the same echoes from
Every other shill thread.


>TLDR, let’s accumulate passive income

Bump. Come on faggots you already posted 11 pink Wojacks let’s talk about positives of the future.

>inb4 no future AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>Passive income

Own a business. That's going to be the only passive income for awhile.

thanks bought 100k

>>>/Shilly Duvall/

I can see why you think that, but really i have only a little of those two I mentioned. i want to talk about nodes and passive income...jesus you fucks are paranoid

I'm loading up on AMB, MOD, VEN and WTC right now.
I have funds on the side for WAN once it releases, and I'm contemplating REQ/ETH
Only established projects with verifiable use-cases, and good teams. No pajeet shit

Can you talk about AMB a little bit and what you like? their price is obviously right if they will be a good staking product

there's a ton of FUD surrounding this now, it's weird because like a week or two ago a lot of people said it was a good pick

- One of the best teams I have seen in crypto
- Extremely affordable price point for securing several tokens
- Masternodes more-or-less confirmed by management once it moves onto its own chain
- A very large number of partnerships currently under NDAs (some sleuthing hints at one of them being Glencore)
- Focus on product development and education rather than shilling an unfinished product
- Very early in the development phase, hence an opportunity to get in on the ground floor as opposed to already-priced assets like VEN

I don't think we will see much in terms of price action until everything is up and ready (6-9 months by my estimates). But if you're ready to hold for a year, AMB seems like a good option

fudders gonna fud, man.
Do they have strong partnerships backed by a good team that can deliver on their promises? Yes.
Does holding a masternode have the potential to pay off in the future? Yes.

^That's all I care about.

Im still holding my POE, XLM, and VEN. Hands of steel, I only put in money I would have used at the casino anyways, so I'll hold till it rebounds or I die not even sweating

Amber? Or Ambrosus? Both AMB

It's value depends on the chinese dApps market. It will most likely survive the crash, it wont moon immediately but it's a safe bet. Theres still the security fud though.

Still slightly unknown since it's not really doing anything yet but supply chain hype make these look cheap that could go big.

Hype value from dividends but not really good long term ( might get rekt by DEX coins).

Ambrosus - name of the company
Amber - name of the token used by the company

Zcoin. You now only need about 30k UsD today get a masternode and be set for life. Before the crash, it was making about 3k UsD a month, now like 1000 something. Also a very good long term hodl, when it will actually compete with Monero, you will make about 25k per month lol

Best profitable PoS I have seen, even if the crash goes further, zcoin node is still a good investment.

Can someone please explain for a newfag what a masternode is and what is staking?

Oh cool! I own the D&D module with that artwork inside. Always loved that one.

Which is used for staking rewards? Can't seem to find it on their site

So noses are essentially coins that you hold. Either on designated exchanges or modified and approved wallets.

As the coins are held there they bring in passive income from proof of stake.

A “master node” is usually used to describe a wallet that holds a minimum number of coins.
Strength node = 200 of xcoin
Master node = 1000 of xcoin.


Neoscoin masternodes have worked well for me, coin with pretty good potential too. >Staking
Hold Proof of Stake (PoS) coins and gain interest on them, in most cases requires a wallet running(can be light, like raspberrypi)
Similar concept, but requires a fixed buy in, usually several thousand of a given coin, requires running server, (may be more resource intensive than staking, depending on coin), generally provides better returns than staking

Yeah buddy. That universe is the best. Forgotten really. If I really made it, I would try to see if I could drum up interest for a trilogy of films.

It would absolutely be the Star Wars of fantasy flicks

That would be awesome, man. I would love to see that! Good luck.

>his name was charlie walton

Thanks user

Real estate or owning a business. None of this fake crypto passive income BS

lol k

I’m new to Crypro but have heard good things about Bitconnect