Reminder that this bitch needs to die for causing this

Reminder that this bitch needs to die for causing this.

Simply one of the many catalysts.

Redhat me on this, goy. What did she do? She looks like the archetypal smug brown feminist

At least she has a real job. I guess you can take "pro crypto trader" off your resume now LOL

dont hate the player sweetie

i wish i could curbstomp this filthy pajeet cunt. smug little tea sip AHHHHHH i would rape her with a fucking broomhandle

uniironically, it was bitconnect that started this crash.

first it was bitconnect, then the whole crypto ecosystem, now its going to crash the stock markets

I would peg a bounty on her if my monero was worth anything anymore kek

Look at her twitter, her FUD sparked a massive selloff that still hasn't stopped.

Diabetes will get her before we reach her.

List of people who need to be "taken care of":
Roger Ver (muh flippening autism)
Saheli Roy poodhrey
Bald coinbase faggot for catching the attention of SEC

her FUD started the fire

Why do women destroy everything biz?


*sips tea*
*pops your bubble*

This, I wonder how many women "need" to have more representation in Crypto now that it has crashed?

You will all take the /pol/pill some day. I fear it may be too late by then

>listening to women for financial advice

The front bums only know how to waste money user

Yeah man I'm sure a woman drinking tea caused all this

Oh, how could i forget bitfinex'd

Look at her Pakistani fingers hahahah that ring despite being xxl is choking her finger

Only betas ride the waves. Alphas cause the current my good boi.

>bushy unkept eyebrows
Imagine her mess of a vagene

>some 20k a year junior journalist spiked a massive sell off from institutional investors and long-time holders and true believers
yeah ok

i dont buy a word of it

She's just a useful idiot. The owners of media conglomerates are the ones who need to die.

I've never heard of her. Making threatening statements only hurts your position and makes you look unhinged while making her (who ever the fuck she is) look better. Quit being a sperg. Take a long walk, jack off, and take a nap.

And don't for get her hairy butthole, user. I bet she has dingleberries the size of grapes.

She has no impact at all on crypto lol

She unironically wrote an article about how Tether was "outperforming every other cryptocurrency"

I think the Coinsmarketcap delisting Korean exchanges really started it all. It was basically a dogpile from there that hasn't stopped.