/nocoiner/ general

I told you so.

I have been saying crypto is a speculative bubble way back in September of last year.

Pic related was often disregarded as 'being a meme' well guess what. Bitcoin price fits the graph perfectly.

How does it feel that you edgelord fucks got rekt thinking your shitty online chuck e cheese tokens would get you lambos and eternal prosperity, in spite of older and wiser people steering clear of this dog shit asset.

inb4 fuck off boomer

Oh and tell me how its still people ''cashing out for christmas''

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As a fellow nocoiner I really wish I had bought on the way up and sold at the top desu.

wow you must be really smart

You haven't been doing this long.

I always see this chart posted but what happens after "Return to normal?"

>He didn't cash out his initial investment and ride the wave in december
OP you're a god damn nigger


> chuck e cheese tokens
I look forward to seeing new, "babby's first crypto investor" people like you leave this place permanently because you couldn't outlast the crash period which happens every fucking year. I don't know if you have read a single decent whitepaper in your retarded life or ever understood what you actually bought with the concept in general, but you certainly don't deserve to be a part of it. Stay mad. Stay poor. Maybe those soft baby hands of yours will get calluses on them with a bit of honest work sweeping the floor of a McDonald's.

>implying I would ever invest in anything with shit fundamentals

>this happens every year

we all know its a bubble dumbass... doesn't mean you can't profit off it

>I have been saying crypto is a speculative bubble way back in September of last year.
Congrats on choosing to miss out on 1,000%+ gains. I guess staying poor somehow vindicates your hysterical FUD.
>5-6 weeks of institutional investment, 1% of humanity involved in crypto

>be involved in literal ponzi scheme
>imply salt

Two year bear market, during the Trump recession.

read this
Also your argument is a logical fallacy. Bubbles don't need to be widespread among society.


Did you or know anyone invest in this?

dear nocoiner, i will give you the right to gloat at us coiners at the moment, but thanks to this attitude, i cant wait for everything to go x5 like it did two times last year. Dont know if it will be this year or next or in 2023 but BTC lost like 75% of its value back in 2014 and came back stronger than ever in 2017, and the same will happen, again. History of crypto showed it is very cyclical (if thats the word, english is not my native language), so it WILL rise again, there is no reason not to, we will just wait.

Oh, anad i am miner, not trader, so i am in profit anyway, as long as income is bigger than electricity cost, what it is, and will be for a long time. But i hate you so fucking much you retarded boomer, what are you even doing here, shouldnt you be out having middle age crisis or something

I can tell you're salty cos you've missed out on gains. even after all this bloodshed, I've lost more half my portfolio but I'm still up nearly 100k. what do you say to that?

Hows those Stocks and Bonds Grandpa?

Why do you describe yourself as being up 100k? Doesn't that imply your portfolio has some kind of tangible value?

Funny thing is if you bought in September last year you'd be up 100%.

in september of last year eth was $300
it is currently $600
why are nocoiners unable to do basic math? is it some coping mechanism?

bitcoin has crashed all the way to new highs. This is how it's always been. It's only getting coverage now because normies are into it. It's lost greater percentages than this numerous times in the past. I will be banking off no coiner ignorance like I always do.

you've just confirmed to me you are salty nocoincer. still in denial I see

fuck off boomer, who listens to advice here anyway? have to be retarded

Of course it was a speculative bubble. Thanks to that bubble I cashed out 200k from a 10k investment. Sure, I lost a lot of the rest I had left besides that 200k, who gives a shit? Fuck off boomer.

If you believe in crypto so much, why do you still express the value of your portfolio in terms of a fiat currency?

>what happens after "Return to normal?"
shut up Shut up SHUT UP

If you're smart, you'd buy now while it's low.

But you aren't, so you won't.

>I missed an opportunity to ride on 2017 cripto bubble
Jokes on you. Literally nothing else was so profitable.

Nothing that's the end just shut up and let me feel good about being a no-coiner for a bit.

If neets didn't live in basements we could return to the days of jumper watching....Bring the umbrella.

I don't trust the normal stock exchanges, why would I ever trust a pyramid scheme as an alternative?

I will get some from despair run

Nope. It's going down to 3k today.

So apart from noobs, most of us made thousands or even millions of dollars.

Enjoy poverty faggot. We're just waiting for everything to stabilize and buying it back up. Not just cryptos - your shitty stockmarket too. Bonds, metals, everything.That's right OP, everytime you buy a new phone, laptop, or pay bank fees - you're gonna be paying us. Until the end of time.

Neets gonna be the new jews lol.

Keep it all in your mattress loser. Enjoy poverty!

this...this is the power of autism