Money is freedom, media and jobs are slavery

Aside from Christianity and your relationships, money is what gives you real freedom.

>tv is for people to poor to go out and do things regularly
>same with video games
>sports are for people who have no friends (because they never go out and do things regularly) and can't play team sports
>porn is for people who don't go out and meet many girls (because once again, they can't afford it)
>jobs are for people to make a subsistant living, they might be able to go out and do things sometimes, but they still spend a minimum of 40 hours a week doing something they probably don't enjoy that much

Fuck bros, my goal is to retire by 45 and everyone laughs at me for thinking I can do. But I'm gonna keep contributing $40k a year to my investments and hopefully get there. Do the same user, and create an empire so your descendants will not be enslaved too.

I'm breaking the paradigm, join me in freedom brahs

Other urls found in this thread:

Motherfucker I could do all of those things working

Cuck protestant heretics or based Orthodoxy follower though.

OP what you're basically saying is minimalism. look into minimalism and anti-consumer ideas. when i was still working, my biggest expenses were rent, food and entertainment, without factoring in other shit like college loan bills, car insurance, etc.

the only way to get out of the wagecuck system is to stop blowing so much money on unnecessary things, drastically reduce your expenses, and yes, like you said, save and invest, but remember, not all investments gain value over time. it depends on your decision making on what to invest in, and your entry/exit points.

this user gets it.

Nice idea but 45 is too late.
Keep grinding and do your best to find something that will get you there in a decade or less.


Half this board will kill themselves if they donr make it by 35.

Im 31 with NW 250k. My deadline is 35 before i move to oklahoma and just become a farmer shittier

>christianity, the religion that destroyed the indigenous culture and ancient history of europeans(which kept saying "god" is the only god while adopting other religion's symbols, worshipping goddesses, which is fine for them, but for druids? Medieval times were a politically correct nightmare were if you said the earth is not flat, that the piso family wrote the bible, that Christianity was a foreign religion that had no place in europe, you were killed or tortured.

Meanwhile in Roman Pantheon you had a nice variety of gods to worship, more people lived in harmony without fear of repercussions from the majority of their actions or words, without getting uppity about their faggot on a stick.

more liek spirituality

>tfw you pray to the Roman goddess Fortuna for luck and wealth during these dark crypto times

without going out of your door you can know all things on earth without looking out of your window you can know the ways of heaven the farther one travels the less one knows the less one really knooooows

Are you me?


>Aside from Christianity

Jewish mind poison which enslaves the soul.


redpill time









812. The very word "work" shows that it is a subhuman concept. Entirely abstract, divorced from any specific activity, since anything at all can be "work", even sucking cock or watching paint dry, as long as someone is willing to pay you money to suck his cock or watch his paint dry. The abstractness of money perfectly complements the abstractness of work, their fluidity and interchangeability, their perfect vacuousness, since neither "money" nor "work" have any inherent value when nothing more is specified about them or exchanged for them (money is just paper and work is even less than that since watching paint dry is worth less in itself than even paper, which you can at least use for something) — and yet for the subhumans it is only THEY that have value: work and money, while the actual activity involved or its place in the socioeconomic structure — whether fun or boring, harmful or beneficial, and so on — is irrelevant and certainly uninteresting compared to the all-conquering importance and necessity of somehow "finding work and earning money" — whatever these might be or exchanged for.

>doesn't like people that have hobbies or interests
>to poor

the state of Veeky Forumstards

great job post more stuff.







That's not what he is saying at all.

He specially doesn't want to be a coping cuck that only does things that cost very little money because "prices LMAO"

I agree with you (cut costs, reduce spending while in saving mode) but I don't think OP is saying what you think he is saying. He seems to be suggesting that he want to "free" himself financially to spend money on whatever he wants without worrying about price like a poor person


was thinking the same thing, thanks for typing it out








you fucking internet pagan larpers piss me off so much.

For all the shit that you talk about Jews, they are at least manifesting their faith in real life. Yet all you do like a good cuck is talk about "dem gud old days when we wuz paganz and shieet". Stop being a pussy and pray to your fucking pagan gods, and if your faith is worth even a single penny, manifest it in the real realm outside of Veeky Forums from the comfort of your room.

You have not written a single article on your pagan faith
You have not spoken a single word of leadership to revive it
You have not written a single piece of text that can be followed as a framework by others like you

You are a fucking useless larper not capable of standing for anything because as off today, your fucking faith is has 0 worth as it does not inspire you to manifest it in the real world. You pretend to be a pagan but you have zero real devotion. Your faith is weak because it doesn't make you bold. And maybe that's why your gods will get trampled on now and for eternity




>tv is for people to poor to go out and do things regularly
>same with video games
>sports are for people who have no friends (because they never go out and do things regularly) and can't play team sports
>porn is for people who don't go out and meet many girls (because once again, they can't afford it)

this is pretty spot on, being poor I was a boring person, getting money is like getting out of prison

Oh shit you awoke the sperg again. Prepare for 20+ posts from this guy .


op is a retard AND a faggot







i want /pol/ to leave


If Christianity is Jewish mind poison, then why are the Jews trying so hard to ruin and make a mockery of it?


To the gas chambers with you.

They aren't "ruining" it (nor are they really trying hard - no need to) since they created it to begin with, but I understand what you mean.

It's like saying they're "ruining" Islam (by making it more and more radicalized for example), when it too just like Christianity is a weapon of mass destruction designed to control and weaken their enemies and divide & conquer.

To answer the question - what you and some people interpret as "jews ruining christianity" ... Why do they do that? It's simple; because many whites still believe in Christianity and falsly idenitify with it -- therefore it's useful for the jew's agenda to do what they're doing with/to Christianity, since, through it, they can control the goyim.





christmas is a jewish lie - pic related

45? Fuck that im retiring at 30



You could do it by 30 moron fuvk are you blowing your money on that you have 40k to invest yeearly but think u can't retire in your 30s




>christianity is different than islam
>christianity is not judaism plus jesus
Depends on how you look at it but short answer is no
>greeks were gay
And what if they were? Does ancient paganism uphold the same moral views christianity does regarding sexuality?


>a non-white foreign desert religion necessary at all
Find a traditional pagan town in europe, buy land, low wage job to pay less (((taxes))), live on necessaries, grow your own food, find a native european wife and have 10 native kids



Nothing much, right now I make $48k after taxes.

I live at home so 40 goes to my investments, I spent $2k on a 2 week trip to Spain, I have a gym membership, buy groceries.


heard of it, will look up

is right, I dream of just living off the passive income my investments make, as does everyone here

minimalism is a route I'm looking into until that day though, to experience life without sacrificing my nest egg. Groupon is underrated, for like $20 a week or less you can try something new like archery, or horseback riding

I've also found that tennis is a great pass-time, a racket is $11 and a can of balls is $2.

So you provide me with a picture that solidifies the notion that they were simply used as a tool to make more future cannon fodder and that claims it's okay to be a slut as long as you're pumping out babies hence you have to respected for bringing forth more cannon fodder.



You start your own business, faggot.

Why post a picture of Vegeta in the rain you emotional cunt.

It's called culture, and it's invaluable to your development as a human being.