How much have you lost since you started trading? I'm down over £1000

How much have you lost since you started trading? I'm down over £1000.

And I'm giving up. I'm too much of a brainlet for this, and too emotional. It feels incredibly painful when I think of everything I could have spent that money on.

a lot. a lot for me. hodling. hopefully march is better. I need it better.

>made 17k
>IRS-equivalent in my country demands over 50k in taxes
I will probably lose my entire initial investment on this
trading was the worst mistake of my life

made 100k, all I've done is hodl since a year ago

Yep. Not even ashamed to say it either. I lost a fucking lot. And you know why?

Because this is gambling. I wouldn't feel so ashamed if I lost it on roulette - so why should I with this shit?

Holding whats left. If it makes it, great. If not, at least I have the lulz. (there were no lulz)

Lost money on BTC, LTC, REQ, XLM, TRX. Blockfolio says I'm down about $4-5k.

Crypto to crypto tax is the only reason I will never day trade

Im down about 4k from initial investment: 70 percent loss
Yeah, it hurts. More than anything its ruined my confidence in myself

Lost .8 eth last night

I dont have bags since i bought my shitcoins cheap so im still at profit, still i lost like $50k gambling on bitmex.

Made roughly $12,000 from TF2 trading, and Valve paid me $1500 for an unusual effect I got into the game

Shut up faggot

Started late December and up 50% at the moment. Was even better before the big dip.

You just gotta stay calm. If you put in more than you're comfortable with you're not gonna stay rational when you wake up to a portfolio down 60% overnight.

>terrible at crypto
therefore it must be "gambling"

Get a Bot user never mind Veeky Forums doesn't deserve good advice these days. Fucking get rich quick pajeets.

Shut up faggot

I started with 3k at one point was up to 32k, now around 7k

Shut up faggot

Use a testnet ffs there will always be good trades to take advantage of but if you don't know how to execute them what's the point. Step away from trading. Practice. Practice again. Make sure you're profitable. Then move to the real thing. This may take longer than than you might expect. In the mean time just hodl if you're afraid of missing out on gains.

i made 42 eth on cryptokitties last night
some chinese whale buying gen0s by the boatload
i suck at trading, but eth based games are easier because you're locked in. forces you to think about your entry and exit

Shut up faggots

ive lost money every time ive tried to daytrade up my stack, probably somewhere between 6-10k usd

but ive made money on every investement, my takeaway is to plan out what i want to buy and when to sell it, then i make big gains, and to completely stay away from the trading aspect

Shut up faggot

I haven't lost anything, I bought last year and my ETH is worth 3x now what I paid for it then

Started a week ago, made 300€.
Bought mostly Q2-Q3 moon mission so for now it's going sideways.
I feel like I'm missing out