There is LITERALLY someone on this board right now who bought in at the top


Be honest if this is you

Other urls found in this thread:


Poor guy will be down a whole 4%! How will they recover?

Pass me the noose user

>major sell wall at 10k
that's natural
buy the 8k dip

Holy shit I hit the bottom directly, nice

I’ve been hodling since 2011. All I’d have to do is press enter and watch the market go up in flames.

Who wants to go to hell with me?

I know that you're larping. But that would be fucking awsome.
t. sold @ 7.8K


im trying to buy anons. what is my entry point? i sold at 12k and havent bought back yet lol.

not the way it works, friend.

t. actual oldfag

I won’t do it for you faggot. I’m going dump my stack for $5 if GPU prices don’t stabilize. I’m already wealthy and don’t need the gains.

>not market selling your 10MEUR stack to purge market of normies

I never sold.

There was another bogdanov video besides the sell one, But I cant find it, any kind user has the bogda meme videos?
Fucking love em



literally on the same channel nignog

bogdanoff he did it

he went all in

dhamp eet

bought now at 9650, this was a test for weak hands, now we can go above 10k :)

>this was the test for weak hands

Don't try to scare me you motherfucker

we are going down
sell idiot

You’re playing with fire dude, be careful

Ha, my liquidation price on my short was just above 10k.

Nigger I bought at 14.5k. Shut the fuck up with this 0.01% dip it’s meaningless in the long run.

What is that, minute charts? 10-11k is honestly the resistance levels you need to watch out for. No joke, already made gains on my trades. Sucks to be you

It's gonna be over 10k tomorrow if not today. Who cares?

t. bought at 7.3k

>5-10 min chart
kys dipshit

its not
you better sell now

There is literally someone on this board that sold at 6k Bitcoin

It wont, we are going down to 8000 - 8500 range. Then to 10k. Just look at the RSI, it was overbought and we will go down a little bit from now.