Why do poor people buy Louis Vuitton bags?

Why do poor people buy Louis Vuitton bags?

they hold their value bettter than any other handbag except hermes

i own a handbag store btw

because you touch your peepee with grape jelly when no one looking

my louis my fetti my gucci my guap

get the fuck out of here with all your small talk


Faggot detected

>i own a handbag store btw
I'm a guy, so I'm not really into it. What attracted you to that specific business?

Cheap way to suck money out of the nigga rich market

If it makes money, I'm into it.

IF your mother had your attitude, she'd have never been able to become the biggest whore in Mumbai.

user got so used to holding bags, he decided to go into the handbag business.

LV bags have magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you look rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you look rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you look rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you appear rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you look rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers. What magical powers you ask? They have the power to make you look rich. It is well known that LV bags are a luxury item. Only the elite super rich can buy one. If a human sees a nice LV bag they know if they buy it, it will give them magical powers.

Hope this makes sense, user!

My wife really likes nice things. She probably has $200k in high fashion pieces sitting in our 100k house.

I took a job on madison avenue in NYC and they sold overpriced bags. $300 starting point but made in china/brazil. I got interested in the fashion business because a guy named Silas Chow owned some of the factories that made our bags in China. His wife would come in once a weeek. Then I googled him. I sucked his cock once and the rest was history.

ANyway I started looking into the resale market for luxury clothes. A lot of rich people resell them really cheap for way less than market value just bcause they need the space. If you can scoop them up quick you can consitently charge a 100% markup and the starting price point is $100.

My wife already knew the market and genuinely enjoys shopping for shit all day. Plus where we live you look stupid if you dress up so she can wear all her clothes at the store and it's also fun for her.

Thanks, just bought 100 bags

LV looks tacky as shit. You retards will spend your money on anything

just buy a fake one
even if you own a real one people will assume its fake

this is criminally underrated

I don't even know what a Louie Vatton is




these brands are scam
i never understood why people are willing to get scammed

Is it over the internet or a brick and mortar store?

They're dumb basically

maybe because they have a good resale value?

its like buying apple products, brand products ALWAYS do have a better resale value

That's not why people buy them and even so it doesn't answer the question of why they do

Shills would make may thread to get peoples attention

LV bags are truly a craft for sale made out of the finest materials from endangered species. The value of these bags are set right based on supply and demand

Maybe because people genuinely like the brand and its products?

I have bought several $2-3k worth of Gucci and Givenchy clothes with my crypto profits.

I don't give a fuck if people assume I'm rich or not, I genuinely like high-fashion clothes and that's why I buy them.

Normies believe in consuming for social capital.
Particularly women, value social validation more than material gain and media. Even their materialism is based around showing it off to other people. Look at Instagram, the fitness, wealth, food, and other luxuries and "success" exist not for self-satisfaction but for showing off and acquisition of social capital.
THIS is the factor that differs "normies" from others, since everyone is always bitching about the distinction. Normies value social capital above self-cultivation or media consumption. Veeky Forums is so hated by much of society because it is the antithesis of social capital, here you're supposed to be anonymous and keep your identity out of sight. This is why so many people here complain about "normies", we don't live the way they live.
For many of us Veeky Forumsraelis, we value money or the acquisition of money. For normies, they value the social capital that money can bring. For denizens of /v/, they value gaming for self-satisfaction, for normies, they value gaming for attention and socialization. And so on.
I'm actually surprised that it's a less understood concept. But that's because society reacts so violently against the concept of NOT accruing social capital. And yet the distinction is everywhere.
Tabloids follow the social lives of celebrities, Instagram "success/lifestyle/fitness" is about showing off states of being rather than discussing achievements. It's why normies like "motivation and inspiration" so much, because they don't give a FUCK about getting real shit done, that's too internal. They care about showing shit off instead.
Anonymity is opposed because it eliminates the social capital hierarchy and therefore devalues their most important currency.
Anyone who values all things as a means to social capital is a normie. They will give up (in varying degrees) money, time, dignity, effort, intellect and literally anything else to accrue social capital.

It's the same reason we fantasize about lambos and watches. They are a status symbol. Other people will be jealous. Handbags are the way women display their status to one another,

LV bags usually keep at least 70% of their value with decent upkeep. Hermes birkins have apprecated 8% per year since they came out. If you have to have a handbag, every woman wants one, why would you still waste your money on one that's gonna fall apart and depreciates to nothing after you buy it?

If you know what you're looking for you can find bags worth hundreds of dollars in thrift stores.

>LV bags
Examples of society reacting violently to the concept of not accruing social capital? What would you call the opposite of a normie, a ghost?

Fair enough, I'm not a girl so I don't understand. I've spent $100s on a pair of boots before and it was well worth it.

Thorstein Veblen would like a word with you

Same peacockin’ niggers who buy Gucci belts.

why the fuck would someone get a LV if they could have a gtx 1080ti for the same price?