Salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will dry out the meat

>Salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will dry out the meat
>Salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will make it more juicy

Why cant people agree on this?

>Salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will dry out the meat
Who says this? People definitely make this claim when you salt something before cooking rather than after, but they're usually not talking about salting meat a day in advance. There are a lot of complex chemical reactions going on, there isn't a hard-and-fast rule that applies always regardless of time and context.

But I've never heard anyone say that salting meat the day before will dry it out. Usually people who advocate for seasoning after the meat is cooked are thinking of something totally different.

salting before cooking changes finished texture





Fuck off samefag, nobody likes your shitty forced autist.

Salting a steak like a half hour before cooking definitely draws out some moisture. That's not debatable as you can actually see it. I don't really know what it does to the meat, but I know that much.


There are at least 2 of us... and growing


If I'm intended to cook a med to medium I'll do a long salting to make sure the finish product turns out pink and cooked, and not just pink and raw. Anything over a medium doesn't get salted because you want to retain more of the moisture.

he really is one of the ugliest fuckers on the planet.

and i'm not a betting man, but I'd wager cash$ that his diet is why his face looks like a butt.

Check out his impeccable style


I'm so fucking hot right now

People never unanimously agree on everything. People who say it dries it out are probably overcooking it and blaming the salt.

Whenever possible, I salt any meat the night before I plan on cooking it. I've noticed the salt flavor does get deeper, and it does seem to make it a bit more tender. Never had a problem with it drying out.

salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking it will salting a meat 12-24 hours before cooking

Requesting Ja/ck/ webms. This is all I have.



Based user.

He didn't eat that did he...








Okay i'm out. Nice thread OP.


Man id love to lie on a plank on my side in front of jack who is standing such that our mouths are at equal heights and then just lie there and eat his mouth out like it's a pussy

>Americans will defend this

How is he soooo fucking bad at cooking.

Most importantly. How the fuck does he have so many subscribers

>How the fuck does he have so many subscribers
There are people even worse at cooking

With more subscribers?

Surely not

You should try my homemade Italian sauce.


cranberry sauce, à la bart

No, his subscribers must be on the same level or worse to unironically watch his channel and actually look to this guy for tips or whatever

Anyone have the pic of Tammy in the Tebow Cowboys jersey? That shit was hilarious considering Tebow has never played for the Cowboys.

been doing it for 10 years, updates are frequent

Look at the accounts of the people that comment. If it isn't some stupid housewife it's done foreigner with no profile picture. He clearly buys subscribers and views.


>it's done foreigner

>I don't speak English

Ja/ck/ is not for lewd

*some. I'm shitposting from mobile and autocorrect got me.

A cooking show sponsored by heartburn pills,thats fucking hilarious.




Hadn't seen this one before, what the fuck? That is clearly less effective than just quickly chopping with one knife


Made this.

good times.

jesus fucking shit there's so many things wrong with this clip

what is this meant to be?

Please post more pics.

Death, destroyer of worlds

As soon as you make it, Aunt Mryna will devour your essence and become stronger. She is a time terrorist

Absolute madman

>the bigger the better
his wife agrees, unfortunately for him


When does he talk about choking his son

post finished product

holy moly he's bald



resembles a rotten carcass

>At least it cant get worse
>Adds a whole tub of cool whip

Our God is a vengeful god