Outrunning a Hangover

Woke up drunk...

>had a beer
>ate a bacon, egg sandwich on toast
>drank 2 liters of water
>took my vitamins

Is there anything else that can be done to reduce the inevitable?

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drink more.

stop drinking water and get some gatorade or related drink with electrolytes



Wait as long as you can stand before popping any painkillers you might feel like using. Don't need to cause any bonus liver damage if you can avoid it.

Drink the water from a jar of pickles.

Not even kidding, it's a great hangover cure.

In the army, the battalion PA used to have drunken soldiers drink half/half Gatorade and water. She'd have them drink the broth from cheapo Ramen noodle packets. Eat the noodles if they can tolerate it.

My routine to stave off a hangover is; redbull, bacon and eggs, gatorade, shower, shit, greentea

Codeine. Works a treat for me, every time.

go to sleep for a rest of a day


Let the diarrhea commence

make a gun and shoot yourself


Have another beer

Filter out dat acedelhyde byproducr


The 'electrolytes' were obtained from the bacon and eggs.

>Woke up drunk...
>>had a beer
Hair of the dog isn't helping whatsoever, it just puts more work on the overtaxed elimination process.

Some smartwater, a banana, and something to soothe the tummy like plain oatmeal or a nature valley granola bar to stick to stomach walls longer. I get high acid output after burning it with alcohol so I do Pepcid for a day or two, which will stem some of the related diarrhea too.

Got access to prescriptions?

Are you familiar with the concept of an "Escape Sub" with regard to hangovers?
Works every time.

>woke up quick
at about noon
just thought that i had to be in compton soon
gotta get drunk before the day begins
before my mother starts bitching about my friends



Eat plenty of nutritious shit + water.

t. Nurse

Nothing cures a hangover but time. I am a nurse, and I have access to every conceivable "cure", including a "Banana Bag", which is ringers lactate and a bunch of vitamins that turn the liquid yellow, hence the name.


Nothing cures it but you can prevent it before it hits you.

those aint pickles

do tell

been drinking since monday, and my major problem is this knot in my stomach its tightening pain that is constant just changes in the amount.

im only 25 and my drinking habits are so fucked that i feel the grim reaper creeping near.

Negro detected

go for a swim or get some exercise, for real.

or eat a xanax and a percocet and watch law and order: svu

This except replace red bull with coffee and take the shit BEFORE you shower.

coconut water, not milk

how do white people pickle things in water

Water, Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium.

Just get all these and you should be good.

Drink more water while you're drinking so you don't get dehydrated

that's literally all you need

like hello get some electrolytes

Greasy food is suppose to help cure a hangover. That and lots of aspirin.

Vin Diesel? He got fat! Twig arms too. Wow time is no ones friend.

google turns up nothing

2.5 - 5mg diazepam

waffle house and sprite

living the life

this is tried and true

He clearly meant brine you pedantic piece of shit.

Cant believe this is not here


Chug two of these and take three asprin and you will feel better

Rockstar Punched fruit juice energy drink and more water.

If I don't want to have a bad hangover I just stay up and awake until I'm sober.

best hangover cure ever is farm work. burn that shit right out by the time the sun's over the trees

Is it what your body craves, user?

Ibuprofen/Advil might kill you in other ways, but it won't do much to your liver.

No one who likes to get drunk should ever have Paracetamol/Tylenol/Acetaminophen/Percocet in house though.

>wake up
>eat a healthy breakfast (fuck off with these grease meme)
>drink water or orange juice or tea
>do some exercise like going for a run or swimming (at least 1 hour)
>go home
>go to bed for 2-3 hours
>hangover gone

Stacking small squares in the barn... God, the sweat... Smells like wet dog and Hobo ass...

>shower, shit

It's funny how much better I feel after this, when my usual hangover symptom is nausea. Brushing my teeth also helps a lot.

Alka Seltzer in a pint of water then eat something.

Your hangover will be gone for 4 hours.

Sounds like a good day. Stop being a whiny faggot.

There's a difference between the various otc pain relievers? I didn't realize. I thought ibuprofen was the same level of liver-rape as aspirin etc

Nope. Tylenol is the worst for your liver. I promise you that is the truth. Ask a Hepatologist.

Acetaminophen metabolizes in the liver and will absolutely shred it up if taken regularly or with alcohol. If
Acetaminophen had to go through the FDA process today, there is no way it would be otc. Its basically grandfathered in.

Ibuprofen can fuck with your stomach lining but it's liver friendly.

The trick in education is speaking on their level. Saying, "Tylenol is super bad" is more effective than saying, "acetaminophen can destroy your bile ducts. "

I always get nervous talking to my boss because he drinks a handle of Vladimir a day and has a bad perc habit. I just know one of these days his liver is going to go off like a fucking claymore mine and take out whoever he's pointed at.

>Woke up drunk...
>>had a beer
>>ate a bacon, egg sandwich on toast
>>drank 2 liters of water
>>took my vitamins
>Is there anything else that can be done to reduce the inevitable?
You did right, user. Now go back into bed and sleep until you wake up by yourself.
> or snort cocaine if in hurry

>Paracetamol is OTC but codeine isn't
>Feeling slightly pleasant for a while is worse than death by liver destruction

fuck outta these threads, no one cares if you're a damn nurse. You don't know shit but how to operate certain pieces of equipment

>functioning alcoholic
>drank nearly every day for years
>felt like an immense piece of shit
>got fat
>constant diarrhea
>constant aches
>did lots of illegal and degenerate shit

Finally cleaning up, not drinking nearly as much. Getting my shit together, going to nursing school soon. We're the same age, user, and I'm finally feeling better. Ten years of drunken degeneracy is enough for me. You can make a change as well. Good luck, man.

Tried and true method

>heaps of water
>brush teeth untill they fall out, floss
>more water
>5-8 mile run - depending on how much i ate whilst drinking
>heaps of water
>clean clothes
>beef pho, extra chilli
>one beer
>afternoon nap

pretty much if you want to condense this list my most crucial points for feeling better are
>brushing teeth

with exercise being the best, but you need to be carefull with hydration


With one caveat: Mild to the lower end of moderate hangovers, yes, absolutely exercise. Any hangover beyond that and in my experience any real exercise, as in the kind that makes you sweat, just makes the sleepycan'tsleep/can'tconcentrate part of the hangover worse. That said, a leisurely walk would still probably help.

Sounds like you have some pretty bad hangovers, Ive only had hangovers like the one you describe after having amphetamines

It's because sometimes there's still alcohol lingering in your shit. If you drank unfiltered beer there's gonna be yeast in it too, which only makes things worse.

smoke a joint

thats just the salt negro
also itll make you shit yourself.

OP, drink a fucking ton of water and a gatorade or two for that salt content and you should be fine.

or fucking pregame with a big ass glass of water and it won't happen.

This. Don't stop drinking. Ever. Problem solved.

I woke up this morning and I keep saying "oh shit oh shit oh my god". I went around the town and made a fool of myself.

My game plan is ordering some beer delivered to my door as soon as it hits 10:00. Best way to deal with the next morning regrets.

We're still doing better than actual educators. Given how widespread tylenol and alchohol use is this should be part of high school health class.

I hear Prince died from percocet ... if he had just been doing proper hard drugs instead he'd still be alive.

Alka-Seltzer beforehand
Whole Milk afterwards

A single tab of lsd is all you need for the headache/lethargy to go away. Just try not to drink more once you start tripping.

If this is not on hand, light exercise, half Gatorade/water mixes, and sleep.

its what plants crave

Greasy food eaten before you go drinking creates a layer between your stomach lining and the alcohol causing you to absorb it slower. This is to allow people to slam past their limit without alcohol poisoning becoming an issue before they can throw up. Beer is great for a few drinks. I refreshing ipa or a rich stout is great. But for a regular weekly thing, you're better off with a simple double gin and tonic. That's an opinion, i've just never gotten a hangover drinking them. I used to drink way too often.

Back in the day they used to revive people with a vitamin b12 shot. Jk that's just MASH