Has anyone tried Lionfish? They started selling it at alot of wholefoods in my area, and im not a huge fish guy...

Has anyone tried Lionfish? They started selling it at alot of wholefoods in my area, and im not a huge fish guy, but im intrigued to try it.

So, if it's looking to the left, it's bad?
If it's looking to the right, it's good?

I think they are saying a good lion fish is a dead lion fish

they are an invasive species that is basically obliterating life on coral reefs

>In November 2010, for the first time the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary began licensing divers to kill lionfish inside the sanctuary in an attempt to eradicate the fish.

if you ever go scuba diving in the caribbean/south east US and want to help the environment, bring a gun with you and shoot as many lionfish as you can

I grew up on the ocean and lion fish were the bane of my existence. Worse than running into a fucking shark. Never actually ate one though.

What's wrong with them? I mean, what do they do?

Their spikes have hardcore poison. I didn't know about them being invasive growing up, I just knew to stay the fuck away whenever I saw one, just hovering ominously there in the water.

Venomous. Venom is injected, poison is ingested.

They're invasive and ruin reefs mainly, but those long fins they have are actually venomous spines that can give you a painful sting.

i have seen were divers, use scissors to cut the spines off well they are on the spears, so the divers don't get stuck by the spines latter.

Bread, pan fry and make fish tacos.

They're basically a trash fish. You can eat them but there a countless better options for fish. There's basically a campaign going on to get people interested in eating them since they're fucking up the environment. Just ignore them once they start trying to sell them in the store for an arm.leg/lb. Other than hopefully we do manage to get rid of them, though it's unlikely..

It's a decent eating fish. If OP can get it cheap it's worth it.

Sorry if I was unclear. Yes, you are right the meat isn't bad, but there isn't enough there for it be a decent eating fish hence why I call it a trash fish. I'm not saying don't eat the fish. I eat what's technically trash fish all the time since I fish in the Gulf when I go home for the holidays..

It is an invasive species in Caribbean waters, I've been to a dozen of islands in the Caribbean and the dive masters more often than not bring those spears to skewer them.

I've had flayed lionfish with squeezed lime on the boat after diving, doesn't get much fresher than that. It's just your standard white fish, not a very fatty or firm type of meat.

It's like eating pic related (Sea Robin). I catch them when going for flounder, they're decent eating but the work to get to the edible flesh is really not worth it.

the tails are pretty the only thing worth while..

ever try the belly skin as fluke bait? good shit

This is so obvious but it made my laugh wheezily.

It sounded good, eating an invasive species, but I've also heard ciguatera poisoning is more common in lionfish than some other species

So where are lionfish not considered an invasive species?

I'm originally from Hawaii and never heard anything about them ruining the reefs.

The Caribbean.

>you will never be Hawaiian.

Just shoot my useless britbong arse.

Being born and raised in Hawaii isn't the same as being Hawaiian. I'm haole as fuck and grew up in the whitest neighborhood, just down the street from that surfer girl who got famous for getting her arm bit off by a shark (went to school with her older brothers, who were assholes, btw).

Then again, I did have a great childhood, and was in the ocean almost every day from a very young age...

and other fish are full of mercury,
point is, this is fish you can probably buy guilt free.

How's the meth over there?

They have huge mouths and eat anything that fits. Combine that with their lack of predators and poisoned fins, and you have a nasty invasive species.

But user, Hawaiians are British.

it's shitfish, just like tilapia. You can maybe use it for soups and spicy dishes with lots of spice.