When you're peeling vegetables do you move the peeler towards or against you? Is there a superior way?

When you're peeling vegetables do you move the peeler towards or against you? Is there a superior way?



Peel things away from me

get away from me you filthy peels

>peeling towards yourself
Enjoy your trip to the ER

If I peel, I peel neither towards nor away from me. I use a Y-peeler and I just peel downward. I don't quite know how to explain the method better than that. Just downward.

You should never peel towards hell. That's asking for trouble.

I use a steel scrubber

From left to right, so technically neither towards or against.

Away. I feel like I can go faster.

Why would you peel a carrot?

Away. Always away. If you do it any other way it's a clear sign that you're a retarded and/or useless person. And probably a woman.

do you use a new one each time? it must be a bitch to clean the skin out of all those tiny little nooks and crannys

Away, unless I'm in a real hurry and just go back and forth (restaurant-tier).

Against, you fucking dumbass.

If it's round like a potato, towards myself.
If it's long like a carrot, away from myself.

>do you move the peeler

And that's where you're going wrong.

>using unitaskers

>peeling carrots

I eat it all natural

Better not using an oven then, it can only heat up things.

>all these people peeling away from themselves
confirmed for not knowing the proper way to peel vegetables, you place your thumb on the end of the vegetable and use that leverage to pull it along.

that faggot alton brown did a tutorial on how to peal shit and there are two ways: one is you move the peeler into the food, and you always do that away from you, and one is you move the food into a pairing knife as a peeler, but you keep the blade stationary in your hand.