Let me get a McPick 2!!!

I honestly don't know how some of you faggots sleep at night.

You come here, shit post most of the day, trash everyone in /b/ tier posts and then jiggle your fat tits in bed at night and chuckle about how smart you are.

The bottom line is, McDonald's is fucking delicious and it's one of Planet Earth's most successful businesses.
The McPick 2 promotion allows a consumer to purchase not only a sandwich but also fries OR cheese sticks for TWO FUCKING DOLLARS.

If you rip on that, you are just an asshole, plain and simple.

Eat a dick, I hate you.

In my area they stopped doing the mc pick2 for 2$ after about to weeks, then started a mcpick 2 for 5$ with shit like the Big Mac on it and 10 of nuggets really not a great deal and they entirely got rid of the god tier cheap cheese sticks

If you're going to rip on people's man boobs, I'd suggest not immediately following that with a shill for McDonalds.

>only three moose sticks

The fuck is a moose stick?

ITT: Candians

>they're totally successful on planet earth, gaiz!!!
wow, how much of a hyperspaceover can you be? here on planet quyzbuk, nobody gives a fuck about mcdonalds
keep being hyperspaceover, pleb

please stop

Fucking shill harder you cuck


>classic image.jpg

only two eagle freedom bucks, what a bargain.

>you irl

are you calling him a nigger or a clown?

y-you too

Alright, McDonald's social media expert, now we know about it. Now run along and go bother some other board.

>d-don't m-make fun of meeeeeeeeeee!
spoken like a true hyperspaceover
i bet you just got into betelgeusian cuisine last thursday, if your shitty one-gabbleblotchit planet even HAS any betelgeusian restaurants




I'll slice the bacon off your back!

fuck off back to /pol/

You're trying too hard, shill

You tried.

trash food for a trash person.

Veeky Forums is rightful /pol/ clay, faggot

You really get paid to use that language? How do I sign up?

something something quarter pounder warm fries ice cold coca cola something something

me on the right

No faggot McDonalds is terrible, Burgerking has a much better deal and better quality food. Every time I bit into McDonalds burgers I bit something hard like a rock in their meat.

The reason why McDonalds is so fucking terrible in the US compared to everywhere else in the world is because, for some reason, Americans refuse to pay more than 1.50$ for a hamburger. So the food quality is garbage.

McDonald's is actually decent food everywhere else in the world, and whenever I travel I eat at a McDonald just to try it and I'm always surprised. But whenever I go to the states it's always disgusting.

[spoiler] My friends I tell you[/spoiler]

As someone that also travels a lot, food in general is also of a far lower quality in America.

Their standards are just set to accept what most people consider bad.

>minimum wage $7.25

jeeze i wonder why people can't have nice things

the average american is treated like cattle and fed like it too

>You come here, shit post most of the day, trash everyone in /b/ tier posts and then jiggle your fat tits in bed at night and chuckle about how smart you are.

Holy shit that's exactly what I do

>I'm too dumb to breath
pick two is literally just the dollar menu but you cant buy less than 2 items. Advertising is scary because it works but nobody should be dumb enough to fall for a ploy that obvious.

A Double Quarter Pounder with cheese, hot, fresh fries and an ice cold Coca Cola.

>i'm too dumb to grammar
pick two is literally just the dollar menu but you cant buy fewer than 2 items.

>double quarter pounder
Why not just call it a half pounder?

The value menu no longer costs a dollar in most places. This was a good deal because that was like a 30% discount for some of us. Though this deal went away too

Both the Mcdouble and the Mcchicken are more than 2 dollars
So if you go to mcdonalds to buy only 1 dollar menu sandwich, that's fine
But everyone else who buys at least 2 is fine

people are less likely to eat something that calorie dense if they are reminded that they are eating half a pound of meat
not everybody does math because why would you really care about the name of a sandwhich
if you asked them they would answer, "two quarters, so I guess a half a pound", but nobody does that because why would you really care about the name of a sandwhich

because it isn't a half pound burger, it's 2 1/4 pounders