I've been sick with an infection for the past month and have consumed little food...

I've been sick with an infection for the past month and have consumed little food, and what food I have was very bland and healthy hospital food. I have not eaten anything more sugary than apple sauce in that time and although I feel my tastes have not changed, I tried drinking soda tonight and it was absolutely foul. Is it possible that going without sugar for that long has made me hyper sensitive to it? I've tried salty junk food and I like it the same as before, but the coca cola was just so sickeningly sweet.

When my seasonal allergies started acting up badly when i was around 16 i could no longer drink soda alone without getting headaches. Been on water ever since.

>it was absolutely foul
It means you are recovering from sugar.

No offense bro, but you sound like a faggot when you phrase it like that.

>coca cola

now there's yer problem

try fruit
its amazing

My RN roommate has this to say

>Your body wants certain nutrients badly and knows that infections love sugar so it's altering your taste

I've never really has much of a taste for fruit, never liked it that much. I'd honestly much rather eat vegetables than fruit.

Tell us more about your sad life, fag.

Congrats man, you've detoxed from your sugar addiction. Soda is, in general, revoltingly sweet, it's just that most people have gotten so used to absolutely insane amounts of sugar that they don't notice it.

Wouldn't that make me also find a lot of other foods taste bad considering how many other foods have a decent amount of sugar in it? Sauces for meats comes to mind.

People that say hospital food is "bland" usually have fucked up diets consisting of a bunch of shit that has assloads of sodium, sugars, and fats. However, if you eat those "bland" foods long enough, then your senses start to develop new standards for "normal" tasting foods, and if you switch back to your shitty diet, the food might not taste as good as you thought it would.

This is what happened to you with nasty as coca-cola.

I cut out all sweet food/drink made with sugar for one month and the same thing happened. Just how it goes.

Hospital food is bland because it's under-seasoned and over-cooked.

100 times this. As someone who has tried to change their diet to a healthy one and mostly succeeded- I used to drink coke every day, but wanted to lose weight so I stopped. For a few months drank absolutely only water, the next time I tasted coke it was unbearably sweet. Because that's what it is.

>Is it possible that going without sugar for that long has made me hyper sensitive to it?

Most likely you actually became normal sensitive to it.

I used to drink allot of sugery cola, and i swear i can tast this sour tast of insulin or something when i drink it. And the fact its just pure syrup.

Go for suger free.

Hospital food is bland because....it fucking sucks. It's mass-produced in an industrial kitchen, so that precludes the use of good quality ingredients. Everything is factory farmed.

...and since it's being fed to sick people, it cannot contain much in the way of seasonings that might make someone's stomach upset, trigger an allergic reaction, or cause other medical issues. It's the very worst example of lowest-common-denominator food.

OP, you were probably overwhelmed by the acidity.

I eat mostly plant foods and fish. Yet on the rare occasion I have a cola I don't find it 'sickeningly' sweet. Rather, it's just incredibly gassy, and I struggle with more than one bottle. Maybe the EU cola is different though. It's nice chilled.

So I disagree.

>I tasted coke it was unbearably sweet. Because that's what it is.
You must be broken. My parents allowed ansolutely zero junk food in our house, I didn't even have cake or candy until I was 7 or 8. Never had a problem with coke being to sweet and I ate something sweet less than 6 or 7 times a year.

You're saying that you used to consume so much sugar, you fucked up your body by not having it for a month?
Good god man. Stop being disgusting

Yes, it was sugar that gave me an infection, sugar is to blame for a month of blood, pus, and terrible pain.

the point is the natural sugars in the fruit are enough for the fruit to taste sweet since you're recovering from sugar, so try it you fucking faggot

Why are you so angry? Why do you assume there's only two people in this thread?

>Your body wants certain nutrients badly and knows that infections love sugar so it's altering your taste

And this is why your RN isn't a doctor

>it was sugar that gave me an infection

that is some grade A autism senpai.

OP here. This guy is 100% right. Tried another very sugary food and it was fine, another acidic one and it was gross.

Your tastes have just normalised. I quit soda as a teenager because of health issues and everything started tasting sweeter afterwards.

Kids have a higher tolerance for sweet things and a lower tolerance for bitter things. That's why they love lollies so much.