Should I be embarrassed if I order something from the kid's menu?

Should I be embarrassed if I order something from the kid's menu?

I don't eat that much food and usually the kids meal will fill me up. For example, I've been going to smashburger a few times and always order the kids meal which is legitimately a decent sized burger and fries. But it is still labeled as "kids".

I think the only time someone cared is when I went to chipotle and asked for the chocolate milk.The girl there giggled at me for choosing it.

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Don't sweat it.

Yes, yes you should

Not at Smashburger in particular. That's probably a good deal.

But what the hell were you eating at Chipotle that went with chocolate milk?

Don't try to take the high ground with a question like this.

>not getting the double big burger

why would it not be ok? unless you order it with a diet soda its alright (diet contains too many Es that makes it hazardous for long-term consumption)

I eat these for a snack on occasion.

I got a coupon for a $2 kid's meal at Wendy's once. I ordered it, and nobody gave a shit.

They mistakenly gave me apple slices AND fries, so it was a pretty decent meal.

Juice box was watery af, tho. That shit was strawberry watermelon flavored, shit shoulda been TIGHT.

>asked for the chocolate milk
Why yes, I would LOVE sugarmilk with my mexican food.
God damnit OP, why?

>people making fun of you for not eating like a dirty fat fuck that films himself in his car after ordering 20$ worth of fast food

Chocolate milk tastes pretty good though. It is also cheaper than the bottled water.

>take burrito home
>drink water you already have
huh what a crazy idea

>literally thrown out
I doubt that

shit dude, they still make those? i know what i'm having for lunch today...

>not getting a bowl

Sorry let me correct myself
>take bowl home
>drink water
huh that still is a fuckin crazy batshit insane idea right

2 million for his very last shred of dignity. I wonder if it's worth it.

Kids meals aren't really worth it, economically speaking
You should just buy an adult sized meal and share it by halves
also, you can just buy the toys


Fun fact: the fast food "kid's meal" is the normal meal from the 1950-60s. A hamburger and french fries with an 8oz shake was standard until McDs decided it needed to push profits higher and invented "premium" sandwiches and larger sizes. Nobody needs to eat more than what's in a Happy Meal in a single sitting. Ever.

Do you have sauce on actual serving size?
Your claim sounds possible, I'm curious to see if it's actually the case.

8oz shake is probably more calories than a second burger though

compare to happymeal portions

corn and gummies.... fuck year


as long as you dont ask for the toy, if you take the toy you better come up wth an excuse like you are helping your sister get the whole collection or something

>50 lbs of food
how the fuck
was he planning to hibernate
does the food travel to another plane of existance
where does it go

> real American cheese

Op, your problem is that you still care about the opinions of others. Let it go man. You got to do your own thing in life disputed what people you don't know think of it. You'll live a fuller and much happier lifestyle if you do.

It's kind of adorable user.

they're trying to shame you into spending more on something that's already overpriced


Anyway, from McD's website, happy meal contains :
French fries, kid serving size 1.3 oz (instead of 2.4 in 1955)
Hamburger 3.5 oz or cheeseburger 4 oz (instead of 3.7)
Apple juice 6.0 fl oz (177.0 ml) or milk 1 carton (236 ml) (instead of 7 floz)

Happy is smaller than original meal, but close compared to regular meal.