I'll bite: how am I meant to season food?

I'll bite: how am I meant to season food?


What kind? How much?

where did this "white people don't season food" meme come from?I've always seasoned food and all of my white friends season the food they make.My family seasons everything.I've never seen a white person, or any person not season food.

salt and pepper

Are you really just asking what spices go on food? That's like asking what medicine goes on germs

onion powder, salt and cracked pepper

The kind you like. Not too much, not too little.

A dash of 'cha adds a midwestern kick to most grilled foods.

Ms. Dash

Top tier: Salt and pepper.
High tier: Garlic, Herbs
Asian/tropical tier: Sugar and alcohol.
'fuck outta here tier: Spice mix.

I already do that shit.

people who think 'seasoning' has to entail more than just fucking salt don't really know how to cook

like fair play your mum makes great jerk or some shit but have some fucking perspective. you get flavour in your food a bunch of different ways, don't need it to be smothered in stuff at every stage. the guys who think cooking meat unseasoned is for white people probably eat a fuckton of burned and shitty spices and dried herbs.

Me too but my dad doesn't season shit. Maybe it's the previous generation.

It's an old white guy meme that seasoning ruins food. Previous generations seem to have just had...a blander taste, or maybe they've come to accept blandness as they didn't grow up with the same kind of plenty we did.

Niggers don't know how to enjoy meat.

What about people who marinate their meat overnight and then season it? Too much? Unnecessary?

Salt and pepper, some oil at the end if you're doing it in batches.

Before I started cooking food for my family, everyone added only a tiny amount of seasoning to their meal. They would use the correct seasoning for whatever they were cooking, they would just put so little of it on that you could barely taste anything.

White trashy people are use to eating fast/frozen/pre-packaged food that they are just clueless as to how seasoning is used.

I got a theory, Ive herd Black/poor folks used to have pretty shitty left over type foods that they got to use every fucking seasoning under the sun to actualy make it taste good while everyone else had prime cuts/etc and require little to no seasoning.

Yes Im aware people also knew how to cook regardless and had time to season, prep, dry, etc there food but now its sort of a lost art unless you went to school to make the most out of your meals or had some one show you that you can use more than just salt and pepper to flavor your food. My mom has her own personal garden to tend too and when ever she needs another vedgie/herb for a dish she can just go out back and pick it to make it great.

That's supposedly how smoking/BBQ originated. You give the slaves a chunk of fatty, gristly meat that's barely edible unless it's slow cooked for several hours and covered in sauce.

Your corollary that if you're eating fillet mignon you only need a dash of salt & pepper makes sense.

>That's supposedly how smoking/BBQ originated. You give the slaves a chunk of fatty, gristly meat that's barely edible unless it's slow cooked for several hours and covered in sauce.

that's utterly retarded

That's no where even close to how it started.

is that guy grilling a chuck steak?

This cooking isnt like solving a math problem. Each dish required different seasonings. Not every dish you make requires the same spices or the same amount.

While that doesn't make sense, I can see cheap meat needing spices and a nice piece meat should be eaten for its natural flavor

Whatchu sayin' white boi, you don' like blackened fish? Or blackened chicken? Or blackened beef? Or blackened black?

Depends how I'm making it. Chicken is pretty basic so you can do whatever the fuck you want. Sometimes I just make bbq sauce, toss chicken in, and add fresh garlic, onion, and herbs. Let marinate for a while. Sometimes I just dice garlic and mix it with cayenne pepper and fresh lime juice and baste the chicken. Or I make Hawaiian chicken which is marinated in soy sauce, pineapple juice, ketchup, and ginger. There are a lot of methods for flavor so you do you.

Thrid worlders needed spices to cover up the fact they were eating dog meat and rotten carrion even medieval european peasants wouldn't touch.

Nothing wrong with some rosemary on a chicken. A cut of steak really only needs salt and pepper.

Uh, there's no trick

The absolute, most basic "seasoning" you do is put salt and pepper on both sides of the meat before cooking it.

That's all you gotta do champ.

if it's on a charcoal or wood burning grill, it doesn't _need_ anything. i'd still salt and pepper it out of habit.

Why are all the best chefs in the world white then? Name me some good black chefs who aren't Ainsley or Aunt Jemima.


the best chefs are hispanic and asian. and every white chef is fucking in love with a different culture

Salt and pepper are your two basic seasonings, they go with pretty much anything.

Then you have garlic, herbs, ginger and various other plant based stuff, which vary wildly between different meals, generally you want to follow a recipe.

While there are "spice mixes" and "mexican flavour" stuff, I personally prefer to just buy decent amounts of all spices and herbs and pick and mix them, rather than use a premixed spice package.

chicken generally needs marinating since the meat itself is rather bland

Why all the butthurt about under seasoning meat? Learn how to take a joke.



white people hate criticism, there are so many unobjectively racist idiotic responses in this thread as evidence

>brit talking about cooking
I thought it was a meme but you cucks really do just put beans on toast and call it breakfast kek.

Black people don't like blackened blacks.

>white people hate criticism

That's not what is going on here. The thing that bothers me about the OP pic is that I'm white and I season the fuck out of my foods, borderline too much but not really too much usually. Oregano, smoked paprika, various other powders and dried herbs, fresh herbs, etc. I don't even know other white people but as far as I know the pic is just plain incorrect. What is this shit based on? Where is this information perpetuated?

Now imagine if these kinds of things were said about your race daily, but it was that you steal and kill people.

You whites make me laugh, this is like the most innocuous thing that could be said about you. Some of us face REAL stereotypes every single day.

Boomers, boomers' parents.

imagine what its like being any other race than white and seeing unfounded memes or jokes about your cultures cuisine.
if you can't, look in any other thread on this board. you'll find plenty. hell, look in this one.

its hilarious how butthurt privileged people get

>plates at a black guys bqq

Smoking originated as a method of preservation. Cooking outside AKA barbecue originated as a way to cook outside.

niggers are fucking usleess in kitchens just fyi


niggers yes, but an experienced black man can make you some exquisite bbq and soul food.

BBQ is just pit roasting with modern implements.
AFAIK it originates in the Caribbean where the Spanish released hogs, that buccaneers would later hunt and roast in pits.
Later many of these people settled in america and took the cooking style with them

I think it was the older generation. I used to not believe it was true, but then I heard quite a few anecdotal tales about childhood and boiled chicken served plain. I don't think it's as pervasive as people claim, but I do think it was more common in the older generations. And they do use seasoning, but it's often simple and very specific (they don't branch out).

However, I can't wrap my mind around how white people supposedly underseason and at the same time, have everything come from a can. While a lot of companies backed off sodium in the recent decade (or decades in some cases), but ya can't really claim both. Cream of mushroom soup meme shit? There's seasonings and other shit in those canned goods. If someone is all "white people canned food" and "white people don't season," then they're contradicting themselves. I'm not saying canned food is seasoned well, wisely, or deliciously, but it is a fucking sodium bomb often filled with dried vegetables or herbs, seasoning, and more salt. At the very least, the diet is over fucking salted. And most "white people don't season" commentary includes salt, so anyways, whatever.

>white people actualy defending their """"""""cuisine"""""""""
never change, honkies
even so-called "high class" whitey food needs gallons of milk and sugar cooked in to make it semi-palatable

Are coloreds really incapable of enjoying plain food? I swing either way depending on mood.

Overspicing a good stake is as bad as overlooking it. Though salt pepper should always be added.

Just keep telling yourself that darkie

Or better yet name me one of those high class white dishes you claim need to be filled with sugar to taste good


>mfw when they take my bait


>However, I can't wrap my mind around how white people supposedly underseason and at the same time, have everything come from a can.
Are you implying that canned food is seasoning?

>asking for evidence for the obvious
LOL, but i'll humor you little paleskin

butter and sugar bread

>bechamel sauce, a staple of whitey cuisine, regarded as one of the great "mother sauces"
melted butter

potatos and cheese! mmmm, such great cuisine!

>crepes, regarded a staple of white breakfast
sugary cake with more sugar inside

you have horrible taste in sports anime
do you not even daiya?

No, he's stating that canned food is automatically seasoned. Too many words for you to read in one sitting?

Mother sauces are not supposed to be used without adornment. They're the base for other sauces. The rest of your bait is too shitty to bite at.


when you have quality food non-rotted foods you don't need to cover up the flavor with spices

>file deleted

What are you biting, OP? Your thread doesn't make sense anymore.

You can thank the schizophrenic mods who randomly delete entire strings of posts because of a petty disagreement about food, and blank out thumbnails while apparently allowing offtopic racist shitstorms to proceed as though this was /b/ for food

>Off topic bullshit about any other race that isn't white
>Mods don't blink an eye
>Minor joke about whites not seasoning their food
>Mods go apeshit and delete everything

It was a Black Twitter thumbnail about chicken.

just cook an egg, quarter it, and try out different seasonings/combinations on each quarter. you'll be a spice master in no time.

>Basic seasoning
pepper, MSG, turmeric, salt

After that you just add whatever regional styles you're going for, although that usually includes garlic. But what I listed is the absolute basics for any cuisine being attempted using 21st century knowledge.