Would you agree that the banana is the best fruit?

Would you agree that the banana is the best fruit?





i like cooked plantains a lot, though.

excuse you

it's not a fruit, it's an herb

This is the real answer

No, desu I like citrus-- like grapefruit the best.

>eating anything shaped like a dick


My favorites are clementines and blueberries

Not even close tbqh

Haha prety much this. The shit is grass.


fruit master race

Isn't that a berry?

not juicy enough.

A berry is a type of fruit, but yes.

yea its the only shit that fills me up with actual calories

I'm more partial to raspberries.

nice vegan style ' ' you got there

No pizza is better

why is Solanaceae so based?

>honeycrisp apples
>Literally most fruits are top tier
why is fruit so fucking good

>tfw can't find peaches fucking anywhere

Whore detected, no.

That thing is a vegetable otherwise you're politically correct

Do you live in Antarctica?

It's a nightmare to atheists and proves God's existence. So, yes.

The king of fruits.

Thanks lori


I'm the best fruit.

Veeky Forums here.

Bananas are goat. Slice them up throw them in oatmeal for a god tier snack.


"Scientifically speaking, atomatois definitely afruit. Truefruitsare developed from the ovary in the base of the flower, and contain the seeds of the plant (though cultivated forms may be seedless). Blueberries, raspberries, and oranges are truefruits, and so are many kinds of nut."


It's a vegetable.
Bananas don't have seeds in them.


>Being this insecure about your sexuality

Probably a closeted faggot

You stupid ducking idiot.

Potatoes are a fruit fucking retard

I know someone who fucks them


its the best coocking fruit

peaches to me just taste like water