What's for lunch, Veeky Forums?

What's for lunch, Veeky Forums?

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i hope you actually live in asia and just aren't a fucking massive faggot.

I've done the massive faggot thing as well. Not proud of it.

I forgot I wasn't allowed to eat food not from my country

It's dinner time though.

Also, pic related is what we just ate for dinner.

that reminds me of those
>I know how to take care of my man


Eggs are way overdone my man

I don't get how people can eat eggs that overdone and swimming in protien water

Looks wonderful.

You're an ass.

enjoy your Campylobacter

Supper thread then?

pic is my supper

I tried...

Looks good enough, would eat.

Yeah as a Canadian I don't know why I'd ever consider eating anything else than poutine and butter tarts.

the fuck

Thanks for the encouragement brother

I like how the black and white plate represents the turmoil in your heart as the good in you struggles with your inner demon.

Are those fries reheated McDonalds?.
Is that leftover Cane's sauce?
I like the pitifully small side of 'etti 'gnese

I had some smoked fish, bread and butter and a lemon cream cake.

went and got a steamed burger with a side of some blandish home fries from teds "famous" burgers

shoulda brought the salt shaker out to my car or ordered them with cheese/chili to spice em up


Potatoes look interesting. What are they? From where?

red potatoes from somewhere in the northeast I'm sure

they keep their cheese source a secret so they probably do the same with potatoes

I was asking how they were cooked/seasoned/what they are called, and where they were purchased.

>a side of some blandish home fries from teds "famous" burgers

Are you actually retarded?


not sure exactly how they were cooked but seems like veg oil with a little bit of paprika and salt/pepper

>those potatoes

oh boi, i laffin

thanks, user, i need that

fuck off weeb

the fuck McDicks you go to that makes fries that thick?

bro, just let that shit ride longer in the oven.

CT fag?

Dinner thread???

I grilled up some meats. Chicken, salmon, and steak and a baked potato. All for me!

looks like you live in nigger central
also fuckoff and die you cancerous tripfaggot

this is so rude. mods.

This beer is ass

Meatballs and mozzarella sandwich

I actually ate this for My Lunchfast.

>constantly eats fast food on paper plates
>uses a dish for a hot pocket

>steamed hams

Is it really necessary to have that little girl's toy in all your pictures?

i made some ugly bagels today, but they taste great. little cream cheese, cucumbers, onion, ham, one clementine, and some pickled cucumbers on the side. starch heavy but I wanted to enjoy my bagel while it was fresh and warm

What are those little mushrooms called?

It's Sunday.

Fried Chicken and Waffles

I also made a gravy and put syrup in it

>no Masonic cube with Sunday lunch

Nothing because I'm on a government income and can only afford to eat 10 days a month.

Hope you enjoyed it. Everything looks overcooked for my taste, but to each his own.

I recently grilled some chicken hearts and sausage

Kind of a mixed bag but it was good


>this confuses the Americunt.

You should have tried harder.

Troll harder faggot

In 1 hr and 10 minutes I'll be eating these.

Otter pops beer and curly fries


what the fuck am I looking at

A baked butternut squash with about 2tsp butter spread on it with tasty paprika seasoning with garlic and basil.


I'd eat that. Used to love butternut squash,

I've almost perfected the recipe, the last step is to somehow infuse the spices throughout the squash. as of now, scoring the flesh works OKAY but not really what I want.

Sounds nice either way user. Usually only a seasonal thing for me, but I could really go for that anytime. Hope you perfect your recipe man.

Not really into this type of food but I must say that looks pretty damn good.

They are enoki mushrooms

The paprika really REALLY makes it.

He's right, eating with chinksticks and drinking something because it has jap writing on it, weeaboos are fucking embarrassing and deserve the loneliness that comes with it.

Hurr durr muh meat and potatos

fried rice

These don't look very fresh.

Have you considered the possibility that maybe OP is eating that food because he likes the way it tastes? Is that so outlandish?

If it wasn't almost 2 in the night and I didn't have to get up in 6 hours, I'd make a lentil soup. Lentils are so fucking based.


dude your eggs look weird.

That's a nice entree, but what's for lunch?

>That's a nice entree, but what's for lunch?
What did [fat-ass] meme by this?

Thanks Mr. Skeletal

Nice digits. I was only pretending to antagonize you. You're probably a decent person who didn't deserve to be called a fat-ass. I wouldn't quite call myself skeletal though.

Do you feel satisfied after such meal though? A cup of rise and a few sliced veggies isn't a proper meal by any standard. Looks delicious though.

Oh, I'm not even the person who posted it. I probably wouldn't be but I don't often eat to the point of being full. I guess I would if I could but who knows. That'd be enough for me the way I eat.

It's easy. Spice it 20 minutes after you've been cooking it. Or baste.



why do you people eat on paper plates holy shit. thats so ghetto

>eggo waffles
seroiusly you guys need to stop posting manufactured food, its not Veeky Forums

Jesus fucking Christ

How is everything in this thread so unappealing?

Because food is gross.

I don't get paid until Thursday so nothing.

both look extremely good. I haven't had a roast in months - suffering.

confuses me too desu. stuffing?

Obviously it was a cookout/grill/BBQ. Makes it easier with the cleanup.

what a coincidense. Im having sushi too, except mine is cheap asian market sushi tho. Pretty good tho, i also bought djon mustar with seeds, pound of gummys and a tiny chocolate covered hazlenut and one tiny white chocolate covered almonds

i actually hate eating desu.

actually i hate you

Wa La

What is on that corn??

Do you work?

Yeah what is that on that corm?

The bast damn food this side of the planet.

Naan flatbread pizza

they look weird cause they're salted duck eggs.