Hello Veeky Forums

Hello Veeky Forums,
I'm going to start a fast food restaurant near a famous college in my city. 99% of the people are going to be college students.
But I don't know what to serve in the restaurant.
Can you give me some recipes and suggestions for this?
Fast food, good quantity, budget friendy but should taste amazing.

And also no beef. Only chicken or pork

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Sure thing OP, let me just check my amazing ideas journal and get back to you. You clearly have the knowledge, experience, drive, and capital necessary to succeed with any number of the recipes and concepts I come up with in my free time.

>I'm going to start a fast food restaurant
>no beef

Sounds like a disaster tbqh. You may choose to specialize in other dishes but not offering burgers at a fast food restaurant sounds like a bad decision.

It is. Just run some coals op and people will come after the smell.

I live in india man.
Plz help me in making a menu.
I'm thinking fried rice, burgers, pizza etc., but would love more innovative stuff. Stuff that a normal college student is going to get addicted to. Stuff that you crave after smoking Weed.

>no beef


fried mortadella sandwiches
four slices of mortadella on white bread
make it cheap

it will attract the student crowd

I don't mind beef, but no one is going eat it.
I just want the menu to be like 10-15 items.
I want all of them to be amazing.

turkey burgers if you can find a source of turkey patties or maybe grind the meat yourself

>a normal college student
>i live in india

Corn dogs. Fucking cheap. Also, if you cut the hot dogs into little pieces, and make mini corndogs, and make some special sauce for dipping, youre all set. Well implying that hot dogs in india are a cheap thing.

>he still shits in the streets

>the streets are even designated for such activities

depends on the college i guess. if it's in a liberal area i'd go for ethnic comfort food.

are you going to have restroom facilities?
or a designated shitting area you hose out?

Sadly sausages are very costly in india.

I'd like to know more about the demographic you're targeting. You have a bunch of pajeet comp sci students who smoke weed around there? How much of the population is indigenous and how many are foreigners? I'd be looking at finger foods. Maybe loaded french fries. Maybe doner kebabs you can wrap up and take with. Make a really good tea, lemonade, whatever drink available too.

How about chicken and pork? With a hint of brown sugar.
This recipe is a simple appetizer. It just take like 30 minutes in the oven.
> foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/sweet-chicken-bacon-wraps-recipe.html

If it's a fast food place they're not going to want to wait that long unless you make them in advance and let them fester under a heat lamp

make your own by using pork and chicken, salt. white pepper, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder and crushed ice in a large blender until it is a paste.
then stuff the mixture into pig casings, make sausages and hot smoke them which will dry them out, firm them out and give them a smokey flavour
they should easily last a week hanging in the walk in fridge (or a dedicated fridge) so you can make a huge batch on sunday and use them throughout the week to make corn dogs and hot dogs

Your menu should include the following items.
corndogs, hotdogs, turkeyburgers, fried mortadella sandwiches, special fried rice, chips + gravy and cheese curds, maybe fried chicken?
Milk shakes?

I think its supposed to be a western style restaurant

Then fry it nigga.

Isn't lamb used as a substitute for beef in India? I remember reading that is what McDonald's uses.

Lamb burgers are amazing, BTW

>no beef

I'm a college student.
>Have coffee
>Be cheap
>Have premade stuff
>Have cousy set up
>Tell workers to let students sit as long as they want

Oh wait that's terrible. Students are shit and you know it

Lucky Charms.

Why no beef? Don't indians use buffalo in place of cattle?
Anyway I would think standard pizza / sandwiches / fries + some local specialties. I dunno what else to suggest given how very little info you provided of what you have to work with.


Fried chicken
fried sandwiches, with options for cheese and meat
homemade juice
free wifi

So what makes you think Veeky Forums regulars know anything about catering to the tastes of Indian college students?

Pork is haram though

Pork is haram though

the op specified pork or chicken only

so what, muslims will eat something else

Well since your target demographic is college kids then your priorities will be as follows:
1.) tasty
1.) cheap
2.) nutritious

everything else is negotiable, unless you wanna go full health-food.

the easiest is to just have a set number of ingredients for everything and do mostly different permutations of it to make up different menu items (for example the toppings used on sandwiches will be the same as pizza).

within those parameters i suspect you can get creative.

also, use readymade confectioneries / deserts (sweets, cookies, icecream)

I can't help but see a maniacal laughing face in that parfait.

Mini pizzas
Ice cream
Pieces of cake
Premade sandwiches
Iced coffee
Baked goods
Cheap candy and bubblegum
Basically any single serving meal a client can take using just a fork or a spoon (or his own hands).
Always have plastic bags and takeaway packing in case someone wants to take your stuff home.
There's a fat old lady in my college that probably makes bank selling fast food to students, lines are always huge and her food is delicious.

oh I assumed you lived near an ivy league
fuckin lol

even my uni is amazing next to that

Another thing: i eat curry very often. I assume since its basic indian food that its pretty cheap. Now here's the thing: when im lazy, i just warm that shit up, and put it in a bun with some salad and onions. Basically it's an indian sloppy joe. It's tasty, its cheap, and it even fits the local taste. Id highly recommend it, even tho its a product of laziness.

here's an idea for a gimmick

provide very easily accessible calorie/macro information, maybe directly on the menu or something

appeal to that fratbro-just-starting-to-work-out crowd

>I'm going to start a fast food restaurant
>dont know what to make

you're gonna fail seeing as how you have no clue on what to even serve in the first place.

Also look up Chic-a-fil-a and copy that.


>But I don't know what to serve in the restaurant.
You're doing this wrong if you have no idea what your business is going to be about.

Get your own ideas, Pajeet.

Ought to fucking colonise you shitskins again.

>No beef
>serves pork

Son you gonna get Allahu Akbared by liberal kiddies who are pissed you are serving non-halal meat.

>And also no beef. Only chicken or pork
Picture related.

>i'm going to start a restaurant
>i don't know what to serve
why don't you just set your money on fire? you'll still waste it, but at least you'll be warm for a little while.