
any one know the starting pay for back of house..say as a dishwasher. Also do you have to bust tables to if you are one?

>bust tables

>You must be 18 years of age or older to post on this site.

>any one know the starting pay for back of house
Around minimum wage, maybe slightly over.

>do you have to bust tables to
Some places ask dishwashers to BUS tables TOO. Some do not. Really depends a lot on how busy the place is and how many employees there are.

not this board you sperg

>bust tables

Yes, but only on sundays. They make you do that by hand so I recommend working out for a while before you apply.

In plenty of places you'll need to speak spanish to be a dishwasher.

>bust tables

>crack open a bear


maybe $8-9/hr

its a job for felons and heroin addicts

hey OP, its way easier to bust tables with an ax.

a chain place like IHOP would most likely be like $8-$9

the place I'm at started me at $11 which for the amount of work I actually do is amazing. I get paid to stand around most days. If you can, try to get hired by a Darden owned restaurant, they've done me good in the 3 I've worked at now.

>stand around

what alternate reality is this? sounds like the most mismanaged restaurant ever

could have a nigger in there for $8/hr and cut him as soon as the dinner rush ends like most places do

I'm just as amazed as you are mate, started here a few months ago and the only time we're ever actually busy is the occasional Saturday. And even then a slow day at the last place I worked was about the same amount of work as a busy Saturday here. I work about 35 hours a week which nets me decent free time and more money than I ever spend.

a little above minimum wage, and they (should) only ask you to help with tables if they're really busy.

>$11 an hour
>On a 35 hour work week.
>More money than I ever spend.
I make more in a single work day than you in a week.

You're stupidly poor or live with your parents or both.

ive never seen dish help with tables and if the place is really busy dish is in the weeds for hours with people screaming for him to ASAP shit they are running out of

Maybe he's earing $11 US/hr and living in some place like Cambodia or Laos where you can buy a house for $1000

If you live in cambodia you don't make $11 an hour.

I live in a pretty decent apartment with a roommate and don't buy idiotic shit.
Also don't drive

Have plenty of money for rent and bills, food, and video games/other entertainment. I also don't live in meme states where everything is stupidly expensive.

yeah they won't be out front for long, but just something like quickly running drinks or grabbing a few dirty dishes while servers tend to other tables

I think he's just an idiot if he thinks a 35 hour work week gives him "decent" free time.

A set schedule and a 7-3 job leaves me out of my fucking mind with how much free time I have.

not him but i make like $700/week in a state with a $7.25/hr minimum wage.

its more than i can spend/i save 50%+ of my income.

>Makes ~$1700 pre-tax a month
>Says retarded shit like "meme states"
>Is too dumb to realize how poor he is.
I make $42/hr with a high school diploma and don't live in a major city. You don't know what "plenty of money" is.

I knew this girl who taught english there, I'm pretty sure she made about that

I bet you're still on mommy's health insurance.


Shut the fuck up faggot not all felons are shitty people some just make mistakes. It's easier than every to get a felony. In NY Owning a firearm magazine which holds more than 7 rounds is a felony, even if you only load 7. Having a certain amount of weed in your own home is a felony. Tripping and falling into a window valued at over $1,000 is a felony. Why should these people have to suffer for the rest of their lives? Kill yourself.

>Implying in cases like that most upstanding people don't plead out to misdemeanor charges.
>Implying, by and large, felons aren't shitty people.

Yes, we know, everyone on fur chun is a hung-dick CEO who brings in 300k a year before bonuses.

the point I'm making is that I don't fucking need that much money for anything. why would I need to make that much when I make more than enough to live a very comfortable life?

congrats to you though

nop. pay $200/month.

i pay all of my bills for the month in about 1.5 weeks and end up saving ~$1000/month.

>Implying being middle class is difficult.
Stop incessantly shitposting on a Burmese calligraphy quilting bee and you'll be able to get there too.

>having health insurance

see that's the idiotic spending I mentioned

>i live in NY
>liberal hellhole

meanwhile im in the "hellhole evil redneck south" and i can get pulled over with a half ounce of weed in my car and get it dismissed by taking a drug class or at worst a misdemeanor and $300 fine.

You're a dull flyover who lacks interests outside of shoveling shit day in and day out.

enjoy obama raping you for $2000 in taxes for not having it

>the point I'm making is that I don't fucking need that much money for anything.
Because you don't have anything. It's pretty easy to spot a retard living in his parent's basement.

Good on you. I hope you're investing that money and not wasting it.

lmao you neckbeards are hilarious. No one gives a fuck how much you claim to make anonymously on a food message board. Do you honestly believe you're impressing anyone?

>Says the child posting on a Cantonese shadow puppet news group while making just above minimum wage.

oh cool is this the blue collar e-peen thread? the white collar one is getting boring

I'm making you jealous, aren't I? :^)

Please tell me you're joking.

>Meme states

>investing your money

i guess. ive turned a 2.5:1 profit on fanduel gambling football for the last 3 years and ill probably retire at like 40-45 with my flip girlfriend to the philippines

enjoy making a ton of money, giving it to someone else and watching some jew gamble it away on stocks right before you retire though.

Not everyone is given the option to have their case reduced to a misdemeanor. Not all felons are shitty people. Keep talking shit until it happens to you.

>He thinks fanduel and the ilk won't get shutdown.
Gamblers are pretty delusional, I guess.

Meanwhile, just investing in the market give you a solid 7% return.

The American middle class is fucking gone. 300k is not middle class.

>Implying it is.
I hate all the people my age and younger that have given up on success because it's "too hard" or "doesn't exist."

It's fucking pathetic.

believe what you want friend. I'll continue having a great time. you can continue to want more and more and more, because you're a standard consumer.

I'm sure all that money will make your kids very happy when you die.

Hasn't affected me even slightly.

>7% in volatile stocks is better than 4% in bonds

ill enjoy my 250% in fan duel while it lasts though nigger. i get paid to watch football and manage my own money. if they make it illegal ill just go back to playing holdem like i used to. its easy to take money from faggots like you.

>I got high on reefers while carrying around an illegal weapon and tripped and crashed into a window, boo hoo it's so easy to get a felony
Literally what

I've lived in NYC all my life and I know enough about crime to know you commit ONE AT A TIME (protip: being black counts as one)

I make more in one hour than you make in one week.

Hahahahahaha I'm living the dream, son. Buying whatever I want, whenever I want, not having money be a concern at all.

You don't know how small you really are.

Jealous of what? You're anonymous claims. I make $84 an hour, you jelly faggot?

God damn guys, chill the fuck out. It's a thread about a shit tier breakfast chain.

>Implying an index fund is highly volatile.
>A gambler thinking he's somehow beat the house
You're adorable.

Success is relative.

Are you an underwater welder or something?

>muh fanguard
>muh essenpee
I want /r/personalfinance/ to leave

>Continue to want more and more and more

Not everyone is a greedy shitbag like you.

I see being called out on your fake success in sports betting has led you to resort to name calling.

kek where are you getting that? That is not at all something that happened to me. Like I said, owning a magazine capable of holding more than 7 rounds is a FELONY. Explain how someone who made that mistake is such an evil person?Someone who committed some non-violent and victimless crime should not have to suffer forever. Nice racism though, now I can see who I'm dealing with.

>makes $200,000/yr
>posts on Veeky Forums
>no images

I just spent $200 in this steam sale without even flinching lol. I don't have a care in the world.

Trust me friend, life isn't as black and white as you think it is.

Also I'm getting real sick of these retarded store front captchas that don't work right

im not betting against the house faggot. im betting against dumbass kids like you.

>not being a gullible consumer makes me greedy

You're not fooling me, Goldstein.

I don't believe it's right that black people get strangled to death for selling a cigarette

But reality seems to have escaped your notice - if you're black you should not take any more chances than necessary

Running around with a loaded gun in this city, with no permit, knowing that it's a quick trip to jail, is just dumb as fuck. That goes double if you're black and you grow up knowing you can get killed for not saying "yes sir" convincingly enough

Have fun in whatever fantasy land you're living in

More like $100k, but yeah, I do post here.

Tell me, pal, how many points is the letter 'x' worth in Scrabble?

I've only won one sports bet in my life and it was a random office bracket pool, it was dumb luck

Spamming investing memes doesn't make you the next soros

>Calling sound investment decisions "memes"
I hate what this site has become sometimes.

Quit facebook and join a credit union, then

I'm not talking about just the city it's the whole state. I was hunting in the 'Dacks shortly after the law changed and had an old 10-round mag on me. Now I should suffer for the rest of my life for that?

How hard is it to order a 5 round mag on the internet and mail your illegal one to your buddy one state over?

You knowingly broke the law, and you're bitching and moaning about it on an anonymous minangkabau dowry negotiation forum. People have suffered their entire lives for stuff completely outside their control, get a grip.

>Bootlicking scum defending "assault" weapons bans
Commie pls.

so you work 100 hours a week?

So I should have to work for $8 washing dishes for the rest of my life because I committed some non-violent victimless crime? Is that your logic?

Being a convicted felon doesn't relegate you to minimum wage jobs forever, dude.

Don't forget alcoholics :^)

I've never seen a d/w salary on anything above minimum wage, so probably whatever the minimum wage is in your country.