Holy shit! DBC is gonna be the first coin on KuCoin to drop to 0!

Holy shit! DBC is gonna be the first coin on KuCoin to drop to 0!


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Technically it can never drop to 0 unless someone gives their DBC for free

lol... nothing bot sell bots..

You might be right. It's literally technically impossible because I don't think KuCoin allows you to give it away for free.

Poor fellow... he's gonna see his bags drop 1/2 value pretty soon..

zero times 1/2 is still zero buddy

don't worry about it OP

dont worry man its just whales accumulating

Man I fomoed in at like .39 when it was pumping, was on vacation when it ATH'd and by the time I got to my hotel it was .44. I was so pissed, goddam I'm everyday I feel grateful I wasn't as retarded as I could have been.

i sold at .44 sorry really tired

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence or any understanding of AI and computing knew on sight, from the shilling and nonexistent tech and the unprofessional twitter account
>cmc pls do needful and increase circulating supply by 50%

What happened to your threat of dumping dbc to "sub ICO levels by friday"? Running a little late are we? Has it dropped even one cent since yesterday? Lmao

I don't. It's hilarious.


I can't tell which coin has a shittier graph, this or CAN

hilarious either way

The more FUD, the more you should buy

wait a second.. kucoin didn't exit scam yet? odd...

This coin FUDs itself. No effort required.

Should I set a buy order for 2 cents kek

What did you expect from a coin named Kuck?

Wasted 0.5 BTC between this POS and CAN


what the fuck, those are all the same chink in different outfits

look again, I think there are at least two distinct ones. One of them likes burgers more than the other.

Their exchange is so fucking buggy but it has made me enormous stacks so I am forever grateful

Like Vitace might actually be retarded considering kucoin had a bitgrail like frontend withdrawal verification and the various issues with the rewards program that can be manually fixed by fucking with the javascript

The retard who's stalking dbc good guy was fudding all yesterday. I thought you were him.

why would they?

The perfect Tulip pattern.

This is a bullish signal, time to accumulate



explain plz


lol just admit that kucoin is actually doing pretty good


What went wrong with dbc? Did they pull off a scam?


Yes, sell

Every brain has it's coin


hehe fud my own coin crew, DBC threads always bring the bantz

55k deep brains holding to end of year and hopefully masternodes soon.

the entire crypto market is pump and dump. total market cap up 3400 percent in less than one year that means 2018 will see a massive correction (dump). Crypto is a SCAM.. youve been warned

daily reminder with pajeets you ALWAYS lose


Shit, so is now a good time to buy?

It literally can't go any lower. But it can be delisted from exchanges.

wow someone stalking that weird autistic kid? seems a bit much

Did I miss something? Why is DBC dying? Any particular reason?

lmao, about to listed in binance in the coming weeks/months.

DBC = the fud that keeps on giving

>you will never be born into a rich saudi family :(

thanks just bought 100k