Boiled Eggs

What's the best consistency to cook eggs to?

If you pick the last three, you're wrong

Egg whites are the one food I can not force myself to like no matter how many times I try. Problem is, the yolk is one of my favorite foods. I love soft, runny yolks especially. The problem is, when the yolk is the consistency that I like, the white is also still not fully congealed leading to a mixing of the yolk and white. I just eat yolks raw with bread or as a dip for strips of grilled meat.

runny yolk or bust

Depends on what you want to do with the eggs. Usually I prefer the third on the top row, but if I want to slice it and put on a sandwich I'll go with the first on the bottom row.

3rd and 4th are good. runny enough to dip in some toast or even better mash that shit up on some hash.

>He eats for flavour
>Not for nutrition

4th is best

Raw like how I fucked your mom's puss

I get flawless soft yellow yolks by just bringing the water to a boil, putting the eggs in, turning off the heat, putting the lid on, and coming back 20 minutes later to douse them in cold water.

finna try this

I like the bottom left the best

liquid yolk is trash
4,5,6 are the best

First row is 1234
Second row is 5678
If I'm ging to slice them up and put them on a sandwich then obviously 7 or 8 are the only acceptable ones. For breakfast I'd pick 3 or 4.

judge for yourself

Shit image is shit, it's missing the single best doneness that ought to fit somehwere between top right and bottom left.

Very top right is best.

3 and 4 for toast soldier.
Five or six for having in soups.
Six also for egg salad.
Seven or eight for pickling, having in soups and to make egg salad.

2-3 for eatin with toast, 4-5 in ramen, 6-7 for egg salad.

There's no one right answer to this mane.

definitely #4

liquid yolk but not completely runny and the white is nice and solid

Looks good.

3 or 4 with toast and 5 on the go or in a salad

i love the white but they make me seriously vomit

4 if you have bread 5 if you don't.

the 3rd is the best: you want the yoke fully runny, but none of the whites to be snot

too row third from left

Depends on what you are doing with them.
Boiled eggs need to be runny yolk but for other things you need extra hard boiled

Which one for deviled , bros?


5 or 6

>you need extra hard boiled
you never actually need extra hard boiled, especially if it's too the point where the yolk is starting to turn green/grey

there are only 3 acceptable consistencies in this picture. they are all first row.

If you pick boiled eggs, you're wrong.

It depends on what you want to do with it, so anything from the whites just being set to full hard boiled prior to green ring is acceptable.

For a plain Jane boiled egg with s&p I go with something resembling 6.

i prefer 4 if you're eating them on their own.

firm yolks are better for egg salad/deviled eggs.

you can't say one is the best and it's best for every application.

Pic related

For soft-boiled or poached then 4, for hard-boiled 7.

Where I'm from soft-boiled eggs are extremely uncommon, and if you are going to boil an egg it's going to be 6 or 7.

If you want a soft egg with a runny yolk you either fry it sunny side up/over easy, or you poach it.

If I bake potatoes on coals, can I split them in the middle, form the foil into a cup, and crack an egg into it?
What is the best way to do this? Is it any good?

this, egg whites are low priority food for me

i want to try that but eggs make me sick so i don't know

>form the foil into a cup, and crack an egg into it?

Of course you could.

Though it doesn't sound like it would taste very good so I'm not sure what the point is.


I assume user meant to say "lightly smash/crack open the cut end of the steaming hot potato to create a cavity that can receive an egg, cooking it with residual heat"

The whole-potato version of this trick is to make a slice in the top through most of the thickness and squeeze the ends inward. Either way it could work? A nice heavy dose of salt and pepper into the potato, a sprinkle of cheese under a cracked egg or a bit of shredded cheese mixed into a beaten egg. Add the egg and cover/rewrap while setting the whole creation somewhere to stay hot, enjoy when done? Sounds like a boyscout thing.

3 and 4 and the best


The white should be solid, the yolk should be runny.

The perfect egg is one without any liquid white or solid yolk.

pleb detected

consistency of soft fudge

I prefer soft boiled because I'm a weeaboo faggot and love ramen

Why would you only partially cook an egg? That seems bizarre.

Numbers 4-8 all look good to me, honestly. Boiled eggs are some of my favorite foods and I'll eat anyway I want.

the same reason u would partially cook a steak

4 if you plan to eat them that day, 6 if you plan to store them for longer

#3 for me all day err day

How do I reliably get 4 every time? I always get either too hard or too runny

What the fuck op, this is how you get dysentery.

Far left, bottom.

Number 3, sticky and soft so it oozes for dipping properly, without being too liquid and the white fully solid.

Always put the egg in once the water is at a rolling boil so it cooks evenly, then you have to get the time right. I think its 6-7 minutes for runny yolk.

>Step sisters mother
>'Hamplanet' bitch
>Previous jobs include Chick Fil A and bartending
>I'm making icing one day, used an egg (don't start)
>"user, you're not supposed to eat raw eggs, you know that right?"


4 and 5 are pretty good, 3 is acceptable, rest is trash

4 all the way, 5 is OK too.

leftmost bottom row is a perfect 6-minute egg

Anything less and the yolk isn't getting cooked, enjoy your salmonella, anything more is like a well done steak- edible, but you've done it completely wrong

So youre still in highschool..

high school*
Come on Veeky Forums, where did the effort go?

>eating uncooked eggs
enjoy salmonella

thank you father, I will