Exited crypto today

Exited crypto today.

Turned 10K into 90K and now Im back to 10K. This was not worth all the stress.

You can have it. This market is fucking redicilous. I wouldnt be surprised if in 2 weeks all coins are back at 2017 prices. Ill buy back a bit when everything is done correcting.

All the money left the market. All thats left now is autists trying to get rich.

oh no, its not the middle to end of 2017 when u can be a retard and make ur money 10x.
The losses suck, but wtf were u expecting? Its not hard being a 'trader' when everything is just rising.

>Ill buy back a bit when everything is done correcting.

This has been happening literally every year. But good luck FOMOing back in at 40k and selling again at the next correction. Never change, stay poor.

Sell low, good work

Good luck holding bags that will never recover.

Sell low buy high

10x from what? Look at market cap

Theres no new money coming in.

How do you expect to go up when theres no new money coming in? Its literally impossible.

Crypto market cap will never recover without normies returning.

Good job, u sold low, a true Veeky Forumsraeli

Oh look guys! I found one! A butthurt ATH buyer who's crying wolf!

Try to have more patience than 3 weeks you absolute dumb fucking nigger.

Sell low kek wow

>All thats left now is autists trying to get rich.
No we left before the crash, now there are only retards buying and daytraders who know what they are doing.

Still no new money coming in.
No recovery.

Crypto needs blow off phase before next bullrun if there even is one.

I’ve been in this for a couple of years. I can’t tell you how many times crypto was over and money supposedly stopped coming in. All I know is that I watched people cash in and cash out while I would 10x my investment every five months. Good luck.

Remember how Goldman Sachs said most cryptos would go to 0?

They weren't lying for once, except that money won't just leave the market. Successful projects will cannibalize shitcoins and me-too turd tokens.

Position yourself accordingly

>2017 prices
>BTC ATH was in 2017
You may be right.

yep and it looks like we are heading right into the blowoff right now. omg AAAHHHHHHHH

Thanks for giving away your coins

NEM went from 0.30 to 1.70 and is now 0.40.

So yeah. Its happening

The death of crypto has been predicted almost as many times as Trump's political ambitions died during the election, according to CNN.

Yep. It's the same shit every time.

So you made a 33% return in a year and you think it's dead? Stay away from the stock market. You won't like it.

Same johnny. I plan on to keep buying through. I knew this was coming. I had to make a choice. I didn't know when it was going to happen. Shit bitcoin coulda went to 25k fucking ridiculous. Can't time it. Decided to not sell. I'll keep buying. More fiat. More fiat. For however long this bear wants to chill. DCA in. DCA out when this shit goes on run. I know this isn't the last bubble. Next one will be 5x this. You'd be sitting around 500k. Buy back in. Emerging market. Opportunity of life. If you're wrong(if I'm wrong) what have we lost? Nothing. We are still poorfags soon to be oldfags with little cash, a little Ira, and no savings like every other cuck on the planet. Be different. Do opposite. This ain't the end. Take care.

>buy high sell low


Respect, brother. I will consider it.

congrats on 80K worth of taxes

In the Netherlands we only pay 1.5% of actual holdings

Paradiso for the rich

>no new money coming in
>BTC up 1000% (even after a massive crash) from this time last year and many shitcoins up even more then that

Stop watching the 1 minute candles and just come back in a few months.

I doubt the normans are going to save crypto after being wiped out in 2017/jan218

The money hasn't even started getting in yet, big banks and the casual investor haven't even began trickling in. Once shit becomes easy and mainstream... once a bit more security gets added you'll see this shit is going to fucking explode.

Don't listen to the buy high/sell low retards. They were saying the same thing at 13k and then we dropped over 50%.

I regret getting into crypto in the first place. Annoying waste of fucking time. Nobody is making money in this. Have never seen any proof either. Fuck it.

Bye new fags, stay poor, you bought into something you did not understand and are blaming a virtual object! ffs, you deserve to be poor. its accumulation time and you fuckin morons are selling.

>Accumulation time

You only accumulate at the start of a bull run so you can ride the wave, bitch

What is your timeframe?

he didn't sell low; not quite the peak but not bad either
it's next week when anons can sell low, probably straight into my bid

15 minutes

says the new fag
((((((FUCK OFF)))))))
why don't you sell, go on
>Nobody is making money in this
>I regret getting into crypto in the first place
its best to buy a bit, then buy a bit more, if the price drops dramatically buy a larger amount. i don't wanna be stuck to a computer or phone screen constantly wondering when the bull run is going to start, does that mean i don't make as much, yes, yes it does, but i don't get stressed about it either. at least i am fuckin happy


Poor people give up that’s why they are poor leave faggot you’re destined to fail

lel, why didnt you cash out at least some of it when you hit 90k you greedy fuck. you only have yourself to blame. not "the fucking ridiculous market" you weak little bitch. niggers like you are never gonna make it.

Lmao. I'm in since 2013. Accumulation time ended in mid 2017.

You're a fucking dumbfuck. When shit dips, you buy more. There was never a single period in time when accumulation time ended. Retarded fucking queer

See you at $3k :)

The problem here is that you bought the NEM right at the ATH in the previous alt boom cycle.
Because a year ago today, NEM wasn't even worth 1 cent and today it's 42 cents.
That's more than 50x.

Now I don't know if you bought NEM, but since you mentioned it...
Buying ATH is the biggest mistake there.


and thats when the bubble will pop.


I dont know what to say. Yes greed blinded me. I guess Ill take it as a lesson and realise I missed the only get rich quick opportunity in my lifetime.

lovely, good job user