Why do people hate this?

Why do people hate this?

Because Yuropeons like to pretend that butter and parmesan cheese taste like vomit.

too sweet, overall tastes like shit.

Legit tastes like vomit after taste


i've never meet anyone who hates hersheys
what the fuck are you talking about?

As a fat fuck I never would have thought that a day would come when I would actually throw a chocolate bar in the trash, but Hershey's proved me wrong. I could only eat three squares before the aftertaste of butyric acid got too intense. Reminds me of all of those times when I've burped and accidentally thrown up in my mouth a little.


>eating that waxy artificial trash
Step aside niqqas

Me and a Murrican friend sent eachother some stuff that included one of those things.
Fucking foul shite. Waxy and gritty at the same time and a flavour like it was opened 6 months ago. Do not want.
I'm not opposed to all American foods. Kool Aid was nice. Twinkies were good. Slim Jims are basically just pepperamis. Hershey's chocolate is the Devil's turds though.

Because im a diabetic

>milk chocolate

>tfw Swiss
>Always feel really arrogant and proud of our chocolate
>One day visiting USA
>In a Wal Mart
>I am looking at the american chocolate
>All of it is fucking disgusting, packaged in garish ways
>Their cereal boxes are decorated with rabbits and pirates. A nation of children
>I LOUDLY tut and laugh
>Someone approaches me
>asks what is wrong
>I just point at the fucking Hershey Bars
>'You americans call this fucking chocolate? I wouldn't feed this to my chocolate rabbit'
>wink and chuckle at my clever reference to Lindt
>he gets angry
>says 'if you don't like it you don't have to buy it'
>he is mad
>I decide to mock him some more
>I pick up a packet of twizzlers
>'Twizzlers? More like Twas' Last, Twas Last place in any European confectionary contest'
>he tries to walk away
>I follow him down the aisle
>I continue to mock his country
>'Hey look, Peanut Butter cups. The only way these cups would sell in Europe would be if you could drink fine artisan beer from them'
>See a bag of shit called 'Hersheys Kisses'
>Pucker my lips and make kissing noises whilst I throw them at his fat fucking head
>he gets mad and attempts to attack me
>I manage to grab a bag of birthday cake M&M's and throw them at him
>make my escape

Americans are cringey and have no taste at all.

Cause it's bottom of the barrel """chocolate""". Hell the only reason i can stomach it is because i was raised on shit food.

I like high quality chocolate but I also like Hershey's. It's just different tasting and sometimes I want the taste. That's it.

This thread is the first contact I have ever had with anyone who hates Hershey bars. In 31 years of life. I have never heard a single person complain.

Having eaten Hershey bars and imported chocolates from various places around the world, I have no idea what the people in this thread are complaining about.

Because people in civilised countries have working tastebuds, Americans wouldn't understand.

You were lucky that you didn't get shot.

Try leaving your fucking state for once Cletus. You flyovers give the real Americans bad name.

I don't pretend that Hershey's makes good chocolate, that being said, i fucking love tossing a bar in the freezer and breaking off a sharp piece on a hot day or melting it in a s'more. If I want actual chocolate I'll drop ten bucks on something 70%. Everything has it's place.


Yes m8, we hate freedom bars because we're being cucked by muslims or whatever it is this week. Nothing to do with it being shit tier chocolate or anything.

11/10 made me laugh.

i love it. goes great in cookies

should probably report this post desu

It is over-sugary, processed garbage. It may taste good if you haven't had any other chocolate, but for people who have had darker, organic chocolates, the taste is horrid. It doesn't even taste like real, genuine chocolate.

Just wanted to say I appreciated this post, made me laugh. I know you went through some work thinking it up and typing it out.

>Kool Aid was nice. Twinkies were good. Slim Jims are basically just pepperamis.
you have absolute shit taste 2bh

It's undoubtedly one of the worst tasting chocolate available. Its popularity is mind boggling.

Man, Americans have such shit taste.

>imported chocolates from all over the world

Lies. If you'd had just one piece of chocolate from anywhere in the world outside America you'd realize Hershey is disgusting.

I have tried foreign chocolate and I still think Hershey's is alright. It is what it is, it's not pretending to be exquisite gourmet chocolate, not everything has to be. It's not disgusting or anything.

Not like it matters, you're still creating a situation where you have some "witty" ad-hominem retort to anything I say. For instance that you're about to say something along the lines of "well of course you like it, you're an American with shit taste."

>I have tried foreign chocolate

I tried a few different cool aids.
They were all shite, acidic and salty is how i'd describe them.
Slim jims are not like pepperami. They are fucking disgusting. Greasy and fatty filth. Absolutely abhorrent.
Hershey's we've already covered.
Never had a twinkie, but they seem like they'd just be a cheap flavourless sponge cake with UHT cream filling.

Why do you doubt me?

>butter and parmesan cheese are not sweet
>have less butyric acid

>straight up injecting CHOCOLATE with butyric acid
>"it's how REAL chocolate should taste"

I thought it was a meme until I had it. Sorry, murrilard, your chocolate tastes like actual vomit.

only purchase hershey with almonds

Aids are not cool, man

all chocolate that is not from your own country is foreign you sensitive little girl

But only an burger would ignore the country of origin and just call it 'foreign chocolate'.

It tastes ike vomit

Fuck twinkies. Cloud cakes is where it's at.

itt: euros going absolutely bonkers because of something as trivial as having better chocolate

meanwhile, Allah's chosen are raping their women, barreling through crowds, blowing people up, etc

>even uk doesn't want to be associated with the incestuous shitholes swirling down the drain and bending over for muhammad and his dirty dick anymore

An American projecting

That's new.

It's not just euros who realize that most American chocolate sucks. I'm an American, and it's a fucking embarrassment. We fucking put people on the moon, so clearly we are capable of nearly anything. Thus, why does our chocolate suck so bad?

>Slim jims are not like pepperami. They are fucking disgusting. Greasy and fatty filth. Absolutely abhorrent.
lol yeah pretty sure slim aims are just shredded cardboard soaked in grease and compressed into tubes.

And you're more or less right about Twinkies, bland and stale bullshit.

Same, I used to think I hated chocolate until I had some imported stuff. It turns out I just hate vegetable oil and brown food coloring.

Capitalism ya fuckwit. If they can sell mass-produced cheap crap why wouldn't they?

not all of Europe is in European union.
I would joke about american education, but it's not even funny at this point.

Hey, let's be fair, he could be from Ankh-Morpork.

tastes like sour milk


Hersheys with almonds is great and available at gas stations so its easy to pick up when traveling. Yall are too pretentious. I bet you faggots turn down ice cold Bud/Miller at cookouts too because you bought into the craft beer meme

I had an ex who loved these things. I haven't been able to eat one since she left on account of it, they make me want to kill myself more than usual.

You're pretty much dead on about all of them.
Twinkies are dry and flavourless on the outside and cloying on the inside, with an after-taste of expired cream.

Sure, could be that, or could be that if I wanted to drink piss I'd finally take your wife up on her weird offer.

I get that some things are pretentious to care about, but beer isn't one of them. It's a major fucking difference and if you really honestly believe there isn't then you don't belong anywhere on this board. Maybe try /trash/?

Smells like vomit

its amaseing amarican's arnt to stupid too breath

Nigger it literally has THE chemical that gives vomit its smell

>be Swedish
>get cucked

Nice false flag, cletus.

Had it for the first time yesterday. I thought Veeky Forums was just lying but it really does taste like vomit, it actually made me feel a little sick afterward

As a further case-in-point, refer to the literal children here:

Reese's are good but Twizzlers and Hershey's are absolute garbage.

T. American who had real licorice as a child

Shut up and go pretend to like your shitty hopped up craft beer made by bearded Mumford and Sons looking hipster faggots then. I'll be busy drinking Bud light and hitting on your girlfriend

I am a patriotic American but Hershey's is shit
dairy milk, toblerone, etc. literally any other brand is better
the only time I have had worse chocolate is the crap that they throw in advent calendars that tastes like cocoa powder and water.

>the only time I have had worse chocolate is the crap that they throw in advent calendars that tastes like cocoa powder and water.

Yeah what the fuck is up with that? Advent calendar chocolate always used to smell of bacon for some reason.

This. The only Hershey's I can stand is Special Dark. (as opposed to Ordinary Dark?)

I'm an American and agree that most mass-produced Yuro choc is better than Hershey's, but we have decent stuff like Ghirardelli and we have >microchocolatiers that make very good stuff. You should be able to find several of these in any big city. The two local choc places I've tried in my city produce truffles and other stuff that's much better than any macro Yuro brand. Its mostly just an issue of mass production and making money.

Best chocolate I ever had was from Belgium just for the record.

>dairy milk

lol the brand is Cadbury's

No one really hates it, they only say that to sound like they have taste to people they will never meet in real life
Also it's pretty good with smores, i like the dark chocolate hershey kisses

>No one really hates it


American chocolate is vile, it literally tastes like puke

"Hershey process milk chocolate is cheaper to make than other types of chocolate as it is less sensitive to the freshness of the milk. The process is a trade secret, but experts speculate that the milk is partially lipolyzed, producing butyric acid, which stabilizes the milk from further fermentation. This compound gives the product a particular sour, "tangy" taste, to which the US public has become accustomed, to the point that other manufacturers often add butyric acid to their milk chocolates."

it's not good
this lad knows