I can only buy one book

I can only buy one book.

What book do I buy?

Encyclopedia Britannica

a big one?

In Search of Lost Time

Final Exit


an e-reader

op here

should I purchase Brothers Karamazov

sure why not
but if you're only starting with dusty you might want to try C&P first

sure, thatd be a fine purchase m8. go for it

Interested in Dostoyevsky, what are your guys's recommendations for someone just getting into him? Also what should I expect from him?

You should expect a lot of feverish verbal exchanges between neurasthenic individuals about nihilism, mental illness, family woes, doomed love affairs and faith.
And plenty of awkward social situations.

Expect a lot of interesting and passionate conversations about philosophy. Multiple perspectives from characters who seem to be the psychological culmination of certain ideas or ways of looking at the world. Really powerful stuff, but its important to be aware of his biases

Brothers Karamazov was my favourite by a long stretch ... might be a good idea to read Notes or C&P first but if you do some kind of research on Russian history and Dostoevsky's life you should be fine

Thanks guys. Would you characterize Dostoyevski as more of a philosopher or novelist? Does he posit any original philosophical ideas, or does he just reuse other people's philosophy and present it in the form of a novel? I am not for or against either of these options.

Over the summer when I plan to read him I will have some time on my hands, but probably not enough time to read three books in addition to the philosophy I'll be reading, so if you had to choose, would you do some research and go right to The Brothers Karamazov or would you read the other two/at least one of them first?


>Interested in Dostoyevsky, what are your guys's recommendations for someone just getting into him?

don't bother. you're better off huffing gas and eating glue when it comes to being mentally stimulated.

Norton Critical Shakespeare.

The Analects of Confucius.

What fuels your hatred for Dostoyevsky?

Yes but get the avsey translation

There's no philosophical content in Dostoyevsky. He was a novelist with a keen interest in mental illness.

depends on how sharply you define a philosopher. He won't offer compelling logical arguments but he does provide characters and plots which in a way act as an argument. His philosophy would be best described as Orthodox existentialism. It's kind of difficult to describe what its like desu

If you've read a lot of philosophy/are an avid reader i'd go straight to BK, its the kind of thing you will want to re-read anyways

Great, I'll go straight for Brothers. I appreciate your time.

Norton Anthology of English Poetry

get an ebook reader and learn to use #bookz

Buy "The mantra of pirating ebooks"

What about using a library, ever heard of one of those elusive places? They have this convenient feature of allowing reading books without buying them

Being and Time or Mason & Dixon

Heidegger and a book about the Mason Dixon Line? I have to ask, why these two books? They are so different from each other.

You could spend a good month reading them, one is too dense and complex the other is just an overall good book but they are both great.

The Illiad should keep you busy for awhile

something big and fun
don quixote maybe?
or a dildo

Haha, this made me chuckle.

An internet connection

That Stephen King book set in Maine.

Buy a library card off eBay, OP

come on now, let's not get silly. Dostoy is just fine, you can argue that he might be overrated but to say there's nothing of any value there is just absurd.


Women and Men.


k r
y a
l l
a y
r k

not going full cirlce

the pali canon

that's too much

Anthem by Rand

You buy Boethius' Consolatio Philosophiae.

Dummies Guide on How To Commit Suicide