Eliot Rodgers Manifesto

>be me, just turned 19 white male
>high school dropout
>reads Elliot Rodgers Manifesto
>relates to a lot

Whats /lit thoughts

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You're probably autistic. Looking at where you're posting this should come as no surprise.

>write manifesto
>make some youtube videos
>shoot some people


or you know, don't do that.

His manifesto was one long wank.

120 pages of hating-my-step-mother rant

the only people who like it are redpilled delta/omegas like yourself

that's because rodge was an omega

>decide to listen to this
>expect full on anger
>first two hours are just him going on about his life with occasional "BUT I NEVER KNEW THEN HOW BAD IT WOULD BE"

I can see why he killed himself now

I think you're a child. Grow up, go out to night clubs, and learn how to socialize. After you learn how to socialize you'll then have the option of choosing who you wish to socialize with. Elliot skipped this.

Watching too much porno probably tbqhwyfwrtwycfotgbo4. Also glad to be a gamma, never knew about this.

why is it that you can only ever see people calling themselves "alphas" on the internet of all places


this is a better vid by him

>Grow up
>go out to night clubs

How many night clubs have you been to?

>failing to appreciate america's most important contribution to philosophy and ethics.

Is this a work of meta post postmodernism? Or dirty realism

because on the internet everyone is an alpha

Between 18 and 25 I went out at least three times a week. I highly recommend it.

A great deal of being a happy, successful adult has to do with social calibration. There is a time to be absurd, a time to be proper, a time to be sexy, a time to be serious, etc etc. Night clubs are excellent for this. You never know what will happen there, but you must always be ready for it. You learn more than you'd think.

I call it gigafauvism.

Metapostpostmodernism for sure. IRL it's just a poorly written, unbelievably entitled rant, but if we allow reality to be a text, it's a fascinating character study depicting the the struggles, hatred, & pathetic, twisted thoughts of what appeared to be a typical loser on the surface, as well as a remarkably detailed account of how such a character could have evolved. It's inclusion into the text to explain what might otherwise have been a forgettable chapter on a mass shooting was utterly brilliant.

Rodger was a whiny piece of shit who actively ruined his own life and squandered the chances his considerable privilege in life gave him with his obnoxious character and staggering entitlement complex. I mean he literally describes crying for hours because the hottest blonde goddesses he sees don't leave their boyfriends and flock around him simply because he exists, even though he doesn't communicate with them in any way whatsoever or even make eye contact.

That was his problem; he was angry and bitter at the world because the world didn't treat him as a demigod. He claims that women "rejected" him but they couldn't do that, since in order to get rejected you'd have to first make some effort or offer and he never did that. He describes "trying his hardest" to get laid, which actually means just sitting out in the public alone, quietly waiting for women to take the initiative, approach him and give him sex with zero effort of his own.

He also treated everyone around him atrociously, including his mom. The worst part of it all is that he doesn't even see how unrealistic his expectations are, and actually has the audacity to revel in self-pity and hatred because hot, blonde, white girls don't break down the door in search of his dick.

Honestly, if you relate to Rodger, seek help, because he was truly a little cunt. You don't want to relate to people like that.

>Go alone to night club
Okay, I'm in the night club. Now what.

Now you simply play. This is what the music is for. Song is good? Dance to that shit. Song is terrible? Dance to that shit. And make an effort to be in the moment. If you feel weird at first, move past that. See everyone else not giving a fuck. They're drunk, loud, aggressive, overly sexual, and ridiculous. Just join them. You see some other people dancing to some weird song like fools, go high five those guys. See a group of girls you can't stop looking at? Go confidently tell them that you think they're all beautiful and that they bring life to the place. Don't a fucking weirdo, now go back to doing your thing. Need a rest? Go get a drink (Club soda for me). Strike up conversation at the bar.

The most important matter is about not coming off as a creep. To not be a creep, you need to assume that the place you are is a place that you are welcome. And you need to assume that the people that are in this space are equally welcome. In this space, they are welcome to you, and you are welcome to them. There should be zero hesitation about interaction. But most importantly, your sense of welcomeness to this place must not rely or depend on any other person around. This is your party, and they're visitors. That's your confidence. You go up someone excitedly and playfully and respectfully and you're going to have good interactions. Usually. When this doesn't go well, you'll find ways to alleviate the situation.

Done at the bar? Go up to groups of people and tell them how you feel. Don't expect any outcome. Just enjoy their company, enjoy being heard. Tell them you're new there and it's your first time out. They may call you a faggot, but more usually, they'll befriend you.

This is just a very short and shit guide, but the moral of the story to just learn to play, expect good outcomes, and be confident that you can handle bad outcomes. When bad outcomes come up, or variations in between, you'll be calibrated to deal with them accordingly.

And another tip: always be cause, never effect. You say hello. You crack the joke. You invite the friend. You dance first. You initiate the high five. You give the compliment. etc etc. Why? Because a world where this kind of stuff happens to people is awesome, and you're the cause. Adjust to your personality of course. The idea is just to be open.

What stupid advice, it's like i'm on /b/

Clubs are toxic and should be treated that way.

People like this, for example, are likely to upset more people than please most of them. You can use these guys in public as the ass end of playful jokes, and they'll be your friend anyway because your gentle bullying keeps them included. It's a kind of symbiotic relationship with people like this.

>Elliot Rodgers Manifesto
kill yourself you little bitch.

That guy just gave very solid advice and you, being the autistic scumlord you are, dismissed it entirely because "Clubs are toxic". You're toxic. You're the icon of toxic. You inject negative emotions and feelings into things when they don't exist in the first place. You're cancer, my man.

how fucking spooked are you?

I read it too the day after the murders. I feel like it's natural for a lot of people to relate to him, but I don't think that's anything to worry about. The guy had some very interesting delusions, like how near the end he thought winning the lottery was both possible and also his only way out. Just tell people your thoughts before you get so bad as to have ridiculous delusions like that. I don't think it's too hard to avoid his kind of mania if you just have somebody to talk to.

t. phony

I didn't believe so many clichès could be fitted into such a short text.

This is good advice user. I'll save it for later.

Elliot did nothing wrong, the breakdown of monogamous marriage for procreation will inevitably lead to the collapse of society

OP, don't forget to watch the videos on his YouTube channel plus his retribution video.

The tragedy of him is that if he made an effort and talked to girls then he'd be rejected because 80 % of women go for 20 % of men.

Elliot's plan ultimately failed. He wanted to shoot up a sorority but when he got to the sorority the front door was locked and they wouldn't open the door when he knocked. He had no plan b.
Basically, he was borderline retarded.

>Set out to kill Stacy sluts
>End up just murdering your fellow beta roommates and shooting a bunch of randoms
>Literally kill more men than women
>Feminists STILL claim that they are the victims

Bravo Elliot

I keep imagining him playing what he thought was cool music in his car as he was driving around with his gun. I keep imagining him picturing himself as the star of an action movie, going out to battle evil and right wrongs.

Then it all came tumbling down and he was just an ugly little shit inside and out.

> white
> male
> high school drop out
You had everything going for you, do you hate success?

Learn from his mistakes and try talking to girls instead of expecting them to talk to you

And stay away from anywhere that serves coffee.

Stop being wimps and just try the shit, guys. I'm not saying for you to become a typical clubgoer, but instead to learn to be happy with being yourself wherever you go and to expect others to be happy about who you are regardless of location. This is an anti-elliot thread, and this is how it's done. It's the way you become open, happy, and free and all that. It's not the only way, but it's straight forward and works for me and my clients. Dancing freely in front of others,, initiating play with other adults, enduring confrontations with intelligent, powerful, ,handsome, or rude men, initiating flirting with lots of women, speaking loudly so as to be heard, all of this stuff will acclimate you for other social situations. That's the point. You'll learn to be fearless, and then you'll learn to be excited. That's where shit gets awesome.

I'm sure it will be out of your comfort zones, but that's the point. Get out there and step into other people's worlds. Learn how to invite them back to yours, or join them in theirs. You're dancing with some strangers one moment, then next week you take them hiking and organize a group philosophical conversation. They'll be excited to participate, even. Why? Because in seeing that you've accepted them, they will want to be part of your world, and they will seek your acceptance. They'll be open to your ideas, even if they're insanely different.

>for me and my clients
Oh, so you're a PUA. Opinion discarded.


You also listened to your 16 year old sister getting fucked on the other side of a door?

>blaming others for your inability to get laid

No, I work mostly with rich social autist business majors that grew up as shut in nerds like many of us 4channers. They realize that to be socially savvy is a huge virtue for their fields, so they pay me to show them how to do it.

"Why not read something fun once in a while?"
My mother used to say.
Why not read something fun once in a while user?why?
Something that isn't abnormal.