Today I will post my dinner as it cooks

today I will post my dinner as it cooks

I hope you marinaded that

>skinless boneless chicken breast
>most boring cut of meat from a boring animal.

Pls don't.

don't worry I have tons of flavor to add. like this cheap ass wine.

one of these things because it just tastes better

>he can't even make a proper pan sauce.

Just give up.

and an entire bulb of garlic. usually I would roast this, but I don't have an oven so yolo.

>flavoring the unmarinated chicken with chicken bullion
>getting dubs
Literally why

would marco pierre white lie to me?


You should do it ahead of time, because it penetrates the meat when you give it more time. Not to mention that salting will keep it more tender.

I didn't know Gordon Ramsay browsed Veeky Forums.


I'm getting hungry

put the meat back in with some green shit

I-i-is that cheese?

ve-o-la, it's perfect

very nice job. well done. i bet it tastes fantastic.

it's pretty good. I don't normally use the meme pot, but I saw them at the store and had to try them.


>fell for the marinade meme

>misspelling the verb marinate is a meme

getting some decent use out of it anyway, right?

not bad...

>he still thinks anything but salt, sugar and garlic can penetrate beyond the surface of meat

Where are you getting these baseless assertions from?

>he doesn't know how osmotic pressure works

Fucking science you dumbass. Other than salt and sugar everything else stays on the goddamn surface of the meat.

Garlic has some property that makes it the exception.

>osmotic pressure
only works for moisture in the sauce, none of the flavor gets through.

negative. Brine a chicken with a strong flavor like juniper and allspice. You will taste it in the middle of the breast of the bird.

Well apparently logic isn't a part of your "fucking science" because I was being concise when I said you were strawmanning me with baseless assumptions.

Go fuck yourself, dumbass.