Lads, I managed to purchase two whole ducks today. While I am adept at cooking a roast chicken...

Lads, I managed to purchase two whole ducks today. While I am adept at cooking a roast chicken, I know that duck is a completely different ballgame.

Anyone have any tips, or any particularly good ways to prepare duck?

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That's a goose.

I know it's a goose. What I purchased were two whole ducks, I didn't have a funny picture of those though. Most other fowl, but not ducks.

That's not a duck either.
Are you certain what you purchased is duck?

... do you even read?

Make sure what you bought is actually duck

This is chicken ?

I'm not a fan of "roast duck" myself. I would break the birds down, separating the wings, breasts, and legs. With the breasts you can make duck proscuitto or crispy duck breast and serve it with some sweet acidic fruit.
The legs would be made into duck confit, and the wings would be made like chicken wings except they're bigger, meatier, and taste better.

Or you could just make some rillettes.

Chefsteps peking duck on youtube is what you want.

cook with garlics, a lot of them

nobody has the time or refrigerator space for that. Let alone the air compressor.
But yeah that shit looks amazing.

Just looked into that

> Have your air compressor ready for this recipe


Off topic, but why is that chicken gigantic?

These rillettes sound interesting... think this will be for one :P

Raw duck is kind of hard to work with because they are SUPER fatty.

Take a look at these and good luck

1.8kg ducks are half price at woolies atm

Go get some OP

D-did you set that goose's head on fire?

Say no more

>Off topic, but why is that chicken gigantic?
I wouldn't go so far as to call the chicken gigantic, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the nigga gonna do? It's an Australorp.

> Australian chickens inevitably killed and eaten but creatures in Australia

> To combat this, Australians make their chickens the same, only three times the size so they can fight back

That fat chicken gets a special imported diet from USA that consists of government subsidised corn and 3 gallon tubs of coke made with government subsidised high fructose corn syrup

OP is just showing off his big cock

Weak attempt

Try again when you know what humour is

lmao I actually made it using a bicykle pump


Thx 4 ur r8ing m80