I have a question

I have a question.
I have frozen fried chicken, it's already cooked or so it claims but it also states I should cook for 4 minutes each side before eating it
Can I eat it frozen? I don't have any clean anything

>can I eat it frozen

what the fuck is wrong with you?

Frozen chicken would be gross

If it says "fully cooked" then it's fully cooked. Just take out one piece at a time. Letting it thaw to room temp and then eating it hours later might be an issue, but eating it right out of the ice box should be fine.

Clean a goddamn dish and at leat microwave it you degenerate

But it's already fried
It's not raw frozen chicken

Go ahead. It eat you tremendously lazy bastard

I try not to into the kitchen at all because it smells gross

I was buying more dishes but I ran out of money

engoy ur listeria

WH... Where are you keeping it?

In the freezer
I mean I go inside to put shit in the fridge but I avoid opening the fridge because it smells worse. If I have to I put 3 plastic bags around it so the smell doesn't get into the food

Why? I want some answers

Do you have any sour cream?

Rotten shit I guess.
I haven't cooked in a very long time

No, but I have two month old milk I think

Throw it out shit stain

The chicken? The chicken is like two days old and frozen

it's not just about the safety you knob
how would anyone not find that disgusting

show us

Meh I bagged all the trash two days ago so it isn't hoardy anymore

show us the shithole you live in faggot what's the goddamn point of all this blatant teasing if you don't

I can get behind eating frozen french fries, but frozen chicken?

The fuck dude. It would be gross but if it says pre-cooked it's pre-cooked. Don't chip a tooth bud

Do you have a job?

Show us the shithole you live in

Sorry but I'm not lying

No job for 5 years

>It eat you tremendously lazy bastard
For some reason I read this correctly the first time, but upon second reading I realized its typed in the wrong order...so strange.

So full disclosure I tried to find dish soap and found old cereal instead so I ate that.

So what you are saying is you have time to clean out your refrigerator

Yeah, time was never a problem

Then clean it you nigger

I started cleaning today

Ok, now do a little every day and clean your goddamn dishes after you use them and come back when you aren't a filthy asshole who wants to eat frozen chicken because they are so lazy.

yeah i cleaned but turns out there is no gas in the building so i cant cook anything so i had to spend some of my savings to eat.
I guess cleaning was really worth it after all and all the shit i bough wont rot in there for another month making today useless