So, Veeky Forums. What's it like knowing your eating chemicals?

So, Veeky Forums. What's it like knowing your eating chemicals?

Everything is that is material is also chemical, though I do agree some chemicals like msg, pesticides and herbicides are best left off the plate.

Stay natural, stay healthy.

There's literally nothing wrong with MSG

Gotta keep away from those scary sounding names. Who the fuck know just what goes into hydric acid Better never get any near you.

>boil some kelp
Oh no! I made deadly chemicals!

>Have a degree in Biology and Biochemistry
>know how FDA standards, testing and toxicology works

And yet I still don't give a single goddamn fuck about 99% of the shit people cry about as "chemicals".

Everything's fucking made of chemicals.

Shut up.

>falling for the salt-jew propaganda

whenever I make soup I put in sodium chloride and a large amount of dihydrogen monoxide and I'm healthy as a mule

>If you remove one atom from margarine you get PLASTIC

>if you remove one atom from water you get DEADLY EXPLOSIVE HYDROGEN GAS

>if you change one functional group in caffeine you get a deadly neurotoxin

>if you split salt apart you get a dangerously reactive metal and a poisonous gas

>If you remove one chromosome from OP you get a real human bean


>eating chemicals

I'm pretty comfortable with my monthly dexedrine prescription, thank you very much.


>the backlash against MSG literally got its start because of racism

Then why does panda express advertise their food as MSG-free?
Checkmate scrub

>being infertile

better than dying of starvation

water is my favorite chemical

Because its Chinese food for white people, why is this hard for you to understand?

It's not hard for me
It's hard for you

Meanwhile Chinese food for Chinese people: fried insects and mystery meat featuring rodents and cats

Do you understand marketing at all?

>Stay natural, stay healthy.
This a pretty fucking dumb advice
also MSG is natural and fine for you

Natural is just an ill defined buzzword and suggests nothing about how good or bad the thing it is describing is

What does any of that have to do with admitting that you're shooting blanks?