I got a grill for free, so I cleaned it up and cooked some burgers for my gf and I...

I got a grill for free, so I cleaned it up and cooked some burgers for my gf and I. The thing I cant wrap my head around is why grill? I can sear a steak or burger on my cast iron, whats really the point of grilling? Am I missing something here?

I don't get the obsession with grills either. I know people who sometimes insist on grilling things even though their grill is a piece of junk and they get much worse results than stovetop cooking. For some reason they just get so excited about it.

Probably charcoal vs. not charcoal.


cause it makes meat and veggies taste better although charcoal works best.

For me its the smell of the Q. Pan fried burgers taste fine, but something about Q'ing and a beer is god tier. Plus the smell of pan fried in the house sux

I try to cook outdoors in the summer when possible. Too hot to cook indoors and have to crank the AC down to compensate

outdoor entertaining

wtf man

Some people like to spend time outdoors grilling for family and friends.

Grilling gets a higher temp...meat gets a nice char but retains moisture. Its fun.

Naked flame, higher temps and so on

But if you are going to cook outside you may as well use charcoal and/or fire wood.

Gas grilling is as plastic as the american flag.

>Shits on gas grilling
>Thinks humans didn't evolve to cook foor over fire, and should stay safe and only cook where fire has BEEN AND ALREADY LEFT
>Probably thinks gun-free zones are a good thing
>Sees nothing wrong with britbongs needing to be over 18 to buy a butter knife or vegetable peeler

>Gas grilling is as plastic as the american flag.

10/10 would grill with...

Would modifying with lavarocks help? This was givin to me and now im traped in the propane scam after paying 50 bucks for a tank lol.

Cooking outside. That's about it.

I can do everything better in my kitchen, but I heat up my house.

damn /k/ it's just propane.

>I can do everything better in my kitchen, but I heat up my house.

I'm the opposite. In terms of meat and some veggies Grilling works better for me.

I'd get an outdoor griddle instead.

Make an ugly drum smoker and start to really cook.

very little clean up compared to cooking indoors and, if it's working right, should get much higher temperatures.

Sell it to some nigger and buy a smoker

Faggot where did I say any of that?

The whole country has a tank of cooking gas in their house because we use that primarily. It is good for pan and pot cooking but if you gonna grill grill right. Also fire has not come and gone through wood.

I have 5 cutlasses 18" long and 3 at 22" long that I dish out to my guys to use everyday. You go down the road and buy them in grocery stores and pharmacies then walk home swinging them at your side and raise them up in the air to say hi to your neighbors.


>leave your gate unlocked and allow a nigger to steal your grill


Frying a burger or a steak in your house will leave it stinking for a week.

It's called being a man you should try it faggot.