12 dollars for a jar of peanut butter

>12 dollars for a jar of peanut butter
Is this shit even worth it?


A jar? That's like saying a bag of peanuts. Or a a box of macaroni. Or a bottle of juice. Or a tub of yogurt.

Yeah that could be a lot. Or it could not be a lot.

>literal meme-butter

I think I'll pass

>buying anything but store brand natural chunky peanut butter

Hello poorfag

>paying for a label

No, but his reese's cup things are pretty fucking good, the dark chocolate one especially

Anyone else just make their own? Just blended peanuts is delicious. Or almonds

They're good estimations though.

Off brands taste like shit and you fucking know it

what about this shit, saw it at my global food market

Sheepshaggers can't into marketing

>falling for a Placebo

What's up, Manuka?

>being poor

>tub of yogurt
a kilo of yogurt
>jar of peanut butter
>box of macaroni
?? surely you mean a bag, unless you're talking about some kinda crazy american phenomena. Boxes are for cereal and powders/grains
>bottle of juice
They're a liter.
This literally always holds up, don't be stupid

Of course it's worth it, when you have 12 million bucks in your bank account.

a box

what's the point?

boxes stack neatly

Considering that would cost more than an equal amount of nuts, no.

why stack them? are you trying to play jenga with your customers? Is the concept of shelves unheard of?

i just get a few of the little pouches sometimes.

I recall seeing stories of chinks buying this shit up because of some health fad.

this is the best but semi expensive

I like this but in retrospect I might aswell just make it myself if that's the case.

Manuka honey is better than regular honey. It's really good, but not $40 good.