I'm going to the supermarket soon

i'm going to the supermarket soon

make a list for me

all you need senpai

Someone once gave me the best advice - buy stuff you like.

I never would have thought of that!

8 eggs
extra vergine oliveoil (500ml)
750g yukon gold or smilar potatoe
400 yellow onion
ingredients for aioli, or readymade aioli if lazy

make a delicious,basic tortilla espanola oday and youll also have food for tomorrow, since it might be even better cold

some fresh bangers
a box of frozen faggots

15 cans of water-stored tuna fish

eat them all when you get home

I'm going to play too. Dubs decides my next shopping list. I'm going shopping tomorrow, will deliver with photos if this thread is still up.

Not gonna give a full list but you must buy a few grams of saffron.

3 frozen pizzas
Hot sauce

The most phallic Object you can find.

>The largest container of vegetable oil you can find

>Pork chops
>Italian Sausage
>Green beans

>Large can of Crisco
>All the cucumbers
>A large bag of chrisps

Dubs says you buy all the limes.


fuck i love fruit



Is your favorite fruit the one you see in the mirror?

Bananas are super cheap right now.
Eggs are always good.
Grab some milk while you're at it.
Oats are a great breakfast. Go with steel cut or rolled, the quick stuff is shit.

24 cans of different tinned goods
an entire ham
More mushrooms
some cabbage
some nuts (your choice I like cashews)
a jar of Jam and or Marmalade
taco shells
3 whole Mackerel
a tube of pringles
2 big bottles of Sprite or Pepsi
a bag of flour
a bar of cooking chocolate