What are the dumbest things you heard about nutrition?

What are the dumbest things you heard about nutrition?

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I once had an argument with a bro, kept ordering light beer when his goal was to get drunk
so I said light beer has a lower abv, you should get regular if you want to get drunk

no bro, it has less calories so you can drink more without getting full

I tried very hard to explain the difference between calories and volume, but to no avail

"Calories in, calories out!"
"Coffee is negative calories-- the caffeine gives you the energy to burn more than you drank!"

someone posted a thing here about someone "boiling/cooking the calories out" of food before eating it

Both of these aren't necessarily wrong

Sure, if you burn it to charcoal.

A few weeks ago (I forget which board I was on, but I know it wasn't Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums), I someone say that: "Sugar is not found regularly in nature and therefore is bad for you."

Also the "Fat is bad for you!!!1!" people are silly.

I saw someone say*

the amount of those you'd need to fuel your body for a day is nearly impossible to digest in a day, ecept for some of the fruits that were put there.
Look at the nutrional values of mushrooms or carrots. and remember fibers provide calories but aren't digested.

i'm pretty sure i can eat enough carrots in a day to fuel myself if they're cooked. I might turn orange if i do it for a month, but it's possible, they're a fucking root vegetable after all

>"Calories in, calories out!"

The 2nd law of thermodynamics doesn't fuck about user.

Those both sound like the sort of stupid shit both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums would say.

>Zero calorie foods

Well this isn't exactly true but if a food is low cal enough you might as well treat it as zero, let's see what they have listed

Okay good start.
Fucking trash.

organic food is more healthy

My mom recently told me she heard vegans don't get cancer.

First is unequivocally true
Second is pretty reasonable logic, caffeine also increases activity of certain receptors which increase subcutaneous blood flow in the abdomen and burn off fat cells in greater percentage there

GMOs cause you to gain weight by destroying your gut flora

Sage advice from my obese mother who eats about three or four bags of potato chips per week

"Drink ice water to lose weight. Your body burns calories to heat it to body temperature."

technically true but we're talking in the single digits for how many calories you burn

If you can drink enough ice water to shiver then it's true. Still a waste of effort and time, you're better off just walking for 5 min.

Drinking more water is good for you, and warming/processing it does use up calories.

It's not the secret to weight loss, but even if you make no other changes, drinking lots of cold water will burn up enough calories per year to lose a few pounds.

Better is if you replace your soda or fruit juice with water, then you start making some noticeable changes.

Also, more water desalinates your body and you actually lose water weight. Again, not the holy grail of weight loss but it's better than nothing.

1st law, broski

assuming you like black, unsweetened coffee, the second is slightly true

when he was a teen, my uncle ate nothing but carrots for almost a year, he did in fact turn bright orange (no pics, the world is cruel) but he was fine

>"Calories in, calories out!"
This is true.

le science law meme

Idiots who worry about you not eating when you are sick