Pls post food porn, i want to masturbate

Pls post food porn, i want to masturbate

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Ohhh fuck yeeeessss


Dresden cheese? Must be toasted.




and just in case you like tendies


>This is how I steak.
Why do people say well done is chewy?
Fucking rare is like leather, well done melts in your mouth.
Fucking memes.





That last one looked kinda okay before he dumped crude oil on it.

>that watery salsa pre cum

Based Ja/ck/. We need more.

Hello, newfaggots (or possibly the same faggot).
I've provided a few links for you below, please enjoy:
Don't forget to like, rate and subscribe, you fucking useless cunt.

I've got one for you friend!


these two are the only good porn posted

>That blunt as fuck knife
>That squashed to fuck bun

Every fuckin' time

I don't think i understand the appeal of chives.
Granted I've never tried them.

..Those aren't chives. That's spring onion.
Get off muh Veeky Forums.

Those aren't chives, they're green onions/scallions. Chives are tl;dr the itty bitty herbal version of onions, and since you've never tried any of them, I don't see how you'd be able to judge their appeal.

You ja/ck/ posters should bring it to the next level.
we all have seen the webms at this point. we see the thumbnail and move on.
Just start posting .png images of the thumbnails

you ruined my fap


What the fuck did I just watch?

i want to kill myself



Why must he do this?

>180 grand for a box of kebab trash


what triggers me the most is the ring

unhygienic af

180 rupee = $2.69


fuck me.

now why would you post a piece of shoe leather among all this food?


does she get all of her personality from facebook?

this offends me on a personal level

the blunt knife squeezed all of the juices from the tomato


Can't imagine how sour, soggy, and salty that fucking box has become. At the very least I hope he shook the shit out of it after it was prepared.

Be a man, OP..

i fucking kek'd

Gatdayum those TIDDIIIIIIIIES.


>tfw no dindu gf


Is this supposed to be satire? The clamato juice come on...

The food isnt that bad, but her marketing of herself is what pisses me off. "Pioneer Woman" makes me expect this fucking boss of a woman making hearty fucking meals, not what ever this woman is doing.

It's Indonesian, more like $13

She does make hearty meals usually but she's on food network, she has to market herself to health-obsessed house wives. That's why she's constantly apologizing about cream and butter in her recipes.

so was she shitting in the hallway or what?

I fricking love chicken tenders m8
I'm gonna get some from chick fila tomorrow for lunch

This. Her food is actually pretty good and very easy to make. If I had to point someone who knew very little about cooking in the right direction, I'd probably send them to her website. Unless they wanted to learn authentic Thai cuisine or something.

>Wake up
>Apply make up for an hour
>Kiss husband goodbye as he goes to work and takes the boys to school
>Start cooking breakfast
>Girls wake up and play with puppy's for the entire morning
>Finish breakfast and start making lunch
>Girls continue to play with puppy's
>Eat lunch together
>Sit motionless for the entire afternoon as girls play with puppy's
>Husband and boys arrive
>Make dinner
>Listen to wonderful tales from the outside
>Fulfill wife duty's
>Go to sleep to be ready to do everything again the next day
God bless the south

And this is...

Anyone got a webm of the orgy scene from Sausage Party?

Mexicans also have this dish called chilaquiles, which is basically tortilla chips covered in a sauce. I don't know what it is about Mexicans and semi-soggy chips, but they seem to adore it.

This is why we're building a wall.

I always recommend Anne Willan's stuff for people who know nothing about cooking but want to learn as well as The Cookbook's Companion.

what is meant by this?

Mexican here, chilaquiles are fucking delicious you mong

>Apply make up for an hour
Why bother if your going to sit around on your fat, stretched out "popped out at least 4 ankle biters" ass all day


At least some of us from the south know how to fucking pluralize words.

So this is originally an Islamic dish then?

What's the light pink one closest to the camera? Fatty Tuna?

Real Southern women dont get fat because they know women aren't supposed to eat everything they cook for the men and children.

take your boots to

The comments on this video are hilarious.

What a fertile niggress

what the fuck is happening



Rofl ex de


> great ass to waist ratio
> face of a monkey

that's a double bagger right there



Chilaquiles are great, the thing the guy is making looks bad though.

TBqH i kind of like her face. I have a very flexible taste beauty.

more like masturb-eat

how is this guy real?

Is this from the same place as the ramen one?