Is this as disgusting as it looks or does it work?

is this as disgusting as it looks or does it work?

fuck these fad pieces of shit

What is that? Ice cream maker?

It's kind of pointless isn't it?

Ice cream scoop

almost completely useless, but im a fking whore for any and all weird kitchen tools, so i will end up having one of these though I doubt I will ever use it.

Oh... that's stupid.

How is it disgusting? It's a bit strange but not disgusting

Imagine getting to the end of a carton and not being able to get any of the ice cream out with this stupid thing.

Why not just use a ring mold?

>getting to the end of a carton and not being able to get any of the ice cream out with this stupid thing

I imagine that it is made and marketed to the restaurant trade

Restaurants get ice cream in the form of huge 5 gallon cardboard cubes.
Like 18" cubes
The tool in the OP would actually be a more accurate method of dispensing ice cream than via a scoop.

I think rite aid/cvs/thrifties used to use something like that to scoop ice cream

wtf is that?

I thought somebody was making a huge beef patty and was disappoint that it was an icecream scoop.

portion scoops are a thing

exactly what I thought.

OP threw it off by saying "disgusting"

Well plating is kind of important. That's why all the top Michelin chefs say that half of what you taste is done with your eyes.

Holy shit I just flew back to when I was like six.

An ice cream cone was a dollar at that local rite-aid.

>on your eyes
Everybody get a load of this donut.

it's true! when I read your post, I got the distinct taste of 'shit'

I remember being a kid and watching the price go from 35 cents to a dollar as I got older.
When it was 35 cents, that was couch cushion money that could keep me up to my ears in ice cream all day.

I don't know man. It certainly would help fulfill my perverse and weirdly specific fantasy of eating ice cream with the approximate shape and dimensions of canned food.