Bread rice and noodles are a meme stop eating them

Bread rice and noodles are a meme stop eating them
Its killing your mind and body and soul

>not sugar

Sguar too nugga

beans and bread for lyfe

Why is brown rice bad for you? How is it killing you?

Quality thread OP.

>le carbs are evil may may

back to /x/ with your pseudoscience

All those rice , breads and noodles turns into sugar in the body
Hence sugar is always bad

i had a lady get very upset at me that we didn't have any 'sugar free' energy bars at work. not understanding that it's pretty much impossible. what the fuck is energy if it's not sugar, a fast burning molecule? and starch just releases it slowly for long term energy... just.. people are retarded and i hope they all go sugar free and starve to death

Mind body and soul are a meme
Eat more bread rice and noodles


>didn't have sugar free energy bars at work

What is it with people like this? If they must have some specific kind of food they need to just buy it themselves instead of expecting their workplace to cater to their every dietary whim.
She should just buy herself a quest bar or something.


While carbs are not as bad as many like to think they are still very much overemphasized in western cultures, especially over fats, because of our culture. The fact that children in schools are taught that eating more grains, rice etc than vegetables is disgusting.

Carbs shouldn't make 60%-80% of your caloric intake but unfortunately this is the case for many people.

>because of our history*

It's geared from times when people worked hard laborous jobs, unfortunately few westerners are heavily active but the diet remains the same.

Rice and noodles keep me alive for extremely low prices.

The expensive drugs make me forget how soulcrushing eating on a low budget is.

>Its killing your mind and body and soul

Japs literally eat rice everyfucking day and they are some of the smartest and healthiest humans on earth.

You just got proven wrong, nigga

I always liked the south park chart

>Carbs from fruit >>carbs from grains

Carbs aren't evil but they're unnecessary for first worlders with a sedentary lifestyle. We have to limit our carb intake as much as possible or it causes bloating and weight gain.

>We have to limit our carb intake as much as possible or it causes bloating and weight gain.

Not for everyone. I eat carbs all day, every single day and I'm still an underweight 30 year old who sits at a desk all day long.

But asians are soulless and they eat more rice than anyone

>he believes we have souls

Do you also believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny too?

Fuck off atheist scum

Kill yourself.
Next you're gonna tell me I shouldn't drink milk or eat meat.