Home cooked meals post'em! last one hit limit

Home cooked meals post'em! last one hit limit





What's wrong here? Boiled cabbage and some salt and pepper. Fuck yeah.

hell yeah man it was tasty, I did have a piece of cornbread (not pictured) for dipping

Not a yank so cornbread is foreign to me, but cabbage is the universal language. That and potato.

well here enjoy some nice looking potatoes then (crockpot meal)



would devour

bought a can of green beans like that awhile back

might have to find them again

It's weird to see this despite knowing what it means. To other countries, all US is a yank. To the US, northerners are yanks.

Ha yes I thought the same thing but I just went with it.

You a yank m8, call yourself southern until your blue and paint 'scotland wants out the union' all you want, you a yank.Now get back in line.

Got some arroz con gandules going now. I think I'll bake some chicken thighs to go with it. Will post results soon.

hey are you that guy who made the german prezza thread?

can you post more creations?


They had pork shoulder on sale. Guess what I'm eating the next couple of days?

Not carnitas

Hell yes. In a pan and sometimes with potatoes boiled.

Already had that for lunch. Gotta mix it up for dinner still got tons in the pot too.

This was tonight's.

Broccoli and cheese soup and a side of pilaf.

french cut green beans famalam. best canned green beans you can buy

Is that oatmeal in the middle?

(also was this all for you?)

I don't even know where to begin.


ayy i had cabbage soup today. you should try frying them in some syrup to bring out more flavour!

those taters look raw and the meat dry as fuck
also poorfag reporting in


made bibimbap tonight

buss that yolk

pork and jalapeno quesadillas


yes its oatmeal and no not all for me.

>home cooked meals
>Most use frozen shit



What's wrong with frozen food?

>home cooked meals
>everyone's homes are still intact

Wow, neo Veeky Forums everyone

Why the fuck are you guys posting images from the previous threads you sodding mongs

just keeping it alive with some repost until other anons start chipping in

have some never before seen fried chicken


Do you not know how pruning works you worthless house wife?

You don't need to bump the thread while it's still on page one in order to keep it alive. You do realise there are nine other pages, right?


That's right, sadly at this time I don't have much else as I've been hunting for the proper ingredients. In particular, I'm trying to find a recipe for a traditional smooth gravy to use for sauce- not to mention that SpƤtzle isn't nearly as common in my area as Gnocchi. Also American meats just aren't a substitute for some of these German meats I got from the thread.


Your portions are huge, fat boy.

These kind of threads are why I don't trust Veeky Forums's opinions ever. Most of this looks like trash. Bibimbap is the only decent looking dish in this thread.

Get on my level Veeky Forumsunts

I would slay that mess bruh

I have decided that since I am a weak willed individual when it comes to food and I need to lose about one hundred pounds I will only be eating what I cook, and I'm also cutting down on meat.

Rice, beans, and potatoes here I come. Coupled with the work I do around the property, I should lose some weight and gain even more muscle.

Help me, I'll just be making mashed potatoes and vegetable soup.

judging by this picture alone I can tell you're a fat fuck

Had the grill going. Foil carrots were delicious. Potatoes could have used fresh rosemary leaves but I was lazy

fuck off u anemic cunt


nice legs, how's the ass?

Shepherd's Pie tonight, Veeky Forums.

You forgot to cheese your mac

I would start with a bit of peas

It's on there just not very noticeable

looks great

looks like some kind of beef stew, is that mashed potatoes on the side?

Thank you. It takes no time to make and it's filling.

I'm surprised Veeky Forums didn't get triggered by the bread.


Nice! Can I come over for dinner.

NO! now post your muffaletta

The chicken I quick roasted yesterday. Mustard, white wine and soy sauce with herbs.

It was dank

fucking right. looks awesome.


OK.... But can I bribe you with banana cream pie

Forgot the muffuletta

Omg. That looks lovely.

>leddit tier meme

Thanks. I used banana pudding, but added a couple tablespoons of condensed milk in place of a small amount of milk. There's also pureed bananas and crushed nilla wafers with a layer of sliced bananas in between layers of pudding in a Graham cracker crust. I had not put the whipped cream in yet. It was still setting at that point.

Or perhaps a google image search. Would you rather facebook or tumblr?



Fucking wonderful user, bibimbap is the best.

Thanks! But I've only had my own so I don't know if I'm getting the flavors right.
I hope I get to have it at a restaurant one day.

damn missed this thread and made my own earlier. dumping what I posted into this one




There may or may not be peanut butter on at least one of these pizzas



holy shit, recipe???



did you seriously pour grease on the greasiest vegetable in the world?

naw I heat up the avocado in a pan I cooked bacon in.

Trying out a miso salmon recipe I saw posted on here a few days ago.

Looks delicious! I dislike rosemary but would tuck in delightfully user

you just threw everything and the egg in one skillet right? I've been meaning to try a breakfast like this.

Steak and potatos.

I fried the steak medium rare after tenderizing and letting minced onion rest on it for over an hour.

The brown topping on the steak is my favorite. I let a good portion of my red wine boil down, threw in the minced onion I used on the steak, added soy sauce to taste, then used potato starch to thicken it. I garnished the steak with spring onion and garlic salt.

The potatos are a family recipe from my friend. They taste damn good though.

Better image of the steak

What's the potato recipe?