Thanks for the free money, you dumb fucks

Thanks for the free money, you dumb fucks.


This is the biggest buy signal on earth

I helped him start Curio Cards..lul

Also no clue what this thread is about

We have entered the first stage.

Anger should be coming in 2-3 days.

Bittrex listing when?


I guess many of you will be stuck in stage 1 for a while waiting for the Binance/Bittrex listing that isn't coming. Why? Because no serious exchanges will add a scamcoin.

You guys do understand if this price holds it's a top 20 coin? And that trade satoshi has actually buckled under the weight?

Wait for at least Kucoin before you make fun of us

>Around 3 milion claimed coins (according to the holders themselves)
>Current price is $79

That gives it a marketcap of approximately $237M. Unmined coins/total supply isn't taken into account when calculating mcaps. That would put it at #71 on CMC right now, and the price is only going to keep dropping as more BTCP enters the market.

I know math can be hard sometimes.

BCH has a circulating supply of 17,000,000 moron.

Not to mention 4,000,000 BTC being lost and a further how many million BTC whose users didn't claim BTCP ergo, lost coins.

Keep talking out of your ass about something you know nothing about.

>he trusted the todd howard of crypto

when will you learn
never trust manlets

>claim BTCP
you don't claim anything you fucking giganigger

they snapshotted the blockchain. just like i got BCH while doing nothing i get BTCP for doing nothing.

I still haven't claimed my 120btcp either but I sure plan to when it hits 1k

BCH isn't BTCP. Almost no BTC holders actually claimed their BTCP, because not a lot of exchanges supported the airdrop.

You guys have been the ones to argue that only 3 million coins have been claimed, which you thought would lead to an extremely high price because of its scarcity.
There is a list of the circulating supply somewhere, and it isn't much higher than 3M coins.

Your mental gymnastics is hilarious, though.

Thanks to the losers who sold at a loss

you'll be joining them soon pajeet

this is what a coping brainlet sounds like

See Your anger will come soon enough. Depends only on how delusional you are.

You're the loser for not cutting your losses when it was 0.01, you absolute brainlet.

Have to wait and see about btcp. Rhett is a known pump an dumper. And if you watch Richard heart he's also a narcissist and not very bright despite being MIT alumni kek

Daily reminder for BTCP holders.

Is this supposed to mean something you monkey

A lot of bitter pre fork sellers in here. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit saltiness.