How much will you guys pay me to stick a sharpie up my ass, I need ETH now and my fiat is taking too damn long to clear

How much will you guys pay me to stick a sharpie up my ass, I need ETH now and my fiat is taking too damn long to clear

Depends on how big and how deep.

Idk normally sharpie size, I'm sure I've got a couple other markers around the house too. As deep as u want bb

Ok I need you to tear your asshole open. 1 sharpie = 0.10 ETH

1 ETH bonus if you can fit them in all the way.

Is tearing my asshole open a literal thing or do I just need to stick the sharpie in there bc man I really don't wanna have to tentatively wipe for the next week

Post a picture of you first. I don't want to pay for a hairy black buthole of a fat dude

Metaphorical until it happens. You have an incentive to fit as many in there as possible.

I have 20k Chadlink, and 2k Nothingcoin, both of which I got for free from airdrops from this board. You're going to have to work for them though, I will send you one of each for the number of sharpies times inches deep, you little faggot beggar.

Don't tell me I don't love u guys - here's #1
Tip me papi

Linkie is stinky and not worth opening my boypussi for


Good now put it in your mouth
Roll it in your tongue seductively for a bonus

no u

ITT: Veeky Forums 2018 be like

youre an idiot one is gonna give you anything



m8 this is oldschool biz u got no idea

That's what they want u to think ;)

you're holding it between your cheeks

no tips until I see it's firmly planted in bumhole

My pooper is hairy and makes me self conscious I'm sorry friend



no ETH for you then

It's okay daddy I do this for the thrill

It's not even real Chainlink I was going to give you, it's a shitty worthless "fork" called Chadlink. I was also going to just burn you and send you nothing even though I would have sworn up and down that I sent it.
So basically fuck you, is what I'm getting at.

Technically not begging




I thought this would just be another thread where OP would fail to deliver. Consider me surprised and impressed

I am actually..impressed

not even a pajeet judging by the color of his ass

sent you 99 DUBS