Food poisoning

I have some pork that's 4 days past the expiration date in the freezer. One side is light brown/pink ish and it smells pretty acidic. Fat is white, other side is red/pink. Am I going to get the food poisoning if I eat this?

Have you ever gotten food poisoning? How bad?

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Whoops, not freezer. Fridge. Dunno why I doofed like that.

Anyway, cooking it pretty thoroughly. Still.

Your nose spent millions of years evolving to tell bad meat

If it smells bad, it's bad


I've gotten food poisoning from bad pork and it wasn't pretty. To be honest ive never thrown up that much. I'd be careful. I work in a butcher shop and we say fresh look needs to be eaten in three days so I'd tread carefully on this one

>smells acidic

that alone should be a clear indication, unless you're actually just a dummy

I might risk it with some other kind of meat.
Not with pork.

This desu

>Have you ever gotten food poisoning

Salmonella from raw tuna. Wife went down 2 hours before me. 3 days incapacitated. Crawled on the floor, with breaks of rest, to feed the dogs. Feverish half dream state for several days. Every particle of your body aching for 3 or 4 days.Not fully recovered for 2 weeks. You won't like it.

OP returns, I put one small piece in my mouth and it was sour. Spit out in the trash. I wanted to make schintzel and (spicy) german red cabbage, but I'm just gonna skip the meat. Could stand to lose a few pounds, anyway.

I got... Well, not really food poisoning, but I got sick from slimy chicken before. Was on my ass for a day but that was it.

Would not wish food poisoning on anyone. What says is pretty much spot on. 48 to 72 hours of pure agony shitting or throwing up everything you eat and drink. Had it twice and never want to experience it again.

I've gotten food poisoning twice from muesli
Once from mussels at a rather nice restaurant
Twice in Indonesia because Indonesia
Once from caviar in Switzerland
Once from homemade plum wine.

The worst one was the mussels. It lasted 4 days from both ends with chronic dehydration and no one to get me water-. The one in Switzerland was pretty bad too, but that was mostly because I went hiking after eating and got sick in the mountains.

I got it from a bad sushi place once. Would not recommend, I had to call the hospital because I thought I was dying

How? Isn't it all dry things? Are you sure it wasn't the milk?
Not calling you out user, just genuinely perplexed.

I eat my muesli dry, no milk involved. I suspect it was the dried banana in it that was the culprit.

how the fuck do you eat it dry???

This desu.
It has the texture and mouthfeel of eating gravel.

What happened with the plum wine?

I like it dry. It has loads of nuts, seeds and dried fruit in it so it's tasty.

It was kept in a mason jar. Something probably got in there and then got in my glass. Idk.

Never take risks when it comes to raw meat and expiration dates. Smell is always a good indicator to tell if something has gone bad.

This right here

I got food poisoning once but only from undercooking some semi-expired chicken liver from a supermarket. I think it was campylobacter, wasn't terrible but it gave me the shits for like 2 weeks, and I mean constantly.

So it depends where you got it from, how long it's been sitting there and of course, what it looks/smells like. If you think it's bad, chances are it's bad.


I think it was the same day as the expiry date but I didn't cook it well enough.

I once shit the bed due to tainted rice pudding from an Indian restaurant.

If it smells bad, it's bad. Toss it.
You could get off easy with only indigestion, or you could be puking and shitting all day. Not worth it unless you're going to die of starvation or something.

Food poisoning for eating mushrooms, was a kid while picking them so there are two variants one that is good to eat and one that is poisonous, looks identical if you are not an expert on that shit, literally some flap underneath it is different. Picked it as a kid, wanted to have it cooked, nobody looked thought I took it from the grownup basket, didn't know I picked it myself.

That day I died, now I am jesus.

>be at work and have some macoroni salad
>hour passes by and i feel a grumblin
>10 mins go by and i have to shit
>go back and forth from attempting to work and shit like 6 times in 2 hours
>off work and start driving home
>feel horrible entire time
>have to stop twice to shit
>get home and it kicks in hard
>up all night shitting every 15 mins
>call off work
>spend next 5 days sleeping for 1/2 hour then having to go shit
>never eat macaroni salad ever again

That sucked

if it's frozen the expiration date doesn't matter. that being said, if you defrosted it and it stanks, just chuck it. not worth it.

Fed pet Monitor bad chicken legs, see bad shits, Vet recommended antibiotics, gave it to him . It dies, later learn Vet lost two fingers because bitten by cat ?