Scrambled eggs

If you make anything but english style, you're retarded.

guess i'm retarded

heat up pan and oil until basically smoking or oil moves very easily

put eggs in and they cook in 15-25 seconds


Those eggs are -really- overcooked.

I use the "sheet" method, don't know what it's called in real life. I always mix a bit of heavy cream and a ton of parm cheese in and cook it with butter only on med-low heat.

Forgot to mention I also usually do 3 eggs and 2 extra egg yolks. GF really likes making whiskey sours so I end up saving a lot of egg whites for her.

>using a ton of butter and cream when making scrambled eggs

instantly lose any respect for someone who does this, especially Ramsay. Of course anything you layer that stuff on will taste great with minimal effort. It's like passing an exam when you have the answer key for 90% of the exam right next to you while you take it. It's cheating.

What is english style?

Crack two eggs into a sauce pan and add 1tbsp butter. Put the pan on the stove at medium head and keep stirring it until it is fully cooked. Take it off the heat and add a bit of milk or heavy cream to stop it from cooking. Add preferred spices, then serve on toast.

It has this rich, creamy texture and is fucking delicious.

oh that's what I do already lol. Agreed, it is the best.

>collaboration is cheating
>implying education standards aren't broken as fuck
>implying a heaping helping of creamy ooey gooey dairy-rich eggy goodness isn't delicious as fuck and you're just a crybaby

>What is english style?
bland, textureless food with cute sounding names

are you retarded? i said it's delicious to use butter and cream in scrambled eggs. but any sub 70 IQ hick from flyover land already could tell you that and does it already when they make eggs.

When Gordon Ramsay just says DUDE ADD A POUND OF BUTTER LMAO it just shows ignorance and lack of effort.

its like a chef saying if you want a tasty dessert, add a ton of sugar and butter to it in every step of the process. no fucking shit, simply sara or jack scalfani could tell me that.

>watches a self promoting lunatic in his spare time, while hating what said lunatic does. Codemns anons who most likely haven't even heard of the fuckwad, and most certainly aren't using his "recipes."

What alternative substances are you using, again?

>creamed eggs is scrambled eggs

fuckin plebs

Got to add chives and creme fraiche

>When Gordon Ramsay just says DUDE ADD A POUND OF BUTTER LMAO it just shows ignorance and lack of effort.

He says something to the effect of "use a good sized knob of butter" and you can see what he puts in isn't some insane, Paula Deen amount.

There are multiple videos of him making scrambled eggs. The original, iconic one is probably the most tame; He only uses about a tbsp for 3 eggs. In some others though, he adds more, and then additional butter once, sometimes twice even, later on during cooking. Gets kind of insane.

I don't like watery texture in my eggs.

I also prefer the more savory taste without milk/cream.

seems kinda weeby, but what's your technique?

He also does them with creme fraiche idiot.

Depending on my mood I either do English/Ramsey style with a ton of butter or Slavic style with onion on oil.

If it's not for breakfast I usually do them with a pepper and salami and cook them more, makes it more of a real food.

If you always cook them the same way you're retarded.

You're all gonna hate me, but I put some butter or olive oil in a pan and whisk some eggs and water in a bowl. I pour the eggs into the pan and form it into a solid mass.

I love making English style eggs but every time, my pots are so fucking horrible to clean. Like, it keeps me from ever wanting to make them cause the egg is stuck to the walls and takes a shitload of scrubbing to make any progress. What am I doing wrong? It's stainless steel pots and and I tried to cook them on the lowest heat even. I'm lost, help me.

What is this slavic style with onion? How are they cooked?

Don't you guys add anything to your eggs except for butter? I add onions, paprica, diced sausage if i have any, and you guys just shit over yourself about how you stir it

I cook myself some sausage, bacon or pancetta first. Then I pull out half of the oil before I toss in diced potato. After they're browned a bit, I add diced onion. Once it's done, I add the meat. Finish it up with a little cheddar or parmesan and add paprika, cayenne, S&P to taste.

After that, I take what's left of the oil and add it to the pan and cook two-three eggs in it IF I don't just poach my eggs. So fucking good. Sometimes I'll toss some spinach or kale into the hash or swap regular Yukons for sweet potatoes.

You're welcome to cook your eggs however you like.

I am, however, confused as to why you would choose that method as opposed to something different? What is your reasoning behind that technique? For example, for what reason would you not season the eggs? Why do you choose to use water instead of a more flavorful liquid like, say, milk or stock?

I'm interested in this as well.

I have this problem too.

It's simple, fry onion on oil, then add eggs and scramble. At the end season with salt, pepper and optionally sweet red paprika.

I called it Slavic style because I'm Slovak and that's how my mom taught me to do it and I remember reading a post by a Polish guy who does it the same way.

>watches a self promoting lunatic in his spare time, while hating what said lunatic does
Are you talking about Ramsay or Trump?

I just throw in some cornmeal flakes when the eggs are almost done.

I use basically the Jacques Pepin method, except I like my curds a little larger. In essence, you reserve about 1/4 of the whipped (well, forked, actually) eggs, and add them once the rest of the eggs are nearly done, which brings the temperature down and keeps the eggs from overcooking and becoming tough. You always end up with creamy, wonderful scrambled eggs. Sometimes I add a small splash of half and half to my eggs, sometimes I don't, but I always use enough butter to coat the pan. Not a metric fuckton, but enough so the eggs move around easily and take up a little buttery flavor. Once they're plated, I sprinkle a little sea salt or small flake salt over the top.

Huh, that's a damn good idea about reserving 1/4 of the egg until the end. I'm going to try that tomorrow.

How do you boil an egg scrambled?

I prefer mine firmer and with saute'd onion and bell pepper, and garnished with tomato, habanero pepper, and green onion.

I'm just not into butter and cream in my eggs.

>bell pepper
Are you Iberian or Latin American?


You'd have a blast with Spanish food, then. They use lots of bell peppers with their dishes in kinda counter-intuitive ways (like bell peppers with eggs).

And I'm going to try this next time.

>scrambled eggs

The fuck you doing son?

He uses oil and heats the pan beforehand, assume he likes them crispy.

Spanish chow uses a lot of tomato as well, right? If so, I'd be down for sure.

I really love saute'd onion and bell pepper, and can't think of a single protein they don't go well with and make taste better.

I toss in a bit of cumin, black pepper, and chilli powder in the eggs as well.

>cumin and black pepper in eggs
My nigga.

And yeah, they use tomatoes quite a bit too. Not as much as Italians, but still.

they're not crispy actually they're quite soft

English style is good. I like it. It's my preferred style of egg on toast, but you need country style for burritos and fried over-easy or over-medium for sandwiches.

>cooked harder with a bunch of vegetables
Bro, that's an omelette. omelette doesn't allow for the browning of the veggies, and that's what makes them taste so good.

Nothing wrong with an omelette, mind you, I just prefer my eggs prepared in a different way.

>in goes eggs
>constant stirring, really don't stop except to change direction

there you go nice and fluffy scrambled eggs

Same problem senpai. I got a nonstick pot, problem solved.


American-style scrambled eggs are
>sheet method

Thank you, comrade.

I am an American (born here) with pure polish heritage, and nobody taught me how to cook, but this is how I regularly cook eggs.

Sometimes I slice several thin layers off an onion, cook it in oil, then fry an egg on top - sometimes cracked, other times over easy - for a tasty sandwich between toast.

What if i cook them in a double boiler

I just made some great eggs.
Thanks user

Fuck yeah, glad you enjoyed it.

>I am an American (born here) with pure polish heritage
Poles are not Slavs, they are sarmatians, a turkic people like hungarians and finns.

t. Czech


what the fuck

Also, you're cooking a shit omelette, not scrambled eggs.

crack two eggs in mug
add a kraft single slice
put in microwave for one minute


>cook bacon
>remove from pan
>remove excess fat from pan
>pour in 4 scrambled eggs (3 if you are a woman or skelleton)
>move pan in circles on stovetop so the egg kind of swirls around in the pan untill eggs are 2/3 cooked
>throw bacon back in the pan and scramble eggs

This is my method and it works perfectly. You gotta use a good non stick pan though or else the egg will stick and the swirling will not work
