

>people not resizing their images


Home made macaroni and cheese?

Let's see how you make your roux.

>3.01 MB, 3024x5376

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sorry babes i formatted my phone and lost my editing capabilities

What you making?

>living in Australia

this kitchen blows I need a cutting board
bacon poblano mac

also why is every photo app full of filters but can't resize a photo wtf

your big bag of onions to other food ratio is off. What you gonna do with a huge bag of onions?

yes sir i bought a whole bag of onions just for this one dish
im actually prepping more onion and pepper than i need because i don't feel like doing it in the morning for breakfast



fuck this cheese is good

forgot to take a picture of the garlic
very fine mince on that though

the bacon is pretty bad on the other hand

which is fine

>huuur duuur i doxx u

this kitchen is hilarious

I drained a bit of the grease for another purpose, there should be plenty after its all said and done, if not I'll toss a knob of butter in no biggie

this is roughly half the onion and pepper I cut

getting there, a little concerned that I didn't render the bacon enough. probably nut up for the good stuff next time
hopefully this picture works out better
seriously if you know a good app let me know

Holy shit Veeky Forums's image server sucks my wiener now. These images are taking forever to load

yeah for sure
they look like shit too, they do not look like this on my phone

Vegetarian but hashes are my weakness

not too much now you hear!? i ended up doing about double this

keep going

there! now add some half and half

look at thickening power, i probably could have cooked the roux even a little longer if I had properly rendered the bacon cuz this is thicccc

fuckin cheese

get it all melty baby

more half and half, i ended up using about half a quart all together

dump it in your elbows bro

so this is the garlic and cilantro from before, just mixed with some of the bacon grease. the mince is everything especially on the garlic, you don't want big ol chunks of raw garlic (maybe you do idgafn)

yeah nigga yeah


hope you enjoyed fuckers
i'm gonna drink a bunch of vodka
if you got questions comments concerns
or just wanna talk shit
hit me up

Looks really good dude, nice job. Did you follow a recipe or you just played it by ear?