What is your worst habit involving food?

What is your worst habit involving food?

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I survive solely on coca cola and derivatives thereof

>mix cola with cherry liqueur
>mix cola with multivitamin juice
>mix cola with maple syrup
>mix cola with orange

crazy i know dont judge

OP isn't joking there are people who put milk on EVERYTHING.

I put MSG in like half the things I cook. It always feels like cheating, but damn it makes everything tasty.

One of my former friends LIVES on dairy products. I like a glass of milk with breakfast now and then but he was straight up disgusting. No matter what he was having for dinner he'd have a cube of cheddar cheese on the side.

Mayo and me are life.

And mustard.

I don't do a lot of cheese but I'll have 3-4 16oz glasses of milk with each meal

That's not good for you, dude

>he doesnt do GOMAD

touching my lips/nose/eyes/balls after cutting jalapeno

I work in a restaurant and have a habit of doing dirty thing with the waitresses.

I eat waaay to much fucking butter when I put butter on stuff.

Thankfully it's like the one unhealthy habit I even have.

>recently develop a taste for spicy things
>hear about memesauce
>try it out and like it
>now put it on almost everything I eat

I tend to overeat to the point where I feel sluggish and feel the need to sleep it off soon after. I do this at work and at home.

Why would the waitress wash the dirty dishes with you? Is she on probation or some shit?

Idk what it is, but milk is great with pizza.

Cheese/bacon/eggs at every meal. It's surprising how easily one, two, or all three of them can be worked into literally everything. My farts are atomic now bc of all the eggs.

Also ridiculous amounts of hot sauce on my food. It's not an everyday thing, but I go ham on hot sauce when I'm eating a bland family meal at work or if I'm eating mexican or tex-mex. Sometimes I'll even take a spoon straight to a jar of salsa...

I oftentimes browse Veeky Forums when i'm in bed before sleep, while looking for recipe ideas for the week . It never fails to make me hungry and then i go grab late night snacks.

possibly putting parmesan on anything remotely fitting
I'm pretty healthy these days and I don't want cholesterol to come along in 20 years and ruin that, or whatever else they found out is bad for you in cheese

your... balls?

you know, that might be my worst, except I use black or red pepper
I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt me anywhere except in the bathroom, but, it sure does hurt when it's bad

What does your shit look like?

I put about 1/2 - 1/3 a cup of sugar in a can of orange soda with a funnel.
I do it daily, I don't have any adverse health effects so I guess it's fine.

Wtf. It definitely has adverse effects man. Shit like that doesn't show up in a few months, in 20 years it will though.

I've been doing it for about 4 years, it can't be that bad.

Heart attack by 50

Cooking wise, I daftly cook everything on the highest heat and fuck up all my food / equipment.

Eating wise, I couple pizza with ketchup, overuse garlic in pasta sauces, and make typical English fuckoff sandwiches. The worst one of which is marmite, salad cream, and crisp sandwiches.


I bet you poop a lot. Those big fuckin toilet cloggers

You should try fishfinger and salad cream sandwiches . . .delicious.

I really like dipping bread in Italian dressing

I eat pizza from the dumpster several times a week

Like yours I guess, I would say I have indigestion problems sometimes though since my shit never just comes out nicely

I put tabasco on almost everything I eat.




Reheating my food. I'm always cold, so I'm really into my food being hot as fuck. I microwave wraps that are normally served cold, pizza, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, macaroni salad, my bowl of oatmeal immediately after cooking it on the stovetop. Sometimes I reheat the plate halfway through the meal. I guess it's sort of trashy but whatevs

I'm the same user, anything that I eat that is at lukewarm or below gets me freezing. I'm also a slow eater so I make multiple trips to the microwave.

I tear up my grilled cheese into bit sized pieces and eat it with ketchup.

80% of the time I'm too lazy to even microwave leftovers and just eat them cold.

I suppose youghurt.
I dont even know if this is a bad habit.
But yougurt fits so many things...
You can put yohgurt on pasta, grains, vegetables, really anything.
One can even make a fruit salad in yogurt, or dip some johgurt into soup (i have to admit, not into every soup).
Also, my family makes jogurt from milk and the trusty fungi colonies we brought back from our homeland.
Who hasnt eaten their cereal with iogurd once i their lives?
You should all just try to combine iugord more often.
Jugerd is the best

There are few things that taste as good as a glass of milk with a slice of hot, fresh pizza, but I would never think of combining the two on the plate.

Shoving a large spoonful of food in my mouth to get the right consistency. By the time I'm finished I'm not full so I eat more.

Probably eating cold/unheated food. I've gotten so used to shit coming out of the fridge that I barely ever cook for myself, and when I do, I let it cool to close to room temperature.

It's probably ruined my cooking for anyone else., and I don't use plates much - just grab a fork and eat standing in front of the fridge at my counter out of a container.

I eat out a lot, but even then, meals aren't all that "hot."

I don't clean up after myself.

Enjoy your stones

Literally everyone with habits like that thinks they're some kind of biological anomaly that's impervious to the long term damages of shitty diet.

I'm a student, and when something keeps me up late, you fucking bet I'm crashing 7/11 for taquitos / chili cheese dog

Also I like cutting open pizza pops and eating all the insides with hot sauce, then smearing hot sauce inside the pouch and eating it. Haven't eaten zapops in like a year though.

I like to put cayenne pepper on everything

Orthorexia, fasting and separating food stuffs into clean categories.

putting a ton of crushed red chili pepper flakes on nearly every meal i have

I hate that I do this so mich

Are you skinny too? I recently lost a lot of weight, and I wasn't overweight to begin with, so I think that's my problem.

This. Most ever without was 10 days in the last 15 years....

>it doesn't control me.

Eat more beans, potato skins and spinach.

You're anemic.

I'm autistic and cannot stand tomatoes/tomato chunks. If I'm eating a tomato-based soup, I'll scoop the chunks out.

I mix everything in my plate and make tacos.

Putting salt and pepper on the food, even before I tasted it. And I usually season my food good.

Wait until you get diabetes.

Mobile Suit Gundam?

I like to buy frozen bags of vegetables and just thaw them out in hot water and eat them raw.

With the cheese slices of costco pizza I like to remove all the cheese eat the crust, and then eat the cheese by itself

Me too

The testicles, user.

I lick herb+salt mix just as is from my hand. I suspect that my heart rate is high because of this.

Drinking Tabasco.

I instinctively put cream in practically any sauce I make and it takes actual effort to stop myself from doing so

It's 1 am, I have stuck to my calorie limit for the day and I'm fucking starving

binge/purge/eating disorder/anorexia

My nose was always stuffy as a kid so I developed chewing with my mouth open as a habit.

Everytime I use a condiment or sauce when cooking or eating most of the time there is a little bit left on the top of the bottle of whatever I was using and I've developed a really bad habit of licking it off. It's not really a problem if you live by yourself but I sometimes do it while I'm even cooking for other people completely forgetting. I want accidentally made the mistake of doing it right in front of someone.

I used to drink very sugary,milky tea, and my favourite to dunk in it was a plain tortilla wrap rolled up

oh my fucking god this made me lol so hard

I'm a major under-salter

I was sauteing some cabbage this morning and finally thought to taste my food throughout cooking. Ground what I thought was a crazy amount of salt, tasted it, nothing. Added some soy sauce and it was delicious.

I put sauce on most things, my family says I'm a dipper

Favorites though and I put it on most things
Ketchup and ranch, I seriously can't get enough, big fan of Frank's red hot and open pit BBQ sauce

Recently got a taste for thousand island dressing, shits money

i weigh and measure everything i eat
and eat the same thing everyday

>1 cup of coffee with 1 tablespoon of sugar and 4 tablespoons of unsweetened soy milk
>28 grams of cornflakes, 1/2 cup of rice milk
>2 slices of bread 25g each, 32g of peanutbutter
>2 cups of spaghetti 112g dry, 1/2 cup of sauce, 1 tbsp of parmesan

i've eaten like this everyday for at least 4 years since i left school

and yes i am a male

Bloody Hell, how does your body handle that much refined sugar?

You have either ritual based OCD or some form of disordered eating and should get professional help.

Not saying this to be a dick either.


Also I put old bay seasoning on almost everything I eat, except for stuff like cereal and icecream and stuff.

Eggs, Popcorn, Fries, Chicken and Almost all meats.

Basically everything savory or salty.

It's better with audio, he casts a spell when he throws the hammer. I wish I knew what it was called to link it, but I think I saw it in a /wsg/ ylyl thread.

Not him but 95% sure he's talking about Siracha

yeah im pretty thin, but I have also have bad circulation. My limbs will turn blue once in a while.


Peanut butter, raspberry jam, sharp cheddar, banana, and honey on toasted whole wheat.

Drowning food in either hot sauce or ranch

I can't eat pan pizza without cutlery.

full version is 10/10
also his other shit is bretty dank

I don't wake up early enough so I have a protein bar for breakfast basically every day I have work.

too many sandwiches, too much caffiene, and also just overeating in general

Used to have a cousin who put ice in her milk

like the fuck

i do the same thing sometimes because im too fucking stupid to judge proper cooking times so i'll often have part of my meal done like 15 minutes before the rest of it

>Dunking pizza and chicken products in ranch.
I've toned it down quite a but but God I love it when I do allow myself to have it.

>Parmesan on popcorn

I only do it every now and then with made at home popcorn.

I'm the same as you both with the microwave thing but I'm anorexic. If these aren't thinly veiled references to ED, you guys should probably go see your doctors and try to gain weight, it'll fix the issue

I drink too much soda, a lot of it is diet. That shit is not good for your health. It's really not good for your teeth... It shows.

i put a mixture of sweet and sour sauce and sriracha on everything.
also if there's any grain or starchy food on my plate such as potatoes, quinoa, rice, cornbread, etc, i tend to mix all my other food into it.

Sometimes late at night I will eat green olives and peanut butter together. Its delicious.

i cant have a sandwich without having crisps in it
i need that crunch

ham, cheese, mayo, salad, crisps is my favourite.

ill put any crisps in a sandwich, theyre all good and they all improve the taste and experience by a large amount

ill stuff crisps down the gaps in sausage rolls as well. i swear im a fiend or crisps, ill fit them in any crevice of savoury snacks

Whenever i eat pizza I usually eat the entire pizza instead of a couple slices