What does Veeky Forums think of him?

What does Veeky Forums think of him?

Is he really a good cook or just a good actor with a temper?

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Now he mostly is just an actor with a (mostly pretended) temper and an entrepreneur, but he is (or was at least) definitely a good cok imho

He was the former and is now the latter.

When was the last time he actually ran his own restaurants properly, in the kitchen day after day?


Confession time. I have grown to find Ramsay absolutely unbearable after watching numerous Marco Pierre White interviews and cooking videos. If we're really being honest Marco is the "father" here. I see so much of Marco in Gordon in the way he talks, his pointers, his dishes, everything. I also find the way Marco talks and cooks to be very relaxing. I won't lie I have spent up to an hour watching his interviews and cooking videos before I sleep. I find them very relaxing. He would make an excellent orator and the way he tells stories is incredible. He truly has a way with words. Marcos reputation of being this fierce monster is overblown by the media and I feel the Gordon is really just a cocky prick.

I feel the same way about Jacques Pepin. Superb chef, very nice soul, personable. Once you explore other chefs you'll grow out of Ramsay. I feel like he is "babies first chef" in a sense. Just a massive celebrity meme chef. A "chef" who really is not even a chef anymore. He has restaurants, he knows how to cook, but does he physically go into a restaurant daily and work in the kitchen? No he does not. Marco Pierre White turned in his 3 Michelin stars when he retired because he felt that if he retired but retained them, he would be living a lie of sorts. He truly is a better chef than Ramsay and much more respectable.


OP here. I just watched a video on Marco White talking about Ramsay and damn, his voice is so relaxing. I dont know when I'll grow out of Ramsay but hopefully its soon, he seems like a cuck now.

He was a beast in his time when he was still struggling under numerous chefs, but now he's just cashing in on shows. I still respect him for all his work.

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

He is a meme.He is just good at french cuisine


>"Because the quality of the king crab is so delicious, it doesn't need much more."
>proceeds to cover it with mayonnaise

What. the. fuck.

Didn't bother reading your post except for the first sentence. In response though, your assumption is quite wrong.

Keith Floyd is better than them all

great chef and restaurateur. Very entertaining Kitchen Nightmares is pure kino

Patrician Ramsay:

Boiling Point
Beyond Boiling Point
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (UK)

Decent Ramsay:

Hells Kitchen (UK)

Plebian Ramsay:

Kitchen Nightmares (US)
Hells Kitchen (US)


No Coming Back Tier:
Hotel Hell/Hotel Nightmares

would you agree?


The emotions and the conversation on UK kitchen Nightmares is just real. You can see real struggling business, people breaking down as they're not fit to be good cooks, things like that.

US Kitchen nightmares is just


Any idea where the lamb sauce might be, lads?


Although Kitchen Nightmares USA is still my guilty pleasure.

Maybe this has to do with americans being more self-absorbed and narcistic.

>The emotions and the conversation on UK kitchen Nightmares is just real. You can see real struggling business, people breaking down as they're not fit to be good cooks, things like that.
Not to mention Ramsay is FAR more chill in the UK Kitchen Nightmares. He still gets angry but whenever he does its usually a down to earth annoyance as opposed to the "YOU DID THIS FUCKING WRONG YOU'RE A GOD DAMN FAILURE" thing he plays up for American audiences.

One of my favorite episodes of the UK show is the one where he's helping the restaurant of a friend hire a new cook, and the whole episode is a very subdued "Ok, here's how the restaurant business actually handles these decisions". No screaming at the top of his lungs, just a guy showing off his knowledge of running a restaurant.


Nice and shilled

Good, its pasta


Watch the cooking show he did with kids.

kitchen nightmares USA is far more formularised


His origin story is mostly bullshit though

Are we talking about chefs or comic book characters?

fucking PORCODIO!

This lad knows

Beyond Boiling Point is tabloid trash

He makes a condiment, something that compliments crab. You don't have to use it, but it would be boring without. The mayonaise doesn't go all over the crabs so I fail to see the >implications you >implied.

Did you even watch the video?


That's sort of endemic to American television in general, though.

Compare UK produced nature documentaries to US ones for further examples.

Yep. It's clearly the fault of the producers rather than Ramsay.

>no ultimate cookery course


He is a good chef turned businessman. It was sad to see him fall.

He was a successful chef with numerous acclaimed restaurants before he became a tv personality.

tv just happens to be a lot more lucrative for your career and brand so that's where his focus went.

The longer you look at his picture, the more retarded it looks.

Pepin is absolutely without equal. White is really based too.

I like him

you guys need to settle down

Mostly agree, but he's not even an actor. He's a salesman.
White has some old man faults and seems to have given up somewhat as well, but his antics annoy me less than Ramsay. They're less contrived even though similarly painful to witness. And yeah, I think you're right about the cocky prick part. It's the difference in ego. White has to have a giant one, he just wears it better.

what the fuck is this

Is that how to basic? LEL


damn what a cool chef, puts egg shell in his dishes and doesn;t afraid of anything


Ramsey and his stuff are good but there are a lot more interesting and thought-envoking 'celebrity' chefs out there.

>old man faults
Would you like to further explain your opinion? I'm just curious what you think about Marco from saying that.

There's arguments here about which shows protray what sides of this guy are great and which are horrible, but it's important to remember producers and editors. Of course the American versions of his shows are retarded, could you expect anything more when it's productized that way?

The interesting thing to me is that there's footage of this guy from the start of his career until now. You can see the apprentice, you can see the the cockiness of his attitude when he finally gets to a place where's he's slightly above kitchen peon.

Then you see him shut the fuck down by Marco. Marco was right, he chose to cry. Ramsay learned a lesson that day and became an old man.

The problem with being an old man is that the past seems really far away. One forgets apprenticeship and learning.

However, GR is someone I can empathize with. I try and take my time with noobs. Like in the idiot sandwich scenario, the guy took his time, he had his patience, he didn't immediately explode. He lost it when he couldn't impart that listening and being humble was the actual lesson he was trying to impart. It gets frustrating when service is on the line and I can't blame him.

What I see in the end is someone who only gets upset for two reasons. First, when someone else has zero self respect and imparts it on a dining guest and second when someone is so retarded they can't understand "don't burn it for the 30th time". In the end, they're both self-esteem issues he gets upset about. You have to learn to know your role, do it well, and then you can get succeed. One needs to be broken sometimes, and we've seen him be broken on camera.


What about F-Word
It is tabloid nonsense, Scottish screaming and cooking
I go to his channel and look for the highlights

You should watch the Oxford interview with MPW if you haven't already. I do think Ramsay is an incredibly skilled chef, but my personal taste leads me to liking others much more.

If you like Jacques Pepin, then you have to watch Raymond Blanc. He has a whole series on that's now on youtube called how to cook well. You have to check it out. MPW used to work for Raymond and has said that Raymond has the best palate in the world.

I like Hotel Nightmares because one of the episodes was shot in the small town I live in

When people say
>stopped reading there
I always think that it's not in protest, pride, or disregard but rather just a base and selfless opportunity to shit post.

But honestly when I saw the word "productized", I lost every shred of respect for your post and your opinions. Even if English is not your "lengua madre". You need to start googling every word that isn't cat or dog so you don't waste people's fucking time with your idiotly worded bullshit.

I actually think productized is a word, alby it, not a very common one. But you would not use it in that meaning and not with a condition of "that way" afterwards.

Eat only oatmeal for a week and save up for a fucking dictionary.

Kitchen Nightmares UK is the only show of his I've watched and enjoyed, but I think it's great.
Like, the very first episode of the first season, where the "chef" is some dumb kid who can't tell beef from fish, Ramsay still tries to genuinely help him.

>don't waste people's fucking time with your idiotly worded bullshit
>idiotly worded bullshit

Maybe you should follow your own advice?
>Eat only oatmeal for a week and save up for a fucking dictionary.

>that camerawork

this. Tbh I always thought the businesses and 'staff' in the US series were just actors and sets and that the whole thing was staged, at least in comparison to his UK series'

I live near where one of the restaurants was.

I never bothered eating there because it was mexican food and there's loads of that shit here.

By the time I saw the episode about it on TV reruns, the place was already closed down and replaced with a burger place

Which also failed

olive oil


He's a child with no depth of character, good cook and salesman though.

Don't confuse the man with the TV personality

The way he talked in glee about stealing his own book of reservations to cast suspicion on Marco even after he was already much older was just cringey.

Either he and Marco are putting on a very good and long lasting rivalry act for TV and it's all part of that, or he really is a bit of a child.

a nice mix of both

more like a bad mix

The tendency for old guys to not care about things, go through crisis, those sorts of things. I intend to die young, so take it with a grain of salt.


Caps Kun

Dude this rabbit hole is going so fucking deep like holy shit

>alby it

He's not a good cook... his restaurants focus on good ingredients, not good technique, and even on that they fail as they were serving frozen foods at like a 600% mark-up a few years ago. Nor is he a particularly good actor, given that his range of emotions is roughly two. He remembers some quips his writers give him and then just goes.

What he is GREAT at is marketing and self-promotion. He's a goddamned genius at that. Excellent business man; he fucked over his father-in-law for cash, organized a heist of his own guest book and recipe book at his first restaurant so he could make the papers and generate flow via sympathy there.

But no, the man is shit at food. Just watch a few episodes of Kitchen Nightmares and realize his solutions almost always involve ground beef in some form.

>his restaurants focus on good ingredients, not good technique, and even on that they fail as they were serving frozen foods

So? Jiro's fish are frozen too, only the result counts.

You're right about that, except for the fact that Ramsay publicly stated for years, repeatedly, how he hates restaurants that do this, how it cheats customers, how he'd always serve "fresh, clean, good" ingredients, etc.

And then it turns out that he was, in fact, a liar.

You seem to be ignoring context.

He would only serve "fresh clean good" ingredients in the context of fine dining. We're talking restaurants with michelin stars here.

That's not the same thing at all as a PUB, which is where the frozen food was being served.

For some reason people seem to miss that fact.

Have you been to social eating house or the Savoy? Because there is some serious technique going on.

No its because that's what americans want to watch so that's how the show is made

Why's he always honing his knife?

He personally earned 3 Michelin stars as head chef of his own restaurant. He is a "good cook" by any possible objective standard.

masterful meme my main man

keep it straight lah

I'm not sure if this is standard practice, but I was taught to always use a steel both before and after service.

haha okay now i have to say this video is pretty epic i didnt even notice the eggfails :D

this loses its charm without the sound
>that I want that

he's both

cause you are suppose to

>alby it
Top quality spicy bait

He's pretty obviously the 2nd greatest chef to ever live, behind Robuchon.

MPW is a jealous chump.

He jumps around to much like a monkey

>UK nature documentaries
"The lion is, essentially, a big cat, and it shows. When it has spotted its prey, it waits..."
[shot of gazelle unaware that it's about to be killed]
"and it pounces."
[shots of lions killing and dragging the gazelle back to the pride]
"It's a hearty meal, and the lion's share goes, of course, straight to the father of the pride himself."

>US nature documentaries
[orchestral hit]
[dramatic zoom as lions wait to pounce]

[shot of lion jumping]
[shot of gazelle looking into the camera terrified]
[back to lion]
[lion bites gazelle in the neck, killing it]

[gratuitous zoom-ins on the gore as the carcass is being devoured by the pride]


Ultimate cookery and Home Cooking are peak Ramsay.

Post it with sound

enjoying your first month on Veeky Forums, lad?

hehe, you said cock

have any of you guys ever eaten at Hell's Kitchen? Is the foid any good


webem's with sound don't work on this board pleb.

He's a fucking hack

He says you can mix Extra Virgin Olive Oil with butter to keep butter from burning on high heat.....wtf

