I'm a fucking poorfag who eats pinto beans with white rice most days. What can I add to give it some flavor...

I'm a fucking poorfag who eats pinto beans with white rice most days. What can I add to give it some flavor? I've already done fire oil, but it doesn't really do much.

try getting a job

Take some Diablo sauce from taco bell. Don't mix it in, just put on top.

I have a job. I'm just on a really tight budget, because of several things to pay off.

inb4 op is white neckbeard, hillary loving, handout supporter, cuck who doesn't want to work for anything in life.

I don't get this rice and beans meme. Canned vegetables? Root vegetables? Oats? Frozen vegetables? Butter, flower, stock powder? So much cheap shit out there wtf is this rice and beans only.


damn she's beautiful. looks pretty similar to a girl at my work

Buy some goddamn chicken thighs at $.90/lb or whatever and season the shit out of them with equal parts kosher salt, granulated garlic, paprika and cumin (black pepper optional), sear that shit for nice color and pop 'em in the oven till done. Buy some fuckin' yellow onions and bell peppers and saute them with whatever spices you like plus salt (not optional). Add rice and beans and now you have a balanced meal on a budget.



90c per lb

>implying poor people can afford electricity to power an oven

Thank you.

You're not just supposed to put plain beans on top of plain rice, for fuck's sake.

Cook out some onions with some spices and tomato paste, then add beans and crush a few for starch before adding stock and mixing for a thick sauce to go over your rice.

How are people this retarded? Rice and beans isn't a dish that is literally just boiled plain rice and beans. It's supposed to be boiled in a stock (chicken works best for most purposes) at least. Normally then combined with onions, tomatoes, garlic at bare minimum.

I've never heard of people eating beans and rice that's just plain rice and plain beans. The closest thing to that is plain rice but then people spend literally 8-12 hours making the beans to put on top of the rice.

fry some grits and garlic with butter and put it over the rice and beans, also add a fried egg

OP, it's called "sofrito" and a good latina cook will make a big batch from scratch one day of the week, park it in the fridge, use a couple heaping Tablespoons as a meal starter and use it all week for the beans and meats for dinner. You can buy Goya brand sofrito or recaito as pictured, since for _some_ people who aren't cooking for more than 1 person, or not that often, and no yard to grow herbs, that the really good stuff, the culantro and raw garlic, might add some $$$ to the grocery bill when bought very infrequently. But, fresh is of course better.

A good pot of beans, whether Southern, cajun, latino, caribbean style, or even indian-asian, will always start with some oil in the pan, where onions, garlic and maybe even some shallots are lightly cooked, before some spices go into it, from tomato paste to cumin to warming up some more powerful stuff, from ginger to hot chilies. And, there are distinct combinations of flavors that signal each regions cuisine. You get some bay leaves tucked into a nice cuban black bean soup or cajun red beans. Might get a pinch of sugar in the form of piloncillo or brown sugar, might get some copious handfuls of chopped herbs like culantro or cilantro, could be some salt pork in there, or sausage or bacon, don't even have to use that much. I link of sam's club natural smoked sausage will overpoweringly flavor a whole pot of red beans.

Most beans and rice dishes you see, turtle pigeon peas, gallo pinto, whatever, are slow simmered dried beans you can park in a crock pot all day, and then you fold it into the rice, such as with moros y cristianos "moros" cuban style, as well as gallo pinto. The rice is indeed cooked separately, and typically plain, maybe with some olive oil in there or some amount of garlic or onion. The beans need to get saucy and break down with itself, or it just makes the rice kind of mealy tasting and over cooked. Fold it in later.

Know what brightens up a nice beans OVER rice? Salsa.

I assume you're using dry beans because they're much cheaper and better than canned. If you're not, then you're a fool so disregard this post.

For 1 lb of beans add a chopped onion, a couple chopped hot peppers, and several cloves of garlic. Also add 2 or 3 smoked turkey necks or 1 ham hock. Those meats are very cheap and will add a ton of flavor to the beans.

Ketchup is pretty cheap I think. I make really lazy baked beans with it sometimes.

>rice and beans

Pic related is your savior. Really gets some flavor going. Also buy whatever meat/veg you can afford to add to your rice and beans. Onion, peppers, chicken, sausage, etc. Even hot dogs. But chipotle tabasco can make plain rice and beans tasty.

t. former poorfag

msg and aspartame.

That looks fucking disgusting, more like rice slop.

You should be using HP sauce with your beans.

Never seen this thread before

Much appreciated!

Curry powder. Tomato paste. Boullion. Whatever other spices you like. Etc.

ugh, fuck off

Cumin, thyme, dried chilli powder, garlic.

Here's a nice Spanish recipe for you poorfags: Fabada Asturiana.
Here's the ingredients:
Country ham
Chopped onions
Minced garlic
Great northern/navy beans
And here's the recipe:
1) Fry the bacon on a pan
2) Sautée the onions and garlic until golden, using the bacon's grease on that same pan.
3) Add the chorizo and country ham to the pan.
4) Go throw the chorizo, ham, onions, garlic, and bacon over to the pot of yet-to-be-cooked beans.
5) Let the beans simmer for about 1.5-3 hours with a lid on.
Wait, what do you mean by "Chorizo is expensive as fuck where I live."?

How about black beans?
You can put together a stuffed pepper for pretty cheap with a bell pepper, black beans, yellow rice and optional small helpings of any other vegetables you want.
You can also get like 20 tortillas for $3, so that's an easy bean meal.