Tipping is mandatory now?

Here's your fried testicles extra crispy! Just the way you ordered. That will be $13.58 your tipping right???.

Waitresses and waiters do the job I don't wanna do. They also live off tips and I can respect that. A lot of them live paycheck to paycheck. If I was in a position where I had to be a waiter, I would hope people would be kind. Even if the server messes up, or doesnt come by all the time, I still leave a nice tip. 50% is the minimum I tip.

I know it's a meme to not tip but always tip a solid 12-18% unless the service is obviously bad. The worst service I've had I'll tip a dollar, but to be fair I've never really had that bad service.

Do you guys actually not tip?

>complaining about paying an extra

I only tip at one restaurant, mostly because I've been eating there for years and ive never had a bad meal or subpar service there. Plus their beer selection is top tier.

>it's a meme not to tip
yeah it's pretty ridiculous how all these "alpha" wannabes are actually just impotent whining manchildren. But hey, guess that's what red pills will do to you

I got drunk in a bar and left a 60% tip a few weeks ago. I really should go back and see if I get good service or not.

>this post
What a fucking gutmensch

sorry Hitler I didn't mean to irritate you

>You should just not go to a restaurant if you can't afford to pay 15% more than the meal already costs
Companies jewing their employees and expecting the customers to pay twice is pretty fucking crooked. If I wanted to give money to charity I could do that, or I could give it to beggars on the street. They are there to do a job, and the company ought to pay them for that. The fact that people are desperate enough to be abused by their overlords does not make it right. America sucks desu

I usually tip like two bucks when I go out with my friends, mainly because everyone else also tips about the same amount. You make like 8 dollars a table for about 20 minutes of work, seems ok to me, seeing as the last job I had was 15/hr for working constantly the entire hour.

Here in Oregon servers make minimum wage + tips and most restaurants split the tips between the back and front of the house you all just live in shit states.

>it's a meme to not tip

It's a first world thing actually.

If I'm eating out,I have enough money to tip. The only reason I won't tip is if my server is an asshole.

>Impotent manchildren don't eat

I tip 100% on my first beer on tip day, 20% when adequate, 10 to 15% if there's a problem (and I will inform the server of the problem), and on the rare occasion that something heinous happens I have gone without tipping. There's no fucking way I'd tip 50% regularly.

I work off tips but honestly if I know the service wasn't as good as it should be I'm not bothered if I'm not tipped 'well'.

Tip pools are the fucking worst though, glad I don't have to deal with that shit for the most part. Cocktail bar I used to work at used that method and one of our servers was the absolute worst. Not covering his section properly while trying to take orders from the other server sections causing the rest of us to look like we didn't know what we were doing. And still made the same amount as the rest of us on the floor.

Nice method. I tend to go with a simple method of $1 per beer or straight shot of liquor, $2 off cocktails. Only fuck with percentages when it comes to food, but generally at least $2 when the meal is less than $10.

i dont go out to eat, if i do tip its to the next highest dollar so i dont get change back. order is 16.38, ill pay 17

Onpy niggers dont tip though

In the UK 10% is standard - though serving staff are paid more reasonably than in America. It's a different model.

tipping is payment for the service of being waited on, if you don't want to tip then you walk up to a counter, order your food, then take your own food back to your table.

I thought waiting was the job they were paid for? Can I opt out and just go up to the till? I don't need their help. I'd rather minimize social contact rather than talk to some dumb kid anyway

>if you don't want to tip then you walk up to a counter, order your food, then take your own food back to your table.

everyone would be fine with this

I work in service so I'm conscientious of tipping...

but I'm going to stop tipping bad service, which I consistently get from female bartenders especially when I'm in the south

>bad service in the south

I can't think of anything off the top of my head that's good about the south. The ubiquitous white trash are exactly as bad, if not worse, than the blacks.

t. mississippi resident

We dont tip in first world countries unless the service is good or we're feeling generous

It turns out poor people don't get raised well.

Middle-class people from the Midwest and South seem to be alright.

I ain't never going back to NYC, though.

The whole point of tipping is to encourage waiters to not just treat the job as doldrum and be considerate of their guests. Tipping = you did a good job at making me feel welcome.

No tip = You either were terrible at your job or only did the bare minimum and tried to get out as fast as possible.