Beer general

Checked the catalog and didn't see a beer thread, so, I decided to make one

What are you drinking? What are you looking forward to? Post anything and everything related to beer in this thread

Pic related is what i'm drinking at the moment; a classic Dunkel from a brewery that has yet to let me down

Other urls found in this thread:

Recently started to get into Witbier. I like the clean crispness, the citrus and spices, the vaguely weed-like smell. Call me a faggot but Witbiers just make me really happy. I've had some of the basics like Blue Moon - what are some others I should be on the lookout for?

Bumping, let's talk beer you co/ck/suckers

A 12-pack of Yuengling Black & Tan. For $6. Not bad at all.

Tonight I had Prairie Americaner. Delicious and vaguely reminiscent of a tart cider. Love it in the 4 pack but the single has better art. Sitting on Dinosmores from Off Color, barrel aged Ten Fiddy, Surly Darkness, Dogfish Head 120 minute, and Half Acre Navaja. Navaja will go quickly but I don't know when I'll break open the others.

The benefit of working at a Binny's is I get all these things saved for me, even though I only work two days a week. I constantly get great beer. This Friday I'll be getting Goose Island's Bourbon County line just waiting for me. I don't know which to buy, since they're all expensive as fuck. I'll be there before the place opens and I'll be barging past the people waiting at the door since 6am to clock in and pick and choose who gets what and how much. It's strange, alright.

Which bourbon county should I save for myself?

Who /VB/ here

Oh, and we've been sitting on it since last Friday. I helped load it into our warehouse. It's always fun sitting on a beer until it's released. All the bourbon county just sitting there all pretty. We got cases on cases of it. I just don't like blowing over 20 dollars a bottle on principal, but how do I say no to such a rare beer?

Did you know if you buy local rare beers, you can travel to distant breweries and trade up? A guy at another binny's was talking with me about how he took a few cases of Pipeworks and Three Floyds beers across the county with his son. They traded at every brewery they visited and got ridiculous deals. I definitely want to do that over the summer. Gotta get the popular shit, not the good shit though. A case of zombie dust will net you a fuck ton of good beer, even though it's not that great itself.

I really don't get the appeal of Three Floyds. They're assholes when I met em. Really up their own asses.

Posted this in the last thread but it had hit bump limit on the pruning train.

>I really don't get the appeal of Three Floyds. They're assholes when I met em. Really up their own asses.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me

This is sometimes true but the experience and Beer are phenomenal. I live within literal walking distance (although I would rather take a 3-5 minute drive) from 3F and go all the time. 90%~ of the time the servers are great and attentive. The bad experiences I have had are always with the same person.


Recently had a Green Man Porter, and within my admittedly limited beer experiance, it was phenomenal. Smooth, viscus, it was like liquid silk. Plus it was at a bar that didn't card me.

puked VB a few weeks ago so switched to MB. Pretty good.

Bought sol hunter from Toppling Goliath yesterday. Will probably open it up this weekend sometime. Their beer and labels are rad.

Anyone here gonna grab Bourbon County Stuff on Black Friday this year? I'm debating it considering how Goose Island fucked up with their infected batches and the recall.

I'd grab founders lizard of koz before I picked up a BC.


>A saison winter bro

the absolute fucking madmen

Interesting beer. Pours like orange soda. Tastes like a pumpkin flavored amber ale. Not much head. 8.4% ABV is just enough to feel it but not enough to taste it.

Based North Carolina. Green Man makes some pretty great beer. Currently drinking Cold Mountain from Highland. I always stash several 12 packs when it comes around since it sells out like crazy.

Pumking is tasty, but so is a lot of beers from Southern Tier. Creme Brulee fucking rules.

I don't care what anyone says, I enjoy this stuff. It's the one dessert beer I'll buy.

As a lager drinker, I've only started dipping my toes in ales. Gone through 20 different brands so far, but apparently ale supposed to be room temperature.

I tried that, it sucks. I drink my ales cold as I can get them, only problem is if I want an ale when I'm out it'll always be warm. I can't be the only one?

Allagash White is my personal favorite (8/10 from a bottle, 10/10 on draft).
Dogfishhead's Namaste is 7/10
Lagunitas Stoopid Wit is 6/10

What do you think of Lagunita's IPA?

S'okay. For the money ($10/6) I prefer Sierra Nevada (kinda wish they'd do a wit)

It's the first one I've had from them, I liked it but I probably wouldn't have it as a daily drinker. Definitely fits the season for dessert though. Nice flavor and strong enough to get a little buzz going.

I've had other pumpkin beers and I agree this one is the best I've had yet.

My favorite beer of all times is Alaskan White on draught. The bottle I had of it was nowhere near as good for some reason. Ballast Point's Wahoo is pretty good as well.

Tastes just like last years.

Namaste was weird. I guess it's because I didn't know what to expect from it. Not bad, just weird.


>A winter saison

fucking ballsy

it's not bad tho, heavy banana notes

Never understood the appeal. Cold Mountain was always way too sweet, and I like a little bit more booze in my winter beers. Not exactly a bad beer, but the recipe could use some tweaking.

Where the hell are you at? Here in the states, ales are always served cold. Even belgians should be served at a bit below room temperature, but never warm.

all of them. if you don't want any just resell them for profit. the coffee and barleywine are both good. which binnys you at? hook a fu/ck/er up, I'll buy them off you if you're near the city

I can stand sweet in winter beers for some reason, but I can understand why it could be overrated, especially being that it needs more alcohol. They released a version which was an Imperial version at 8.0%, but only in a limited batch. Still, I like it. It's cozy to drink, but I won't hop on the bandwagon and say it's the best beer in NC.

OP here, checking back in

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Drinking pic related, one of my absolute favorite beers; a robust vanilla porter with subtle coffee notes. It clocks in at 10% but it goes down smooth, highly recommended

had the single malt BA version of that, tasted like straight whiskey

I have a thing for hobo quality beers, you know the ones with ridiculously low price you find in discount supermarkets.
I don't actually like them ofc, they're horrible, but I am addicted to the thrill of opening them, taking a sip without knowing how strange the taste will be.

Last week I found the masterpiece:
>75cl beer, 3.5% alcohol
>they knew so well the beer was shit that they didn't even bother with glass bottles or cans
>had a tin foil around the cap for some reason
>fill a glass with it
>faint ambered color, not like normal blonde beer, way more clear and watered down
>I take a sip
>tastes like fucking RUST
>no aftertaste, nothing, just rust
>tastes like licking a rusty nail
>leaves the same sensation of eating spinach or other Iron rich foods
>drink the whole glass just to be sure
>definitely rust, cannot identify any other taste
>throw the rest of the bottle away even if it's mostlu full
>mouth feels rusty all day
>intense stomach pain for the rest of the week
10/10 probably the beer that tastes less like beer than I ever found.
it even beat the banana beer I found last year

ITT: shit taste

here's your (you)

Best canned beer there is!

Really? I found this beer severely lacking any qualities that should make it cost over 10$ a 6 pack.

This thread reminds me I'm a poorfag that can't spend 5 dollars on a small bottle of beer.

My favorite is probably Samuel Smith, an old English brewery.

more like "recht Kater"

Got some Hobgoblin Gold in the fridge for this evening, cheap as fuck and tastes way better than the usual offerings in that price bracket.

Beer and whisky is the best combination in life, going to get some Laphroaig 10 out too

This was surprisingly good

Where did you get the glass?

Is this a tea glass? And where's the head?

Had some really good ipas tonight. Started with this straight Mosaic one. Very good!

Latest batch of this one for me. Insane ipa.

And last out in the trio is the most bitter one, still for an ipa not all that bitter, more sweet tropical fruits than anything else really!

>sweet tropical fruits
Tell me more. Is this a good summer beer?

Highland Cold Mountain is the epitome of "scarcity value"

I used to work at an Ingles in Asheville, and every year sometime late November we'd receive a shipment of Cold Mountain. Last year's shipment was a pallet of 12 packs and a pallet of 22 oz. bombers, totaling over 10k wholesale. Both pallets would be gone within 5 hours. We even had to put a limit on the amount you could purchase after this one chick bought 24 12 packs at $20.99 a piece.

Quite frankly, it became disgusting seeing people act the way they did about Cold Mountain. I'm a fan of capitalism and all, but I watched people halve their net worth over this fucking beer. It's ridiculous.

I work a few hours away from Asheville now, and our store received 3 cases of 12 packs and 3 cases of bombers. I put it out on the floor and went back to make a sign. By the time I brought back the sign, it was all gone.

It is almost 7% abv so not a thirst quencher for most people, but the taste is summery for sure. Like a light fruit drink, just with the twist of being beer.

anyone go to any beer releases today?
Got some of this stuff from Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee

Heading to a local place now. They're tapping a 2015 keg of their imperial stout. It was pretty hoppy fresh so I'm curious to see what a year did to it.
Good grab, btw. Lakefront rules.

We /pumpkin/ now

Get mad

never fan of o'fallons, they did however this year brew a "jack o latte" brew that was pretty good

hows the count orlock? never heard of it

So tonight I had a flight of
>Surly Hell
Reminded me of several German Pils I've had. Light with just a little bit of malt. Pleasant beer.
>Founder Harvest
Overwhelming hoppes bitterness. It was tolerable.
>Toppling Goliath Biter Double IPA
Bitter and tasted burnt. Not a big fan.
>Lakefront "My Turn" Latif
Dark and heavy. Chocolatey with toasted malt flavor. The heaviest at 10.4% ABV and you could feel it. Pretty nice stuff. Easily my favorite of the bunch.

Topping off the night with Willett Bourbon and a cigar.

Are there any good unhopped ales that can be commonly found in supermarkets?

Of beers, I've enjoyed Newcastle Brown Ale and some of the darker Belgian stuff. But I can't drink more than 3/4ths of a bottle before getting sick.

Drinking this. 2014 Pugachev's Cobra, I accidentally threw the bottle away. Too lazy to get it from the trash bin. Really chocolate forward, small amount of vanilla, medium bourbon (two years of age does that I guess), some mole sweetness. It's pretty damn good.

Definitely one of the best BA stouts. People cream themselves over BCBCS but scoff at any Big Bag Baptist. It's better imo. Good taste.

>no Southern Tier in CA
I cri evertim

Have you tried the coconut variant yet? It's delicious.

Bevog, any of them.

Hell is a Helles lager. I've never had a pilsner that tasted like Surly Hell.

Troegs Mad Elf.

Helles Lagers and Pilsners taste pretty similar, as most lighter lagers do

Picked this up last night on a whim. I read about Gose a few months ago in an alcohol magazine while at work, so I had to see what it was like.

>posts pumpkin beers
>immediately defensive

Its like you hate yourself or something

No, they really dont.

I've been drinking a lot of St. Peter's cream stout, lately. Good stuff.

It's...interesting. I would describe it as sour lemon-lime beer. It had just a hint of saltiness I thought. 4.2% ABV was pretty light.

My uncle described it as "Theraflu Beer".

the difference is extremely subtle

Sierra Nevada otra vez is better

I am in a sour mood right now. Breaking out some nice but not too expensive ones.

Paradox Mangozacca
Almanac White Label
Crooked Stave L'Brett D'Or Dry Hopped

This Almanac White Label has to be my favorite sour from them so far, just absolutely delicious. I may have to buy another one.

Quick question, should I get Allagash black, dubbel or trippel?

D - All of the above

Had Negra Modelo yesterday. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting.

Why does beer look and taste so damn delicious?

Is there anywhere to get good beer in England?

I've tried Brewdog but everything I've had form them just tastes of hops.

This was on offer at my local shop, so I bought 10

Absolutely love it, probably my favourite beer


Fuck 3 Floyd's. Their beer is good tier, but not that great. People only like it because it's hard to find outside of the area. Plus, the people that work in the brewpub are total dicks.

Three Floyds is pretty good, and easy to find in Milwaukee where I live, but their prices are absurdly high. I'll drink it on tap where it is usually more normal priced but its pretty tough to justify spending $12 on a 22oz bottle of their stuff at the grocery store when equivalent beer is being sold in $9 six pack

It's good.

Favorite beer from them.

>Victory beer
Double plus good my fellow prole

Maudite is also top-tier beer.

Hit up my current favorite brewery over Thanksgiving weekend (pic related).

Sucks it's almost impossible to find their good beers fresh even just a few hours away.

Soccer ball guy do you have a untapped profile? Just sayin id follow you.

Bought some of this yesterday, pretty good, a little pricey though

Yesterday I had pic related. Slightly weird hop. Didn't live up to the hype, but wasn't terrible.

And after that I had this one. Sweet but yet light and fresh. A good winter / Christmas Belgian.

Maybe our palettes are just different but I got this a couple years ago and loved it. It had a surprising orange flavor to it.

If you ever have the opportunity, try the Coco Loco Toasted Coconut brown ale from Kona Brewing. I had it on tap at their Kona brewpub a while back, and it was delicious. A little sweet for the style, but it was a really creamy, delicious, coconutty beer.

I think it may be one of their limited offerings only available on location though, so it might be difficult to track down. They have another coconut beer called Koko Brown that's available bottled on the mainland, so easier to get, although not quite as tasty. Still very good though.

I loved this weird ass hop. Loved it so much I bought the 22oz at a bar and split it with my sister.

Anyone try Pipeworks Pistachio Abduction yet? Holy fug man it's so good. Cocoa nibs and pistachios work so well together in a stout. They were restrained enough in their usage to keep the beer very interesting instead of punch your face powerful. 9/10.

anyone got any good Sour or sour-style reccomendations? Aunt Sally is my favorite beer but I cant seem to find it by me right now

Schell's berliner weiss

Any way to obtain this beer? tried using their beer locator and it didn't have the option for star of the north

Come to minnesota

b-but i like chicago